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649, Dance of Demons (1/1, 4K)

"Get up on the altar!"

"Yuan Kong" looked at Zhang Jisheng, the "Lord of Human Beings", and left a few words without a smile, then turned and walked towards the altar set up by several female crowns.

Zhang Jisheng took a deep look at the back of "Yuan Kong",

A cold smile flashed across his face.

He took off his baggage and spread it out on the ground.

Two lifelike human skins were shaken out from the bundle!

Two human skins were spread out on the ground, and the face and gender could not be distinguished for the time being. Ren Zhi advocated that Jisheng connected a bundle of bamboo poles with inexplicable symbols and patterns in the bag together to form a cross, and erected them on the ground.

Two human skins hung on the shelf.

The wind is miserable,

Suddenly it blew by,

He blew the two human skins loudly.

Zhang Jisheng stood between two human skins, took out five pills of different colors from the leather bag on his waist, held them in the palm of his hand, and put his nostrils close to the palm of his hand to smell the "smell" emitted by the pills.


Within several pills, different charms quietly circulate.

The pill itself does not emit any smell.

Ren Zhizhu came closer to the pill and sniffed it a few times. Not long after, his abdomen suddenly bulged, making his originally fluffy and loose robe suddenly become tight!

The big ball bulging in the abdomen seemed to be pushed by an invisible force and rolled into Zhang Jisheng's chest.

Within his chest, his heart and lungs expanded in an instant, pushing against his ribs and sternum. Then he suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a jet-black "turbidity" with a "Wow" sound!

The filthy black water splashed onto the ground. When others took a closer look, they realized that the black water spat out from Zhang Jisheng's mouth was there?!

They are clearly countless black-haired meat worms!

——The black-haired fleshworms were not only spit out from his mouth,

This time,

Strips of black-haired meat worms squirmed out from his nose, ears, and navel, and fell from his clothes that had become loose again. His whole body seemed to have become a container for black-haired meat worms. These

The black-haired fleshworms burrowed in and out of his body, leaving countless "passages" and countless "holes" in his internal organs, flesh and blood texture, and even between his bones!

Apart from his appearance and his personal appearance,

The body is already riddled with holes, and there are tunnels and nests drilled out by worms everywhere!

There were so many worms accumulated in Zhang Jisheng's body that the functions of his body and internal organs had simply stopped functioning. However, he still maintained "activity" and looked like a living person on the surface. This was because he had laid the foundation of his life

, the bone, blood, and essence are also transferred into the worms, and the flow of the worms in the body replaces the flow of blood!

A large number of worms spread out under the feet of the human worm, and the black mass covered the floor!

There are different charms exuding from the worms,

There are as many as five kinds of strange and treacherous auras emitted from such a huge number of worms!

The worms exuding different charms climbed onto the carts, followed the nostrils and ears of the female corpses on the fourteen carts, and penetrated into their bodies. As a result, the female corpses on the carts had a faint corpse smell.

With all kinds of charms,

These new female corpses, which had been dead for less than a day, shook their heads, twisted their limbs, climbed up from the cart in extremely twisted postures, and ran out of the collapsed courtyard wall one by one, straight to the Tianwei Taoist Altar on Fengshan Mountain.

Move forward!

"A living person!

Catch someone alive quickly!"

After expelling most of the worms from his body and attaching them to each corpse, Zhang Jisheng sat cross-legged on the ground after attacking the Tianwei Taoist Altar. His already thin and weak body now became even more shriveled, skinny and thin.

Pin bones stand.

He ordered sharply,

Behind him, two pairs of human skins were filled with worms. The human skins suddenly became plump, like two living people. However, in the eye sockets and slightly open mouths of these two "people", there was only worms.

The worm crawls around without eyes, teeth or tongue at all!

After listening to Zhang Jisheng's instructions, the two people

Pi broke free from the bamboo frame behind him, and two different charms quietly emanated from the two bodies.

Their figures flickered and melted into the darkness,

In an instant, they approached the altar where "Yuan Kong" was located,

A beautiful middle-aged female crown was directly trapped. Two human skins that looked like middle-aged men each grabbed one of the female crown's arms, and with a slight lift, disappeared again.

The next moment they pressed on Nu Guan's shoulders and arrived in front of Zhang Jisheng.

Zhang Jisheng grabbed the Hunyuan bun on the top of Nu Guan's head, dragged it into his arms, ignored the other party's obstruction and screams, and directly "kissed" her lips——

A black and red flesh worm exuding a strong and strange charm emerged from his dry and smelly lips and crawled towards the crown's lips!

"Master, save——"

The female crown panicked and opened her mouth to ask "Yuan Kong" for help.

