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569, Appropriate soldiers and horses (2/2)

"Have you finished the wine?"

Chilong Zhenren stood up, patted the dust behind his butt, looked down at the bamboo cup in Su Wu's hand, and saw that there was still more than half of the rice wine in the cup: "You don't like drinking?

He is also a boring person.

Pour the wine back into the gourd."

He gave Su Wu a few instructions, then turned around and walked to the cart parked in the corner of the ruined temple. He opened a bundle from the cart, took out a small bundle, and handed it to Su Wu: "You are tall.

Taller than me.

My Taoist robe should be suitable for you to wear.

——This is made by a tailor based on a pattern that is one size larger than mine."

Su Wu took a bundle of clothes from Master Chilong. He untied the bundle and saw that it was all purple and gold, with silk piping. The clothes were embroidered with Tai Chi Yin and Yang diagrams, dragons, phoenixes, turtles, snakes, and various clouds.

Fu Lu's Taoist robe, snow-white lining, a five-direction and five-old crown, and a pair of white-soled and high-cut official boots.

Seeing this set of clothes, Su Wu frowned and said, "These clothes were made for the high-ranking Taoist priests in the sect, the master. Is this what I wore when I first became a disciple of the master?

I’m afraid it’s inappropriate.”


Then he handed the clothes back to Master Chilong.

Chilong Zhenren looked at Su Wu and grinned, but did not reach out to pick up the clothes. Instead, he said: "I feel extremely uncomfortable wearing these clothes. It feels like I have grown hair all over my body. All year round, I am not sure what to wear."

Wear it once.

Now that I give it to you, it will be used as waste.

Just leave the five-party and five-old crown and the pair of black patent cloth-covered official boots.

Just wear your clothes!"

Seeing that Su Wu refused to accept it, Master Chilong glared: "I haven't worn this set of clothes, so I can give it to you to wear. Could it be that I asked you to mend the underwear with holes in it and wear it long ago?"

Can I give you some old Taoist robes that fit you nicely?

That is absolutely impossible!

The clothes are not as good as old!

Just wear this outfit!"

"My clothes are suitable for me, but I feel uncomfortable wearing these clothes.

After sitting by the fire for a while, my clothes have been dried." Su Wu said.

"I will open a magic altar later to allocate troops and horses for you.

It's not decent and inappropriate for you to wear such clothes on the altar - how can you not bathe, burn incense, and change your clothes when you see ghosts and gods?" Master Chilong stopped looking at Su Wu, pushed the cart outside the ruined temple, and raised his head

Without looking up, he said to Su Wu: "Let me put it this way, if you really don't want to wear these clothes, then throw them into the fire and burn them to ashes!"

He has already said so,

If Su Wuruo really threw this custom-made Taoist robe for the master of ‘Youzhou Lushan’ into the fire,

I'm afraid that Chilong Zhenren will have a fight with Su Wu on the spot in this ruined temple.

Su Wu sighed. He didn't believe that Master Chilong didn't understand what these clothes represented. But the other party insisted on it, so he could only "be respectful than obey orders" and immediately took off the coarse cloth clothes that had been dried and were in tatters.

The rotten inner garment was replaced from the inside out with the brand new Taoist robe in the bag.

Putting the coarse cloth clothes he took off on the branches set up by the fire, Su Wu suddenly thought of a question - if he was a disciple of a Taoist altar in Lushan, Minjiang, why was he not wearing a Taoist robe, but instead wearing a peasant uniform?

The coarse cloth clothes that you often wear?

Are the Taoist disciples wearing such ordinary clothes?


In fact, Chilong Zhenren also guessed the origin of the ‘original body’ incorrectly?

Didn’t the original body come from a certain Minjiang Lushan Taoist Taoist altar that was wiped out by the ‘Piaowu Taoist altar’?

So where did the original body come from?

Questions flashed through Su Wu's mind one after another.

Master Chilong outside the door shouted: "Liu Linglang, build an altar."

But I saw a dark wind blowing across,

The cart was immediately reorganized into a table.

Candles were lit on the table, painting scrolls were propped up, and various magical instruments were arranged in rows.

Master Chilong turned around to see Su Wu in the temple.

Su Wu put aside his thoughts and walked out of the ruined temple.

