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89. The Road to Change (2/2)

In the square of Longshan Concentration Center,

Men, women, old and young all gathered here, surrounding two Taoist priests, one old and one young.

The anxiety on the faces of the villagers could hardly be concealed. Seeing the little Taoist priest making a call on his mobile phone, they gathered around and made a lot of noise.

"Can he come in?"

"No one sent by the official can come in now..."

"Hey, our family only has enough food to last half a month!"

The villagers were noisy, and the old Taoist priest was comforting some anxious old people. After a while, he saw Xie Yunqing put down the phone and quickly asked: "How is it?"

What did Su Wu say?"

"He asked me directly at the beginning if I had encountered something strange.

Later, he asked what was going on in the village and whether anyone was dead.

Finally, tell me that he will come over." Xie Yunqing's eyes were filled with surprise, "Master, this person seems to really know something...

How did you calculate that he might be the person who helps us the most now?"

"Hey, the secret must not be leaked." The old Taoist priest clasped his hands behind his back and walked away slowly, shaking his head as he gathered the villagers together and told the situation.

There seemed to be a bit of pride on his face.

But there was some helplessness hidden in his eyes.

The young Taoist priest Xie Yunqing was sitting on a stone pillar in the square, looking at the gloomy sky, and suddenly sighed deeply.

——Now it's just Su Wu saying he's willing to help.

It's not certain whether the other party can really help.

In fact, the little Taoist priest is more likely to think that he, his master and the villagers of Longshanji were drawn into the cracks in space without knowing it.

Otherwise, why can’t we get out of the Longshan Collection?


The sun shines brightly.

Su Wu got out of the car, feeling a little hot from the sun.

He scanned the WeChat account of the online taxi driver, paid the taxi fare to him, picked up his bag and began to check the current environment.

The online taxi driver only sent him to the Longshan boundary monument.

He needs to walk the next road by himself.

According to the driver, in the past, as long as you walked down the road, you could reach Longshan Market. But what the situation is now, he has never driven there and is not sure.

Su Wu looked at the content on the boundary marker and didn't find anything special around him, so he followed the driver's instructions and walked straight down the road.


He walked to the fork in the road where Zhou Yang had been.

After looking at the navigation on her phone, Su Wu turned directly onto the road on the left and continued walking down the road. The navigation said that if she walked another 2.3 kilometers along the road on the left, she would reach Longshan Village.

The trees grew darker and thicker, covering the sky.

The further down he went, the more Su Wu could feel the temperature gradually dropping - this was not a drop in temperature caused by the dense forest, but a subtle and subtle rhyme lingering here, causing the temperature to change.

He became alert in his heart,

When passing through a bend, the vague and subtle charm suddenly became intense, and the sunlight that would have been projected through the gaps between the forest leaves completely disappeared here.

The rich charm distorted the void——

Then, circles of swirling patterns appeared in Su Wu's eyes, and some mysterious inscriptions flickered in the patterns.

He instantly saw that the road ahead was tumbling and coiling like a dragon, causing the original path to suddenly change and multiple sections of the road to form a "splicing".

If you go forward along the current road,

I'm afraid that I can't reach Longshanji when I reach Laodu, and I will just keep wandering on one road section, and occasionally set foot on another road section, and the cycle will be repeated again.

The cycle goes around without end!

"Looking at the current situation, the charm must have covered the entire Longshan Town.

To be able to emit such a strong charm that it can change the landscape, I am afraid that the ghost in Longshan Town is also very scary.

However, it has not actively hurt anyone yet,

It should still be in a state of 'reviving from hibernation'.

There is a certain degree of danger in this state, but as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke it, it will generally not provoke people...

This is what Yinggui looked like before he came back to life."

Su Wu was thinking in his heart.

He did not rush into the environment in front of him that was changed by the rhyme. Instead, he found a place to sit around and performed a simulation first.

At this moment, I rashly broke into an environment full of strange charms,

It's okay if you can find a way out, but if you can't find a way out, you will inevitably have to use your own power to accommodate the weirdness. At that time, the two kinds of weird charms will be combined and blended, which may lead to the early resurgence of "the weirdness in Longshan Jili".

There is nothing more serious than this!

Therefore, Su Wu now wanted to find a safe path to Longshanji in the simulation.

He had just seen the entire process of the staggered and spliced ​​roads ahead using the 'Eye Jizo Curse Seal'.

With his current super memory, he can review the process of road changes,

Finding the correct path in simulation is not difficult.

About a minute later, Su Wu opened his eyes.

He took out a wooden box from his backpack, and inside lay a dark red page.

——Leaving a mark on the dark red paper will directly be converted into a 'dismemberment' by the treacherous mind. In order to avoid harming innocent people, Su Wu found a wooden box to contain it.

Spread out the dark red paper, and a number '5' with a gradually darker color appears underneath.

That was the number of corpses that Xingui asked Su Wu to bring.

However, the document Su Wu never completed the tasks it assigned.

After the number turns completely black, Xingui will personally hold Su Wu accountable.

"Come out."

Su Wu patted the dark red paper: "You two have been in there for a long time, don't you feel bored? Come out and get some air."

After he said this, there was a burst of gray mist,

Suddenly condensed into the image of a 'doctor'.

Before the other figure could be condensed and formed, Su Wu suddenly folded the dark red paper page in half and stuffed it back into the wooden box.

That shape and shadow never had a chance to condense, and disintegrated into gray mist, dissipating with the wind.

The 'doctor' looked at Su Wu doing all this, and his eyes couldn't help but darken: "What do you want to do by letting me out alone?"

"I want you to do something for me." Su Wu put the wooden box into his backpack and said to the doctor without raising his head.

When the doctor heard this, his face showed sarcasm: "Although we are also doing things for the gods, you should also understand that without the restraint of the gods, we will definitely fight to the death and be enemies of life and death!

Then why should I do things for an enemy?

am I crazy?"

"I don't know." Su Wu stood up and shook his head.

"Your authority is higher than the two of us, and you can break up our bodies at will - but you can't command us either.

We are subordinates of the gods,

I'm not your personal subordinate!" The doctor saw Su Wu's desolate look, his eyes were a little wary, and he had a bad feeling.


I really can't command you to do things for me." Su Wu nodded honestly.

"Then are you willing to help me do this?

Let’s talk first,

If you don't do it, I will find some corpses to play with Lin Guangyuan and play a game of picking up soap - if I can't command you, it's quite casual for me to command a few strong men to kill corpses, right?"

Su Wu looked at the doctor with a friendly smile on his face.

The doctor raised his eyebrows and his eyes almost burst into flames: "You are such a pervert when you step on a horse!"


In front of him, Su Wu unzipped the backpack again.


"I'll just do it!" The doctor's face turned red and purple, he lowered his head and squeezed out a few words through his teeth.

This chapter has been completed!
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