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830,Pray for a bluer sky (2/2)


The plateau land began to wake up, and green grass sprouts grew on the barren and cold land.

The team escorting the deposed prime minister 'Gabu Guangshanzang' walked through the road down the hillside. The monks wearing conical hats dragged the chains. The other end of the chains passed through the fence of the iron prison car and penetrated the ragged people.

'Gabuguangshanzang' posterior shoulder skeleton.

Holes made of adult men's thigh bones, waist drums made of girls' skin, and various bone charms were all hung on the prison cart, dotted among the thick iron ropes. As the chains swung, the prison cart moved forward slowly, making jingling sounds.


Tibetan soldiers guarded the prison van.

Several strong horses pulled the prison cart.

The wheels left deep ruts on the road that had just rained.

Many monks gathered around the prison carriage. They were riding horses, shaking the bells and tambourines in their hands, and the tinkling sound became more and more intensive.

In the prison car.

Gabu Mitsuyamazo, who has a thin face and wispy beard hanging down from his chest, is sitting down against the iron fence. His face covered by thick hair reveals a pair of still clear eyes, looking at the village in the distance.

I saw Mani Dou in front of the village.

Corpses were lying scattered around the pile of mani.

A girl who was stripped of all her clothes and covered in blood, a middle-aged man without a head, an old man who lost all the skin on his back...

The monks in red rode out of the village on horseback. After they left, the village burst into flames.

Seeing this scene, Gabu Mitsuyamazo had tears in his eyes.

The huge guilt was like a hammer, hitting his heart hard time and time again.

He lowered his head.

The monk in bright yellow robes who was driving the horse slowly next to him saw Gabu Guangshanzang, who was bowing his head and weeping. An indifferent smile appeared on his round, black and yellow face, and he said loudly: "Master, there is a river ahead.

The low slope will be the place where you finally die.

Did you see that your death was coming, so you couldn't help but shed tears?"

Gabu Guangshanzang shook his head.

He whispered to himself: "Tibet is hopeless.

Honorable Master is right, the road to reforming Tibet is unworkable.

Respecting the teacher is right.

It’s a pity that I understand now that so many innocent creatures lost their lives in vain..."

The monk who asked Gabu Guangshanzang next to the prison car had a gloomy face and said nothing.

Gabu Guangshanzang looked at the piles of corpses in front of the Mani pile in the distance, and looked at the fire pouring into the sky. He turned back and looked at the numb-eyed Tibetan soldiers and monks in bright clothes and angry horses guarding the prison car.

——He suddenly burst into tears--he burst into heart-wrenching wailing!

"It's a pity for me, it's a pity that I only understand now——

Pity them, pity you, you still have to live a hopeless life. I don’t know how long it will take before you can see the future——

I was wrong!

Respected teacher!

I was wrong!

Even a hard but stable life is difficult to give to the people.

Depriving them of all hope for the future - this kind of Tubo is coming to an end, it is coming to an end..."

"shut up!"

The monk in yellow who was accompanying the prison car heard Gabu Guangshanzang crying so sadly. He was not moved at all. He only felt that the other person's howling was very noisy, so he scolded him!

Not long after the voice fell, Gabu Guangshanzo really became quiet.

He stared blankly ahead.

As the convoy drove up the low slope with a running river on the side, the entire convoy stopped on the hillside. Monks in brightly colored clothes gathered around the hillside. The Tibetan soldiers opened the iron ropes of the prison car and penetrated the chains through the bones of the lute.

Gabu Guangshanzang was dragged out of the prison van.

The chain dragged across the meadow where green buds were growing, crushing a few Gesang flowers that had just bloomed.

Gabu Guangshanzang stood on the hillside and looked around.

His eyes were as peaceful as ever.

"Guard this place!" The monk in yellow spoke loudly to the monks and Tibetan soldiers scattered around the hillside, "This man from Jiabuguang Mountain is also a disciple of Yuan Mo, and his life-protecting ghost cannot be underestimated!

Beware of his death throes!"

The monks and soldiers around looked more and more serious and nervous.

Their eyes were fixed on Gabu Guangshanzang.

Gabu Guangshanzang looked peaceful and did not react at all to the words of the monk in yellow.

The monk in yellow stopped ten steps away from Gabu Guangshan Zang. He watched the soldiers dragging the chains connecting Gabu Guangshan Zang's body and nailing the chains into the big rocks on all sides of the hillside.

The sound of a giant hammer striking an iron chisel sounded for a while, then gradually died down.

The chain shook with the impact of the giant hammer, causing the other end of the chain - the iron thorns running through Gabu Guangshanzang's body to tremble continuously, tearing Gabu Guangshanzang's scabbed wound, and gurgling black blood flowed from the wound.

It overflowed for a while.

"You guys, come on!"

The monk in yellow summoned several Tibetan soldiers to stand in front of him.

The Tubo soldiers raised their spears and pointed them at Gabu Guangshanzang, who stood silently in front.

They looked nervous and timid, but they had to obey the instructions of the monk in yellow.

"Prime Minister, before you die, do you have any last words to leave behind?" The monk in yellow robes hid behind the human wall formed by the Tibetan soldiers, staring sinisterly at Gabu Guangshanzang, who was ten steps away in front of the human wall.

asked in a low voice.