This nun is the director of the Tianwei Hall in the garden, and "Yuan Kong" has to ask her to help with many things. Naturally, she doesn't want this useful tool to die in the arms of the evil master.


Before "Yuan Kong" could say anything, the black and red flesh worm got into Nu Guan's mouth.

The rich charm quickly filled the whole body of the female crown,

Nu Guan’s face turned cold and pale!

She has passively accommodated a serious traitor in her body!

Zhang Jisheng transferred the evil contained in his body to others to prevent the "balance" in his body from being broken and causing his own death!

Nv Guan climbed up from Zhang Jisheng's arms, with a cold face, and stood beside Zhang Jisheng.

Although the evil master of human beings took out the evil spirits from his body,

But Li Gui was first accommodated by the worm, and then Nu Guan contained the worm. The central control was still in Zhang Jisheng's hands. By controlling the worm, he directly controlled Nu Guan's body, which was eroded by Li Guan and quickly lost.

And Li Jui himself!

Two pairs of human skins stood stiffly against the bamboo frame.

Feeling that "Yuan Kong" was staring at him, Zhang Jisheng turned to look at him, with a terrifying smile on his withered face: "She is just a woman. The altar master asked us to do something. Could it be that he is not willing to give up even one person?"


I said that the altar master can see my two disciples again,


Aren’t they here?”

The Human Demon Lord stretched out his hand and pointed at the two lifelike middle-aged men behind him. However, under the skins of these two middle-aged "men", there were all kinds of flesh bugs. The mysterious charm emanated from the black-haired flesh bugs and passed through them.

Two pairs of skin bags are spread out.

"Yuan Kong" sensed the five different charms emanating from the many meat insects in the air, fear flashed in his eyes, he withdrew his gaze and looked away——

The "Grand Master Jing Zhongzuo" of the Zhongyi Taoist altar and "Bai Wuchang" of the Lingji Taoist altar led more than twenty red-robed masters and gathered at the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple" where the "Ksitigarbha Monk" Zhitong and his thirty followers

After a gray monk.

There are two Taoist altars, but only the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple looks up.

The gray-clothed monks dragged in wooden boxes one after another, and took out opera robes with different patterns and patterns from the wooden boxes. They helped each other put the opera robes and flags on themselves.

Several gray-clothed monks gathered around the "Monk King of the Masses" and also dressed him in black-soled gold-spotted leopard pattern armor and court boots. Behind his back were flags like swords and spears, and his bald head was covered with

With a dark official hat, he stood up, took various oil paints from the table in front of him, and summoned the monks who put on opera robes one by one. He first put a stroke on the eyebrows of each monk, and then used the brush to stir up the colors.

Oil paints sketched out hideous and terrifying facial makeup on the faces of the monks.

There was an inexplicable aura vaguely diffused from the oil paint. After the monks' faces were painted into facial makeup, the inexplicable aura calmed down.

Monk Dazhong Wang placed two sticks of incense on the opera crowns on the heads of all the disciples and whispered: "God is by your side."

The inexplicable rhyme of the great avenue followed Zhitong's words and began to circulate around the disciples.

He turned around, took out a bronze mirror, and reflected his fat face. He held a brush in his other hand and sketched on his face.

Phrases: "Mum-bah-bah-bah-bah-"

As Zhitong whispered, the invisible charm flowed out from the mottled ancient bronze mirror in his hand, and gradually covered his face, making the three-character hook pattern ghost mask on his face more and more lifelike, and the evil connotation emerged from his face.

It went viral on Facebook.

Zhitong opened the wooden box on the long table in front of him.

He took out two dark round objects.

The two objects were about the same shape and size as copper coins. The hole in the middle was round. There was a black rope on the left and right sides of the dark round object. Zhitong connected the two round objects with black ropes and connected them.

It covered his eyes.

In the round hole of the dark round object, blood gradually flowed, and an inexplicable charm accumulated in the blood.

Zhitong raised his eyes again and looked at the disciples wearing opera robes around him. He could no longer see their "human forms" in his eyes. He could only see the shadows of gods standing around him like towering giant trees. They were almost the same as the phoenix in front of him.

As tall as a mountain!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa-"

Monk Dazhongwang opened his mouth and let out a series of "drama" that made people's hair stand on end!

"Thousands of demon gods - come to the altar together!"

"All evil spirits - open hell!"

"A stick of incense is given to Ksitigarbha!"

"Invite Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in black clothes and use the Dharma to eliminate the demons in the world!"

In the central round hole of the round object covering Zhitong's eyes, the blood light condensed into substance, turning into bright red blood and flowing out of the round hole, smearing on his face wantonly!

