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861,Heroes always kill heroes(1/2)

Two solid black-painted wooden doors collapsed under Su Wu's gentle push.

The heavy wooden door stirred up smoke and dust, destroying some of the mechanisms set up behind the door.

Su Wu took Lunzhu and walked into the mountain gate of Heihei Temple amidst the long smoke and dust.

"It seems you are all ready."

The smoke and dust gradually disappeared, and many monks in the mountain gate were waiting in formation with bows and crossbows. They watched the tall young man lift the conical hat on his head, revealing a handsome face, and looked at everyone with a smile——

"Fire the arrow!"

The old monk standing behind the monks waved his sleeves——

The crossbows in the hands of the monks instantly aimed at Su Wu and the Lunzhu he was holding, loosened the bowstring, and pulled the machine!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The arrows were like heavy rain, approaching Su Wu and Lun Zhu from the other side in an instant!

Su Wu was in the rain of arrows, and his expression did not change at all. He let go of Lunzhu's palm, formed the 'outer lion seal' with his hands on his chest, and uttered a syllable in his mouth: "Om!"

The bright sun rose from behind his head, briefly illuminating the entire Black Temple——

Wherever the light shines, all evildoers are committed. The pores of the monks with bloody hands are suddenly ignited with blazing blood and fire. 'Fire trees' stand up in the crowd, and the wailing sounds of the monks can be heard throughout the Black Temple!

The burning monks rushed left and right in the Black Temple, trying to grab the door and escape - but all the doors leading to the outside of the Black Temple had been blocked. They could not open the door at all and could not escape!

The bodies of these monks gradually shriveled up in the blood and fire, and their vitality quickly passed away in the beating of the flames!

"Destroy the Buddha's land and become an enemy of the Buddha!

You are in the eighteenth level of hell!"

Among the burning 'fire trees', a black shadow suddenly howled and rushed towards Su Wu - a gloomy and mysterious charm lingered on that man, who was dressed in a black Futian cassock and a cockscomb hat.

Su Wu's "meaning" stirred up the calamity shadow, and the calamity fire evolved under the sun, and survived the first wave of impact!

Illusive faces are layered around that person, and the gloomy and mysterious charm emanates from that person!

When that person approached Su Wu, the illusory faces layered on his figure suddenly moved around Su Wu——

Su Wu looked at the black-cassocked monk in front of him with a smile - he didn't move at all, but the purple-red robbery opened his arms and crawled out from under Su Wu's feet in an instant, suddenly holding down the illusion.

The face was so weird that hundreds of thousands of arms tore that illusory face into two halves!

The monk in black cassock, who lost the protection of Li Gui, immediately burned into a tree of fire!

"Who goes to hell?" Su Wu looked at the burning black cassock monk in front of him and asked him.

The monk in black cassock was wailing in the fire and begging for mercy. When he heard Su Wu's question, he immediately nodded hurriedly: "I will go to hell, I will go to hell - Your Majesty, please spare my life!"


Su Wu shook his head and walked past the black cassock monk, the master of Heihei Temple.

He pulled Lunzhu forward, and Ram and Tenzin followed closely behind him.

The two of them have already drawn the swords around their waists, but the swords are useless now!

The fire tree gradually burned out.

Shrunken and withered corpses stood in various twisted postures in the monastery.

Seeing this scene, the monks in gray clothes were so frightened that they gathered in a group and huddled in the corner, watching the tall and evil figure passing by them.

There was no shadow under the tall figure.

But there was a purple-red strange shadow with hundreds of arms growing around him.

All the evil-doing monks' blood and fire were plucked away by the strange shadow, and turned into the shadows in the surrounding corners.

Blossoms of blood and fire covered the slim human figure wrapped in cooked rice in the shadow world.

An inexplicable aura emanated from the human figure.

It's no longer just a dead thing.

"At last you haven't made a big mistake." Su Wu's robbery picked up all the fire of purification. He turned his head and looked at the monks in gray clothes huddled in the corner, "Each of you go to the warehouse of Heihei Temple.

Get some money for transportation and go down the mountain immediately."

"Yes Yes!"

"Thank you, noble man, for sparing us your lives!"

"If you are compassionate, you will definitely become a Buddha!"

The gray-clothed monks were overjoyed to receive the amnesty. They knelt down and saluted Su Wu, and then dispersed.

Most of the gray-clothed monks did not want to stay in this terrifying temple for any longer. They had no intention of going to the warehouse to get money, and ran straight to the mountain gate;

There were also a small group of monks in gray who were more daring and tiptoed to the Heihei Temple's warehouse and took out some money - even in the face of the evil star, they did not dare to take more. They all took enough money and went through the back door.

Leaving the temple.

At this time, a subtle voice came from next to Su Wu.

"W-what's your name?"

In the last 'fire tree' that was about to burn out the blood and fire, a skinny face appeared. The face opened its eyes filled with blood and fire, turned towards Su Wu, and asked Su Wu.

Su Wu looked at him but said nothing.

Whether they are running towards the main gate, or gathering at the back gate, corner gate and other doors leading to the outside of the temple, the monks in gray clothes are all standing at the door, not daring to take a step outside the mountain gate - the top of the Heihei Temple

Above, the stratus clouds disappeared, the newborn sun fell again, and the sky suddenly turned to a dark blue.

