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Somewhere in a hidden corner of the river embankment.

Master Chilong led a group of disciples to hide in the forest.

From his current angle, he could see the scene where Su Wu's "war of words" attracted the people around him to follow him and kneel down to him, feeling sincerely convinced.

"Do you see it?

Your master is extremely talented. If he rebels in the future, he will definitely be a great rebel!" Master Chilong pointed at Su Wu, who stood tall and tall in purple robes in the center of the crowd, and spoke loudly to Su Wu's disciples.

The four female crowns of the Xian generation looked at Su Wu with fiery eyes.

Xian Chun is full of longing.

"It's right to leave it to him to talk to people like this.

Arguing with someone with such a ferocious look will only scare others, but will not really convince them." Chilong Zhenren stroked his beard, looked at it for a while, then turned to his five disciples and said, "Let's go, let's go,

We also went to each village to see if the village elders had started to count the number of pregnant women and missing persons in each village and compiled a list, as promised to Dingyang."


All the disciples responded one after another.

Following Chilong Zhenren, we walked up the river embankment and walked towards the village under the river embankment.

Su Wu's face was as dark as water. He looked at the villagers who were kneeling around him and said: "For the current plan, I have two warnings for you. If you can listen to my words, you can protect your pregnancy."

His wife's safety is temporarily in danger.

I wonder if you will listen or not?"

When many villagers heard that the method proposed by Su Wu could only keep their wives safe for a while, they unconsciously showed their disappointment.

Fortunately, they also understand the importance and understand that if the safety of their wives cannot be guaranteed at this moment, they will not be able to talk about it in the future.

So they all nodded like they were pounding garlic.

They all said, "Listen, listen! I will listen to whatever the Taoist priest says!"

"As long as I can save my wife's life, I will do anything!"

"The fortune teller showed it to my wife. She is carrying a boy in her belly. My family has a single inheritance for three generations. The continuation of the bloodline depends on this child. There can be no mistakes!"

"If you can abide by these two warnings of mine, nothing will happen to your pregnant wives for a while.

The first of these two warnings is - do not ask your wives to worship in the Wutong temples set up in each village. If there is a Wutong shrine in your home, seal it up immediately. Do not

Let the pregnant woman meet the God of Five Powers!

Secondly, you should take good care of your wives and do not let them go to the Minjiang River.

The twenty female corpses were all found in the Minjiang River. There is something strange hidden in the Minjiang River. As long as the evil is not solved, your wives should not go near the Minjiang River!" Su Wu looked serious.

Inform many surrounding villagers of the taboos.

His previous quarrels and quarrels had already made the people watching gradually believe his words.

The two warnings given to him at this time were to make sure that he was there.

After finishing speaking, Su Wu looked at the surrounding village elders and said: "Compile a list of pregnant women, count the number of missing people, and warn pregnant women in this village that women of childbearing age are not allowed to go to the Wutong Temple to worship, and never interact with the Wutong God again.

any connection arises,

And they were strictly ordered not to go near the Minjiang River,

I left it to a few village elders and Li Zheng took care of it.

If this matter is done well, the number of casualties in each village will be reduced, and all the people will be grateful for your kindness!"

"I'll naturally go all out."

"Everything is done as the real person says."

"I will send someone to the village to inform you of these two points warned by the messenger!"

Several village elders also solemnly agreed.

Even Zhang Zhuang Lizheng, who had argued with Su Wu a few times before, nodded, called several young men from the village from the crowd of onlookers, and ordered them to go to the village to do the things Su Wu had told him.

Su Wu looked pale and looked at the worried people around him, whispering to each other.

I know it in my heart - he is already in the hearts of the villagers

At the bottom, a seed of "doubt about the good and evil of the Wutong God" was planted. The villagers believed in the Wutong God, and cracks began to appear from then on.

Everything going forward will go much smoother and there will be less obstruction from the villagers.


The villagers have regarded him as someone on the same side,

Next, if the Tianwei Taoist altar sends people to perform rituals, they will inevitably be closely watched and scrutinized by the villagers. Once any mistakes are made, the trust of the people in the villages in the Tianwei Taoist altar will also collapse!

——It is extremely difficult to establish faith in people's hearts.

It requires the accumulation of time and the revelation of many events.

But destroying a certain belief in people's hearts is very simple most of the time.

"Real person!

The method you mentioned can only relieve our temporary difficulties!

My wife can't stay away from home all the time, right?

And even if you strictly abide by these two rules mentioned by the real person, there is no guarantee that other unexpected situations will not occur - isn't there a way to completely solve this matter?"

Among the crowd, some villagers bravely asked Su Wu.

When the villagers heard the sound, they all turned their attention to Su Wu.

Under their attentive gaze,

Su Wu sighed and said: "There is no way to completely solve this matter.

But you need to understand - a cause will lead to a result, this is the law of nature.