He was dressed in a purple Taoist robe, and his clothes were embroidered with complicated and confusing patterns. The Tai Chi Bagua diagram was located in the center of his chest and abdomen.

When ordinary people wear clothes with such complicated patterns, they will look stubby, like a water tank. However, Su Wu is tall and tall, and the clothes seem to be tailor-made. When he wears them, they should hold up.

All the unfolded parts are stretched out, which immediately gives people a sense of coercion of "high morals, dragons and tigers, high virtues, ghosts and gods".

Chilong Zhenren saw Su Wu walking towards him,

He nodded and said: "It really fits, it really fits."

The former sentence means 'fit', and the latter sentence means 'suitable'. Both words are preceded by the word 'surely'.

He spoke like this, as if he had known about Su Wu for a long time, knew the other person's stature, specially ordered this robe of the master of the Youzhou Lushan Sect, and gave it to Su Wu now!

Su Wu and Master Chilong looked at each other.

Chilong Zhenren turned around, faced the altar, grabbed a handful of incense sticks as thick as his arm, lit it on the candle, and let the green smoke curl up, he suddenly said loudly: "The flag is rising, the beacon smoke is moving!

Invite thousands of troops to gather at the altar!"

With a loud shout, Chilong Zhenren inserted a handful of incense sticks into the incense burner.

There was a hot and cold wind blowing all around, whirling around the altar.

The green smoke from the burning incense was swept into the surrounding wind, swept by the strong wind, and was sucked away without a trace!

"I received the master of Youzhou's "Jingming Dharma Altar" and the master of Youzhou's Lushan Sect, "Daohong"!

Received the second-grade Gaoshang Shenxiao's Pardon Treasure Chapter, the Three-Yuan Three-Guan Auxiliary Sutra Ribbon, and received the first-grade Xuantian Tianwu Chapter Seven Soldiers and Horses Commander Treasure Ribbon!

This is my disciple, whose common name is Su Wu and Taoist name is Dingyang. He was born on June 15th at noon.

Allocate treasures, soldiers and horses,

Order the troops and generals, the soldiers will follow the orders, the soldiers will move according to the seal, and the generals will follow the orders!

If there is any disobedience,

Kill with the sword!"

Master Chilong held a sword in the wooden box behind his back, pulled out the sword with a swish, and slapped it on the altar. The sword fell on the altar, and immediately emitted a bright light, which made Master Chilong's murderous aura even more evident.

So angry!

The alternating winds of cold and heat that were blowing around suddenly turned silent,

Su Wu raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, and the third pupil suddenly squirmed.

He immediately saw - around the altar, there were already tens of thousands of helmets and armors, driving all kinds of mounts, and soldiers wielding different weapons surrounded the surroundings, and they all knelt down!

A bunch of black, purple or red flags were swaying in the dark wind,

Countless flags were rolling, covering most of the sky!

Su Wu worshiped under the Maoshan witchcraft sect. Because the Maoshan witchcraft was about to be destroyed, all the soldiers and gods enshrined in the Shangqing altar had perished. Only the elders and ancestors of the sects who had sunk into the underworld could serve as Maoshan shamans.

All the ways provide a helping hand,

Therefore, most of the Maoshan spells he saw had a "mysterious and supernatural" impression.

When Su Wu saw the leader of the Lushan Dharma Lineage giving an order to summon tens of thousands of ‘yin soldiers’, Su Wu was suddenly shocked - he thought that Maoshan witchcraft was all the Taoist magic, but it was just a blinding leaf!

When Chilong Zhenren was fighting with the local magician before, if he released the thousands of troops and horses enshrined in his altar, I wonder if those local magicians would still have the courage to become enemies with Zhenren Chilong?

"You are now just a treasure chest of 'General Zhenwu Yi'. The treasure chest can only contain ten Yin soldiers.

From now on, you need to study sutras and talismans well, condense the body of talismans, and improve the quality of your own talismans - so that you can accommodate more soldiers and horses." Master Chilong turned his face and warned Su Wu for a few words, and then looked around to be summoned by himself.

When the soldiers and horses arrived, he stroked his beard and said, "These soldiers and horses are all the soldiers and generals I came from Youzhou to Fujian to worship and train in the altar.