All around the mountain temple, in the hazy darkness, pairs of green ghost eyes suddenly grew out.

Glowing green eyes quietly watched the monks gathered at the mountain gate.

A rich charisma mixed with the aura of Silu Mu overflowed from the ghost eyes.

The gray-clothed monks fought in two groups and slowly backed away in fear.


A dull voice sounded in the darkness behind the green eyes.



Countless faint voices called out a name at the same time.

"Oh——" The wizened monk whose blood and fire was gradually fading showed a look of sudden realization on his face, "I see, your name is 'Yuan'?"


Su Wu nodded with a calm expression: "My name is Yuan."

"I've been looking for you for a long time - Yuan.

I never thought that when we meet again, you would give me such a great gift.

——Bringing the head of Du Baren...

Although his body is very strange, his origin is pure and free of evil and filth.

With this head attached, I will be able to reach a higher level, Yuan, thank you very much, help me become a Buddha——" All around, inexplicable voices sounded one after another, with a strong smile.

Su Wu also laughed: "Master Jinglian, after practicing so far, do you still have empty dreams?"

"Om ah hum!"

Su Wu responded with a three-character curse!

The green ghost eyes are layered on top of each other, constantly joining together, covering the world!

In the central pupils of countless shining green eyes, there appeared a pure and flawless shadow wearing a platinum cassock and a conical hat, sitting on a lotus platform - that was the sixth phase of the 'Lotus King' condensed from the essence of the lotus!

The only function of this transformation is to seal the door to the origin of the secret realm!

Block that door!

Su Wu's left arm could no longer sneak into the origin and instantly pushed open the door to the origin!


Do you know what terma is?

The so-called terma means burying everything you have into the source, so that the source has its own terma everywhere.

When you fight against me, you are fighting against the entire secret realm.

Compete against the sky and the earth - how can you win?

How could you escape?!"

Everywhere in the void, the voice of Jinglian kept ringing.

In the glowing green eyes, figures in platinum cassocks clasped their hands together, and the darkest mandala womb barrier surrounded Su Wu. At the same time, the withered and decaying corpse of the monk beside Su Wu suddenly changed -

-The bones of the monk's face shifted, his skin and flesh trembled, and in an instant he changed into a black and yellow complexion, a thin face, a hawk-nosed and deep-set eyes!

The 'Jinglian Face' smiled slightly at Su Wu.

Countless vajra pestles appeared one after another, hitting Su Wu like a violent storm!

The immense power of confinement bound Su Wu like a chain. The source of the secret realm flowing here turned into a strong chain, imprisoning Su Wu's whole body and flowing through his chakras, thus all his major chakras were eliminated.

Confinement made his mind sluggish, his actions stiff, and his method ineffective!

The withered and charred corpse with Jinglian's face reached out and grabbed Lunzhu's other arm. Lunzhu's original power was completely suppressed at this moment. Under Jinglian's hands, she was nothing more than an ordinary child!

The power of ‘terma’ is evident!

However, at this moment, his whole body was imprisoned, and even his thoughts seemed to have stopped functioning. Around Su Wu, in the boiling purple shadow, his voice came out: "Fighting with the sky is also a joy.


The terma has existed forever, how does your terma compare to the terma in the secret treasure domain itself?"

One word!

The purple-red tribulation shadow's hundreds of arms grasped a jet-black long knife. The tribulation shadow and the jet-black long knife merged into one, and suddenly cut into the gradually compressing 'Mandala Womb World' around them, cutting the world open.

A gap!

Thousands of vajra pestles hit Su Wu's body covered with green gold Yuanhuang skin, cracking every inch of his body!

Puffs of blood exploded into blood mist, blending into the Black Ksitigarbha of Tribulation Shadow. The black knife with craggy claws snaked through the gap that had been cut before, and suddenly twisted, in the mandala.

A hole was created in the womb world!

The skylight of the real world shines into the world of mandala womb with the help of that hole!

Su Wu's left hand disappeared silently at shoulder level——

The door to the origin of the secret realm was suddenly pushed open by him!

Behind the door, a red figure with blood-red eyes stepped out——

The moment the red figure appeared, countless scarlet shadows surrounded the real world, surrounding Jinglian's mandala world layer by layer, and the origin of Dahua seeped into the mandala world, so to

In the dark and lightless world of mandala womb, there are also dense layers of red eyes!

"This is also a terma.

Master Jinglian, is this the treasure you lost?"

Su Wu's consciousness recovered instantly, and the original power of the hidden realm that was surrounding him and imprisoned around him instantly resumed operation!

He looked at Jinglian with a smile, pulled Lunzhu back and took him into his arms——


“Om hum hum!


The six major manifestations of Jinglian suddenly overlapped in front of Su Wu's eyes!

The form of the 'Wrathful Padmasambhava' is looming when the six great transformations overlap!

The world of mandala womb is broken!

The sky and the earth are red!

The raging fire gathered into red lotuses, rising from the earth, the mountains, and the monastery - burning through the sky!

(End of chapter)

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