Turn off the lights
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74. Psychology

on the ceiling,

The lights flickered on and off, intersecting with the green light emitted by the pale green eyes on the ground.

No shadow remains in any area illuminated by green light.

But outside the green light, where the light pours, shadows continue to spread.

"Sure enough, there is a second person.

Lin Guangyuan, is this person your mistress?

You two really work well together..."

Su Wu's voice rang out from the crisscrossing shadows all around, suddenly near and far away, left and right, making it impossible to identify his specific location.

A group of corpses surrounded Lin Guangyuan in the center. His eyes were gloomy, especially when he heard Su Wu say the word "concubine", a look of deep humiliation and anger appeared on his face.

However, he did not speak.

But next to him, a mutilated corpse wearing a dirty white coat squirmed and changed, and his face changed in an instant.

He became the ‘doctor’ that Su Wu had fought head-on in the simulator.

Su Wu, who was in the shadows, saw the face of the 'doctor' through the gap between the shadows, and suddenly understood.

It seems that this person has been chosen by the evil spirit a long time ago.

Even in the real past, there was no "butterfly" like Su Wu fluttering its wings, and the doctor has become a "soldier" with a treacherous mind.

"You are very capable.

All this time, neither of us has even noticed that you have succeeded in inviting the gods." The doctor wiped his hands on the stained white coat, glanced at the shadows around him, and said, "However, we are the same as you.


You are only one person,

I have seen through your ability - it is to use shadows to attack and hide, right?

I just need to turn this place into an environment with light but no shadows, so how are you going to hide? And how are you going to use shadows to attack?"

The doctor whispered slowly.

The corpses surrounding him and Lin Guangyuan scattered in all directions, blocking the surrounding glass walls, windows, and doorways with their bodies, making it impossible for them to pass through!

The number of corpses is astonishing,

Far more than just a few colleagues in Boyu Company.

Those who died in the bus collision were all sent to this office at this time!

So, in just a moment, this completely transparent office was blocked without even a trace of light leaking out!

The lamps on the ceiling exploded one after another,

At the same time, eyes with green light sprouted from the corpse, from the ground, and from the ceiling, completely covering the room in green light.

Leave no dark corner!

Temporarily achieved ‘light without shadow’!

The doctor did not have the ability in the simulation to manipulate flesh and blood to form a wall to isolate light and shadow, but at this time, he used the ability to mutilate corpses and the "Green Ghost Eye" to create an environment with light and no shadow.

It's just that this environment has great flaws.

Just a bunch of light or an object that can emit light can easily destroy this light and shadowless environment.

Su Wu was 'forced' to appear from the darkness,

The moment he appeared, all the green eyes around him were focused on him. For a moment, he felt that the blood in his body was blocked and his whole body was stiff!

At the same time, Lin Guangyuan's voice sounded, with a kind of bewitching power: "Su Wu, you and we are on the same side, we should not kill each other.

You might as well sign this friendship agreement,

How about we join forces and carve out a future that belongs to us?"

Lin Guangyuan's voice, combined with the flickering green light all around, had a different kind of power.

Just listening to his voice, you will feel that he is a sincere and reliable person, and he must be a person who is consistent in his words and deeds.

While he was speaking, he took out a folder, walked up to Su Wu, spread the folder out, handed it to Su Wu, and thoughtfully gave him a pen.

Su Wu looked at the pages in the folder.

It is indeed a ‘friendly agreement’.

He took the pen and muttered: "As long as it's friendly, what kind of agreement do you need to sign? Isn't it too fussy?"

Lin Guangyuan stood nearby, looking at his confused expression, there was a hint of hesitation, and he said even more forcefully: "The contract is a very formal thing after all.

Only when you and I sign the contract does it mean that our commitment has truly been put on paper and has officially taken effect."

"What you said makes sense."

Su Wu nodded.

His expression seemed even more groggy.

He pushed the document towards Lin Guangyuan's eyes and said, "But the words on your agreement are wrong, right? These are not Chinese characters at all.

It doesn’t look like it’s in a foreign language.”

"How could it not look like Chinese characters?" Lin Guangyuan's eyes flickered. He only glanced at the document and then stared at Su Wu, "Are you kidding me?"

Lin Guangyuan felt a strong sense of anxiety in his heart.

The person in front of him clearly looked bewitched by him, but now he felt like he was being led by this demented person.

Maybe it's an illusion?

How could he possibly see that there were no Chinese characters in that document?

Suddenly, Su Wu took the document back and uttered a strange syllable: "歮剌黙竁仂烮丗鸻..."

As soon as this weird and indescribable syllable and intonation came out, Lin Guangyuan's expression suddenly changed, and he stretched out his hand to snatch the folder in Su Wu's hand.


Su Wu punched him in the face, smashing his head to pieces!

The corpse gushing out corpse water fell straight back!

Among the corpses surrounding him, one's face squirmed, his figure changed, and he once again looked like Lin Guangyuan, running towards Su Wu!

The doctor stood a few steps away from Su Wu, but made no move.

At this time, he put all his efforts into using the "mental aspect". It was the mental aspect he used that caused the green ghost eyes to grow around him, creating an area with light and no shadow.

But there was no way to free up his hands to help Lin Guangyuan regain the folder!

"These are the words you said. Can they be in Chinese characters or foreign languages?"

"尌剌his庹咒罘罳Duo, 朏蠹拉師亼颏捩卩Duo!" Su Wu spoke faster and faster, and weird accents mixed with Chinese continued to come out of his mouth, "Do you know what these words are?

Do you mean it?"

"How do you know the divine language?"

Lin Guangyuan stood three steps away from Su Wu. He did not rush to snatch the folder Su Wu was holding, but looked at him in shock.

The 'spiritual words' revealed by the other party now exceeded those that Lin Guangyuan himself knew!

I never succeeded in bewitching Su Wu from the beginning!

How did he resist the bewitching power of his own words under the blessing of the gods?

Lin Guangyuan's eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty.

For a moment, I couldn't decide what attitude I should take towards Su Wu.

"Spiritual language?" Su Wu turned to look at him and said, "I think it's just nonsense!"

"..." Lin Guangyuan was speechless.

After all, he was a treacherous subordinate and did not dare to respond to Su Wu's words. Instead, he said: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Do what you did."

Su Wu smiled at him.

Lin Guangyuan was stunned.

——Do what I did?

His eyes flickered between Su Wu and the folder, and he suddenly understood: "Don't even think about it!"

"Awen, don't hold him back anymore.

Grab the folder quickly, he wants to take our place!"

Lin Guangyuan pounced on Su Wu,

The corpses blocking the glass walls all around turned around and gathered towards Su Wu!

Each pale green eye suddenly shrank at this moment!

The 'doctor' raised his head and looked steadily at Su Wu, who was about to be surrounded by corpses - for a moment, a terrifying sense of crisis exploded in Su Wu's heart!

Omen of death!

This chapter has been completed!
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