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804, Dapeng version (2/2)

After Master Duben finished speaking, he blushed and said disdainfully: "What's so mysterious about those monks' methods?

I killed several of the monks from the Secret Zen Monastery who were discussing Dharma with me, and I used their heads to offer sacrifices!

But I didn't see the subtlety of their method.

Are the monks from Tianzhu different from the monks from Tang Dynasty?

In the Luoche area, where the royal capital is located, how come the nobles and disciples of the sect of the gods there are so obsessed with converting to him after listening to Jinglian's sermons once?

How could there be nothing strange in this? I don’t believe it anyway!”

At this point in the garden, a large number of Du Ben masters have gathered.

When many Duben masters heard what the red-faced Duben master said, some nodded in agreement and praised loudly, others frowned and shook their heads, sighing repeatedly, and some were silent in silence.

The Duben master who mentioned earlier that "Jinglian gave lectures at the Luoche Guangtai" also sighed and said: "He may not be a noble person in the Luoche area. Master Duben of Shenling Benji is really because of the Jinglian monk." He taught the Dharma and had a fanatical desire to take refuge.


Today, the general trend of Tubo is on the side of Jinglian Monk...

King Zanpu supported Jinglian Monk, and he decided to build the first Tantric Buddhist Temple in Luoche.

Moreover, Jinglian Monk had many exchanges with Mahayan, the monk leader of the Luosue Michan Monastery. The integration of Mibin Buddhism and Michan Buddhism was a definite matter - many disciples of the spiritual sect also joined Jinglian Monk. Maybe even most of the spiritual sect will be swallowed up by the Secret Bound Buddhism..."

The red-faced master Du Ben heard the other party mention the support of 'King Zanpu' to the monks from Tianzhu.

He frowned and said nothing, and did not refute what the other party said.

The atmosphere in the garden is a bit dull at the moment.

Lord Naikangze is just a small lord attached to the sect of the gods. In terms of status, the Duben masters gathered here are actually inferior to Lord Naikangze.

Within the strict hierarchical sect,

They are just the subordinate Benben masters of Zhushou Longchi - among the many Bendu masters gathered here, most of them only practice "Dragon Sacrifice Ben". In the entire hierarchy of the sect, their order is In the second to last.

The last order is ‘Beast Origin’.

According to the legend of the gods’ religion, the children born from the ‘dragon’ and the ‘beast from the dragon’ are all the beasts in the world.

Beast Ben is already at the bottom of the class.

At present, these Bendu masters are better than those bitter Bendu masters who are almost the same as slaves of the sect. The sacrificial scriptures they have cultivated are famous as 'Long Congben', which has the unique characteristics of 'dragon'. Some physical signs, such as the sacrifice itself is covered with dragon scales, has dragon horns, etc.

They have certain independent abilities within the sect of the gods, but if they cannot practice 'conforming to the dragon' to become a 'beast dragon', they will be confined to the area around a certain 'beast dragon pond' throughout their lives, taking care of the people around the 'beast dragon pond'. From Longchi'.

Only after cultivating the 'Beast and Dragon Sacrifice' can the wizards of the gods' sect enter the palace.

The status is equivalent to that of a great lord of the same place, and he can enter and leave freely everywhere.

He even got the opportunity to practice in the ‘Kangchensang Holy Mountain’.

Therefore, these 'Long Cong Ben Wizards' cannot decide their own destiny at the moment. They have no choice whether to surrender to the Secret Bound Buddhism or fight against each other. Only the Du Ben Wizard who controls a beast dragon pond can decide whether they will stay or go. , determine their life or death!

Everyone could talk eloquently about the situation in Tibet.

But when I thought about my own status, I suddenly felt uninterested, and I no longer had the interest to talk in depth about the current topic.

Su Wu, whose pseudonym is "Linka", sat in the corner, poured himself a glass of wine, and slowly ate the mutton on the eucalyptus. He listened to the discussions of the people around him about the current situation in Tibet with serious eyes.

Su Wu didn't expect that during the few days he traveled around the Kangqinsang Mountains and visited every Longcong Pond, Jinglian had already made a lot of money in Luoshou. Great reputation.

——With the infinite blessing of Jinglian from the Yang side of the Secret Realm, and the ‘King of Eight Consciousnesses’ possessed by Jinglian itself, its growth rate is far beyond that of Su Wu today.

But Su Wu was not in a hurry.

He carried out his plan step by step and unhurriedly.

Now the Jinglian is in the light, and he is in the dark, just like the relationship between the 'yang side' and the 'great transformation' in the origin of the Great Vajrayana - I just don't know if one day the world will be turned upside down, whether the current situation will be completely reversed. past?

In the garden, where the atmosphere became slightly silent, I don't know which Master Duben said the first thing: "This year, the time for each dragon to deplete from the pond seems to be much faster than in previous years?

A few days ago, the brother who is responsible for guarding a certain "Niu Long Cong Ben Pond" in "Zhuolang Qiu Mountain" told me that all eight Long Cong Ben Ponds in Zhuolang Qiu Mountain have dried up, and there is no longer any flow of "original" power in the pond.