He held a stick of incense in his hand and knelt down to the huge dark figure sitting in front of him in the void.

He offered the stick of incense into the opponent's palm.

The black shadow wrapped in dark chains caught the stick of incense from Monk Dazhong Wang. In the hands of Monk Dazhong Wang, the extremely small incense stick turned into a towering mountain in the palm of the black shadow, spewing out thick smoke and shaking the universe!

"Two incense and one stick bring the king of plague down!"

"I invite Zhao Gongming, the commander of the Three Plagues, to accompany me to kill the evil spirits!"

The blood gushing out from the round hole in the center of the pitch-black object dyed Zhitong's entire face red.

The plague devil's face on his forehead suddenly moved with blood-red lips and opened its mouth angrily, "reviving" on his face, and the eyes of the other two plague devil faces outlined on his cheeks were filled with blood - three

All the ghost faces gathered in the center of his face, covering his face layer by layer. His face was covered with sores, and ghost eyes sprouted from the sores, as if he had turned into a god of plague!

The blood covered his face,

It spread from Zhitong's sore-covered face, covering his opera robe and the flag behind him——

The flags outlined with black and white leopard prints suddenly fluttered in the wind.

It turned into a series of pale human hands connected by pitch-black chains, grabbing the avenue pattern flowing around the disciples of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple and infecting it!

"Three incense and one stick, the gods are by your side!"

"Invite the black-clad crowd under the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and add two generals, the white crane boy, the dead ghost, the headless god and other gods!"

"The gong is on!"

Two "temple gods" with black and red facial makeup and red gold armor and opera robes, with no flags behind them, jumped to the side of the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple Gods", holding gongs and banging them violently!

Clang Clang Clang Clang!

"War agitation!"

Two more temple gods jumped to the sides of the gods and beat the leather drums on their waists!

Boom boom boom boom!

"All gods are with you!

Kill all the demons!"

The colorful avenue patterns are wrapped around the temple gods, and they are arranged in an array. The two incense sticks on the crowns of each temple god shed a curl of green smoke. The green smoke spreads over their sides, as if falling on the invisible figure,

Scattered to both sides of the invisible figure.

The chains behind the popular monk "Zhitong" are dancing one after another, and the pale human hands connected to the top of the chains are pulling the pattern of the avenue——

He turned his palm over, and a pair of jet-black curved fangs that were three fingers long appeared in his palm.

He stuffed the pair of fangs into his mouth.

The evil ghost turns his face and the devil shows his teeth!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa-"

"Follow me!"

"Follow me!"

"Follow me!"

With the sound of drama, Zhitong led the temple gods behind him and rushed towards Fengshan Mountain under the black sky!

In front of the black horn mountain witchcraft altar!

His figure was completely covered by a black robe, with only a pair of glowing green eyes exposed. "Master Iron Order" pulled off the mask on his face, revealing half of his face covered with black hair.

The neck under the face is also entangled with jet black hair.

"He" held down the heads of the two hairy witches kneeling in front of him with his hairy palms. There were clumps of hair on his neck, and on the side of his head there was another head also covered with black hair.


Master Tiezhi screamed sharply: "Get up the altar!"

Give an order!

On the altar, the sky is dark, and countless black hairs are falling like rain!

"The Patriarch of the Three Altars is established, and the God of Snakes descends upon us!

Mourning! Obscure! Evil! Creepy!

The four major religions are popular!

Make a firm decision!

Now, from thousands of feet underground, two sly sects with red and white painted skins appear in the world. The one named "Zhuxiaozi" from Beilu Mountain is listed in the sly sect's register. If he is not pardoned, the red and white painted sly flag moves, and his soul

It's a waste of time!"

When Grandmaster Tiezhi issued the incantation, another head formed by the thick black hairs on the neck of "him" opened his dark mouth and uttered a strange syllable: "鸤餸餴hatah!"




Countless black hairs fell down one after another and attached to the two hairy witches who were kneeling in front of Master Tiezhi, causing their black hairs to suddenly grow long and hang to the ground!

Grandmaster Tiezhi's claws penetrated the black hairs on the heads of the two hairy witch disciples.

I don’t know what I caught,

Pulling it out suddenly——


On the spot, two bloody babies were pulled out from the black hair on the heads of the two hairy witch disciples!

The two babies kicked their legs vigorously!

The two furry shaman disciples with long hair hanging on the ground under "them" suddenly turned into two shriveled skin bags and spread them on the ground. The strange and strange charm poured into the two skin bags and filled them up!

This chapter has been completed!
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