Gabu Guangshan Tibetan stretched out his hand to the monk in yellow: "Please give me a spear shaft."

The monk in yellow frowned when he heard this.

After hesitating for a moment, he ordered someone to fetch half a vertical wooden pole and handed it to Gabu Guangshanzang.

The opponent caught half of the spear shaft and stood it upright beside him.

"Apart from this, do you have any other last words?" The monk in yellow looked at Gabu Guangshanzang's movements, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked again.

Gabu Guangshanzang lowered his eyebrows and looked at a pale pink Gesang flower growing out of a crack in the soil.

A voice came out of his mouth: “Pray for the sky to be bluer and bluer;

I pray that the earth will be redder than a cockscomb;

Pray for subjects to rebel;

I pray that the line of succession will be cut off—"

The monk in yellow stood behind the human wall formed by the soldiers and made a concealed gesture.

A group of soldiers standing behind Gabu Guangshanzang suddenly received the order and immediately raised their spears and suddenly stabbed Gabu Guangshanzang who was lowering his head and muttering!


The spear pierced the air and approached Gabu Guangshanzo's back in an instant.

He suddenly turned around - the chains on his body swayed endlessly as he suddenly turned around, and bright red blood gushed out from the bleeding wounds!

Looking at the spear tips that were very close at hand - behind Gabu Guangshan hiding, the ghostly figure was looming.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the faces of the Tibetan soldiers under their coats, showing a look of fear and fear.

There was an unbearable look in his eyes, and he finally lowered his head and sighed softly: "Hey..."

Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

One spear after another penetrated his chest!

More than ten transparent holes were poked in his chest!

Blood spreads all over the ground along the vertical spear shaft!

"Do it!" the monk in yellow shouted!

Many monks were shaking bells and tambourines, chanting various secret mantras——

When the sound of bells, tambourines, and secret mantras rang loudly, Gabu Guangshanzang's originally tall mountain-like body fell on his back, and the ghostly shadow behind him finally disappeared into the cloud space.

Those clear eyes reflected the blue sky.

Beside the broken corpse, half of the spear shaft was pointing upright to the sky.

Praying for a bluer sky;

I pray that the earth will be redder than a cockscomb;

Pray for subjects to rebel;

Pray that the line of descendants will be cut off...

The river at the foot of the hillside rushes forward.

Whitecaps roll.

A piece of human skin riddled with holes covered a straw man, following the team of prison cars as they returned to the royal court.

A bloody corpse without a skin membrane was pushed upstream by the river water.

A small, dilapidated temple stands by the river.

A red monk stood guard by the river.

He fished out the bloody corpses from the river.

Wrapping the unprotected corpse in his own robe.

The red-robed monk Zunjia Youneng looked at the bloody corpse, with blood and tears flowing from his eyes. He called out to the corpse in the monk's robe in a low voice: "Senior brother, senior brother..."

Praying for a bluer sky;

I pray that the earth will be redder than a cockscomb;

Pray for subjects to rebel;

Pray that the line of succession will be cut off.

Master Jinglian's gold and bronze chariot was surrounded by monks in bright clothes and angry horses. It left Dabaishanwang Temple, turned around the bustling Luoxe Holy City, and traveled on the rugged mountain road between the two mountains.

It's getting dark.

The mountains surrounding the mountain road were lit up with red fire.

One by one, ragged people emerged from the surrounding mountains. The firelight illuminated their figures even more red, and they waved scarlet flags.

The word "Yuan Mo" on the flag clearly revealed their identity.

"Disciple of the Yuan Demon!"

"The extremely evil enemy of the Buddha is here, everyone, be careful!"

"Be careful of their ghosts——"

The monks surrounding Master Jinglian's gold and bronze chariot reined in their horses and stopped, and the panicked howls of the monks filled the convoy.

Such a roar was drowned out by the roaring sound!


"Kill them all!"

"Noble, if a monk's head is cut off, blood will spurt out from his neck!

They are human beings, and so are we!

If we want to survive, we can only rely on ourselves!"

The fiery red light spread from the top of the mountain to the hillside and covered the mountain road!

Scarlet blood lanterns lit up in the darkness. Amid rapid breathing, ghosts that were either pitch black, gray, or black and yellow ran out, following countless Yuan Demon disciples, and pounced on the panicked ones.

The monk is at a loss and at a loss!

It was as if a giant plow fell from the sky and plowed through the monks' convoy.

In just this moment, half of the monks were plowed to the ground, their bodies shattered into pieces.

The golden and bronze chariot surrounded by the scarlet wave remained motionless at this time.

Seeing that many monks are about to be swept away and drowned by this scarlet wave——

Finally, an indifferent syllable slowly came from the carriage: "Buzz——"

The boundless white light washed away the scarlet all around.

In the white light, green ghost eyes grew to their full extent, growing on the bodies of the wolves that accompanied Yuan Mo's disciples. Amidst the wailing of the wolves, the scarlet wave disappeared silently.

Master Jinglian walked out of the glorious carriage with an expressionless face.

He stood in the forest of corpses, a look of rage instantly flooding his face.

A high-pitched roar swept across the mountains and fields.

"Yuan Mo! Yuan Mo!"

Praying for a bluer sky;

I pray that the earth will be redder than a cockscomb;

Pray for subjects to rebel;

Pray that the line of succession will be cut off.


This chapter has been completed!
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