In the Youzhou Lushan General Altar, some soldiers and horses were also allocated by a certain person.


I’m here to select some useful Yin soldiers for you!”

He raised his sword fingers with his left hand and suddenly pointed at a black dog as big as an ox among the soldiers and horses around him. On a pile of yellow paper spread in the middle of the altar, a squeezed Yun Ji Talisman suddenly appeared.

“Xuzhou likes to eat dog meat.

This black dog is a dead soul that was captured from an abandoned dog fighting ring somewhere.

After a person dies, it is difficult to retain the soul in the world for a long time, let alone a dog - in order to keep itself alive for a long time, it also eats a lot of human souls and other unknown souls.

——If it were still a living beast,

Those who do this will definitely be killed, but all things die immediately, just like a lamp going out. The soul left behind after death is actually just the residue of the living being's self-consciousness and cannot be regarded as a living thing.

Therefore, if it does such a thing, it cannot be considered a sin.

It is extremely difficult for an ordinary urn warrior to subdue this evil dog when he first receives the urn.

But it shouldn’t be difficult for you to convince me.”

After explaining the origin of the black dog, Chilong Zhenren pointed at a soldier who looked like a mountain of meat - the fat meat swaying all over the soldier's body was actually a pile of human heads!

"This was the leader of a bandit den that a certain person had surrendered to at that time. He was a cannibal during his lifetime and was discovered by a certain person, so he killed him.

It also eats human souls after death. A certain person has always wanted to use it to practice the Five Thunder Heavenly Ding spell. Later, when the thunder technique became more advanced, it was no longer needed to use it to refine a general, so I gave it to you."

"There are also these five Yin soldiers,

Either they have double pupils, or their ears are as big as Cattail Fans, or they breathe white and yellow air in their noses, or they have human heads on their tongues, or they have a body as strong as an ox - this is the best way to practice the Five Ghosts and Six Thieves spell.

Easy to use.

Call it to you too."

Although Master Chilong accepted Su Wu as his disciple very casually,

But for this casually recruited disciple, there is also an unknown importance attached to it.

The soldiers and horses allocated to Su Wu were all carefully selected by him.

A total of ten were selected.

On the pile of yellow paper talismans on the altar, ten shrinking red dots of Yunji talismans appeared.

He grabbed the ink pen,

Under the talisman, outline the talisman eye, talisman body, talisman gall, and talisman tail.

A spell is drawn in an instant,

Throw the charm into the air,

Chilong Zhenren shouted: "Urgently mobilize the divine soldiers, allocate them according to the talismans, and carry out the orders. The divine soldiers are as urgent as the laws and orders!"


The spells floating in the air ignited without fire,

The ten red dots on the head of the talisman suddenly expanded into ten twisted Yunji talismans. Those ten huge talismans, like a door, suddenly rushed towards Su Wu!

Su Wu's brows were raised and golden light floated in his eyes,

At the moment when the ten talismans reflected on his body, his thoughts flashed, and he directly contained all the Yin soldiers corresponding to the ten talismans into the undercurrent of consciousness. Before they could provoke Su Wu, they were suppressed by Su Wu's thoughts, and they were not there.

Su Wu stirred up a wave of waves in his mind!


In the Eight Views Palace under Su Wu,

Ten concentrated red dots of Yun Ji Talisman appeared below the 'Xuan Tian Tian Wu Yi General Rui'.

"A group of disciples from the Minjiang Lushan sect will come over later to cause trouble for us. Come and test the quality of the ten Yin soldiers and fight them." Su Wu opened his eyes and saw the expression on the face of the real Chilong. I gave him a few instructions indifferently,

Leave the altar in place,

He turned around and walked towards the ruined temple: "I caught a pheasant and cooked a pot of chicken soup. You can eat it after you finish it."

"I haven't learned how to dispatch Yin soldiers,

How to control the altar?" Su Wu asked towards the back of Master Chilong.

"What's so difficult about that?

All you need to do is connect your consciousness with the Dharma Altar, dispatch your troops and generals, and send and receive them naturally according to your heart. You can raise troops to kill thieves, and the troops will follow the seal." Chilong Zhenren got into the ruined temple and no longer looked after Su Wu. .

All the Yin soldiers surrounding the altar disappeared without a trace.

This chapter has been completed!
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