In previous years, the dragons would only dry up when the peach blossoms were in full bloom, but this year it was two months earlier than usual.

——The "Zhulong Congben Pond" under the "Naikang Zeqiu Mountain" that I look after has also dried up recently.

I wonder what the situation is like over there?"

As soon as Master Duben finished speaking, someone nodded in response: "You and I belong to the Beast Dragon Pond of Naikangzeqiu Mountain, and the Longben Pond I looked after has also dried up."

"Me too, the situation is the same."


"I heard from my brothers in Bashikaqiu Mountain that the dragon ponds they looked after have also dried up."

"The dragon from this pool has dried up early. I wonder if it can come back early?

I always feel that this kind of thing is not a good sign..."

"This kind of thing happens every year. It's just that this year there were too many dragons in the pond, so it seems very abnormal. I don't think there is anything to worry about. It's just that the dragons in the pond have dried up.

You can draw water back from the beast dragon pond at any time, so what are you afraid of?

It’s not the Beast Dragon Pool that’s been exhausted?”

Everyone discussed for a while about the depletion of dragons from this pool.

Su Wu sat in the corner and never participated in these Duben master's topics, as if he was an outsider.

——However, if all the dragon slave wizards record the specific time when the dragon slave pool under their care is exhausted, it will be able to correspond to the time when Su Wu passed each dragon slave pool!

Discussions in the garden continued.

At this time, one by one the maids presented each of the dwarfs with exquisite pastries.

The chefs did not start to enjoy the cakes immediately, but after the cakes were served, they all stopped talking.

The garden gradually became quiet.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from the garden gate.

Accompanied by the footsteps, a short middle-aged nobleman wearing a deerskin hat, a heavy fur coat, and a silk cover, accompanied by several attendants and Master Atsushi, walked over from the gate of the garden. He walked away with a smile. Passing through the flowers and trees, every time he passed a place, Master Duben, who was sitting upright behind the eucalyptus, stood up one after another and saluted him.

By the time he reached the top seat, all the Atsumoto masters in the garden had already stood up.

"Everyone, please sit down, please sit down."

That short nobleman is undoubtedly the owner of the entire Naikangze Manor - 'Naikangze' himself.

Naikang raised his hands to signal everyone to sit down.

A young man who was much taller than him and also dressed in silk and satin stood behind him and saluted many Duben masters with a smile. His behavior was exactly the same as that of Nai Yasunori, so it was not difficult to identify his identity. It was Nai Yasunori.

The eldest son 'Atsushi'.

The main reason why the current owner of the manor invited all the Atsumoto masters from Naikouzeqiu Mountain and Guolu Atsumoto to have a banquet in his garden was mainly to ask everyone to protect his eldest son Atsuhiro so that he could successfully complete the first 'sacrificial ceremony'.

The ritual of spiritual practice.

"The kitchen also cooked a few sheep.

By the time Atsuhiro completes this ritual of worshiping the ancestors, the sheep will probably be cooked.

When the time comes, let’s all eat together.” Naikang spoke to Master Dudu with a smile.

All the masters also agreed and praised Lord Kangze for his generosity.

Among the seat closest to Noyasu, and obviously the strongest among the many Atsumoto masters here, someone asked Noyasu: "My lord, I don't know who your eldest son, Mr. Atsuhiro, is?"

The sacrificial book fished out of that pond?

After understanding the corresponding dragon pond and dragon root, we can protect the little noble in a targeted manner and help him successfully complete the ritual of this first ritual of sacrificing the dragon root.

The first practice of worshiping the original is often quite dangerous. If you are not careful, you may transform yourself into the "origin".

But after the first practice is completed and the ‘Dragon Ben’ is finalized, all you need to do is make various offerings to it on time and reunite with it on time.”

Naikang listened to what the gray-haired Master Lao Du said and nodded in agreement.

After the other party finished speaking, he turned to look at the eldest son 'Atsushi' behind him, then turned around and said to everyone in a gentle tone: "I know that the ritual practice of the first sacrifice is very important.

That's why I invite everyone to come to the banquet.

When Atsuhiro completes this practice, I will give you generous gifts."

"You're too kind!"

"We will not neglect you even a little bit!"

"My dear Atsushi, this practice of worshiping the ancestors will go smoothly!"

All the masters nodded their heads one after another.

Then I heard Naikangze continue to say: "You should have heard that my mother Rinchen Zampa passed away three months ago, and I sent my mother to a secret cave in a mountain far away.

We dug up the secret cave that only existed in classics and buried my mother in the cave.

There were some relics hidden in that ancient cave. My son, Atsuhiro, entered the cave and discovered those relics following some kind of guidance.

And from many ruins, a magical artifact was discovered.

——That is a magical artifact from the era of ‘Xiangxiong’ Dapeng Yincheng.

It may be held by a certain wizard from the Swastika sect.

And that magical object has been passed down to this day, and the aura of a certain "book" still lingers on it - according to other books my people found in the cave at that time, this magical object corresponds to a certain sacrificial book, maybe

It's 'Pengben'."

Naikangze's words were like a huge stone thrown into a flat lake, causing a storm in an instant.

The expressions of all the Duben wizards present became solemn and excited.

This chapter has been completed!
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