The main reason for this incident lies with Wutong God.

The Wutong God is inseparable from the Tianwei Taoist altar.

Even if a certain person wants to help you solve this matter, he must first ask the Tianwei Taoist Altar - let them take action on this matter first and see what they say? How to solve the matter?

If they can't solve it, then we can help you."

When everyone heard this, they either sighed secretly or frowned slightly.

They also understood what Su Wu meant by what he said, but they understood that this matter was related to the safety of their families, wives and children, and it was impossible for them not to worry about it.

Various emotions of anxiety and worry are secretly accumulating in the hearts of many villagers.

Then, some resentment towards the "Tianwei Taoist Altar" gradually developed.

Wutong Ferry,

More and more villagers came after hearing the news.

The village elders and villagers spoke out to comfort the villagers and told everyone that a reliable boatman had been sent to Tianwei Taoist Temple to pass on the news. This matter was of great importance, and Tianwei Taoist Temple would definitely send its master as soon as possible to resolve the matter.


Maybe we can see the red-headed master sent by Tianwei Taoist Altar this afternoon.

Such a big event has affected almost every household in the surrounding villages. The villagers have no intention of doing any work today. Most of the men are standing by the ferry, waiting for the arrival of the red-headed master of Tianwei Taoism.

One morning passed.

Huang Liuzi brought several large pots and built several sheds by the river with the young men from the surrounding villages.

Su Wu, Xian Zheng, and one or two Taoist priests cooked porridge and rice for the people gathered here and provided them with lunch.

Although the food and vegetables were provided by each village, the purple-robed Taoist led his disciples to work hard, which still made the people who gathered have a lot of good impressions - the red-headed masters of Tianwei Taoist altar are not like this one

Real people are generally easy to talk to and are willing to work hard for a bite of their food.

The afternoon also gradually passed.

Master Chilong led his disciples to meet with Su Wu. Su Wu briefly learned about the situation in the surrounding villages from his master.

at dusk,

The elders of each village, Li Zheng, had already taken out the compiled roster and gave it to Su Wu to read.

Everyone gathered together and discussed loudly.

"In the past three months, there have been a total of 73 women in each village who have run away from home due to quarrels, fights with their husbands, or discord with neighbors for unknown reasons, distributed in eight or nine surrounding villages. .

Among them, fifteen people have been confirmed to have drowned in the Minjiang River.

Fifty-two of the remaining women were confirmed to be pregnant, and their husbands' families

The women's belongings have been reported to the government, and even local officials organized a search for the fifty-two women, but there was no trace of the fifty-two women.

Because these people were distributed in several surrounding villages, they did not disappear at the same time.

No one paid much attention to this matter. They just regarded it as an ordinary disappearance case and did not continue to investigate further.

Another six women were accused of being disobedient, beating their parents-in-law, having sex with other women's daughters, being frivolous and frivolous, and seducing other people's husbands. Later, because of some things, the Tianwei Taoist Temple practiced the law three times in the local area. These six women sacrificed themselves to the Dragon King Jiang to set an example."

The village elders gathered together with Master Chilong, Su Wu and other Beilu Mountain Taoists to compile the data of each village.

After listening to the summary of data from each village,

An angry look appeared on the face of the Red Dragon Master: "In just three months, the Tianwei Taoist Temple performed three rituals locally, and six human beings were sacrificed?"

"Those who are unfaithful, unfilial, and unchaste should be drowned in the river!

How can they be considered human beings when they do such ungrateful things?" An elderly village elder sneered and said he didn't care about this.

Su Wu frowned slightly and said, "Hasn't there been a single man missing from the surrounding villages in the past three months?"

"Never before."

All the village elders shook their heads in response.

"It seems that what Wutong Shen is planning is completely consistent with what we guessed." Su Wu looked at the real Chilong.

Master Chilong calmed down his expression and raised his eyes to the riverside.

The setting sun reflects red on the river,

Several boatmen who were sent to invite the red-headed master of the Tianwei Taoist altar have returned from punting.

But on their respective boats,

There was no sign of the red-headed master.

When the village elders saw the boatmen returning, they also sent people to inquire about the specific situation.

Not long after,

Someone came over with news: "Those boatmen said that the Tianwei Taoist Altar has complied with our request and will send people over in the next few days to do something to resolve the matter!"

"How come they didn't come back with the ship?

This incident was caused by the Wutong Shen. Now the safety of our villages cannot be guaranteed. They caused the incident, but they can't solve it for us as soon as possible?" The village elder frowned and asked the person who brought the news.

The person who delivered the news scratched his head and said, "The boatman only dares to deliver the news. How can he have the courage to question Tianwei Taoist Temple?"

Several village elders shook their heads and sighed.

The river bank was full of people.

All the curses and words of hatred against the Tianwei Taoist altar drifted away with the river.

This chapter has been completed!
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