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903, Awakening wolves (1/2)

"Om ah hum!"

"Om mani padme hum!"

"Amitabha, Amitabha!"

The monks in the sutra hall were shouting in panic, reciting various sutras and mantras, and ran out of the temple crawling on their feet! In the sutra hall, the Buddha statue was towering!

Outside the sutra hall, the crowd was in a hurry!

Behind the long table that collapsed, Su Wu, who was pressing one hand on the gold-bronze pagoda, slowly turned around. In the gloomy temple, among the boiling shadows, dark arms stretched out and slowly closed the temple.


Across the gradually sealed door, and across the panicked monks, Su Wu looked at each other with Yun Nishang in the empty field.

His eyes were quiet.

Yun Nishang's heart was beating wildly, and tears suddenly flowed from the corners of her eyes! Bang.

The door of the temple is completely closed.

"Mr. Su actually arrived at Daxueshan Temple before us! Did he have any instructions for us?

Assistant Yun?" Chen Xu looked in shock at the golden-domed sutra hall that closed all the doors. He turned back and looked at Yun Nishang who was crying silently for some unknown reason. His voice became softer and said, "Yun


Yun Nishang shook her head.

The door of the Great Sutra Hall was closed, isolating her from that door.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and whispered: "Bureau Su... did not leave any instructions..." "No instructions?

Then how can we cooperate..." Halfway through Chen Xu's words, he suddenly smiled bitterly and shook his head. He looked up at the Golden Dome Sutra Hall and murmured, "That's right, that's right...

··How does he need us to cooperate with him······”

The frightened monks were like a layer of fallen leaves on the ground, blown away instantly by the strong wind.

The stone square surrounding the main sutra hall suddenly became empty, with only futons on the floor, prayer wheels, and Buddhist sutras fluttering in the wind.

The strong wind turned the pages of the Buddhist scriptures, making a clattering sound. Such a sound made it seem so lonely in the square below. In the sutra hall.

The statue of the "Master Jinglian Transformation" sitting cross-legged next to the "Great Sun Tathagata" slowly melted, and the gurgling gold liquid, wrapped in gems, slowly spread on the stone steps.

On the face of the statue of the Great Sun Tathagata, long tears of gold paint rolled out of its eyes. Its body also began to melt.

Every Buddha statue around was melting, and the colorful liquid formed by the melting of gold, silver, copper and other precious metals, wrapped in colorful gems, gathered towards Su Wu who was standing in front of the pagoda in the center of the temple.

A short and thin figure gradually emerged from the melted statue of "Master Jinglian Transformation".

He has a dark complexion, an eagle nose and deep eyes. He wears a five-skull crown on his head and a bright yellow "Dongga". He frowns and looks at Su Wu standing in the center of the hall. After looking at Su Wu for a moment, his expression suddenly blurred.

Suddenly he said: "I know you!"

From the molten metal liquid in various places in the temple, Buddha faces emerged one after another, and each Buddha face said at the same time: "I know you!"

"I recognize you!"

"You just met me now, it's a little late.

Jinglian!" The crimson shadow flowing around Su Wu instantly stretched out hundreds of thousands of red arms, all of which pointed at the black and yellow monk who came from the metallic liquid - Master Jinglian Transformation!

"You are Yuan Kong!

You are not Yuan Kong!" The indifferent expression on Master Jinglian's face suddenly changed. Regret and rage were intertwined on his face. His eyes were fixed on Su Wu. In the surrounding void, images of "Shadowless Buddha" appeared all over the place.


The face of the Formless Buddha, which has no facial features, has all the facial features of a jinglian lotus!

There are all kinds of different expressions on every face, full of strong emotions! Anger! Regret! Madness! Regret! Sadness! Jealousy!

The hundreds of red arms stretched out in the red tribulation shadow pointed their sword fingers at the Buddha's faces, causing the Buddha's faces to crack continuously, but among the cracks, more faces grew.

came out with stronger and stronger negative emotions!

"You have caused me to stay at the level of a great master for eternity, never attain the fruit of Bodhisattva, and never become a Buddha!"

"You have caused my dharma nature to be polluted. I can only obtain a pure body shell through initiation and tribulation. I will never be able to peel off the polluted parts!"

"You caused me to be trapped in this temple, going through thousands of kalpas over and over again. I was trapped in this cycle of life and death over and over again. I can never be freed!"

"You caused me to leave imprints on all the treasures of my nature and will. Now that I have collected all the treasures, I still cannot piece together a complete self--"

"Yuan Kong! I'm waiting for you! It's so hard for me to wait for you! It's so hard--"

The countless Buddha faces hovering around Master Jinglian howled in unison, accusing Su Wu of all the sufferings he had endured!

Extremely crazy howls suddenly sounded!


"Stay away from upside-down dreams, and you will eventually reach Nirvana!" "Stay away from upside-down dreams, and you will eventually reach Nirvana!" "Stay away from upside-down dreams, and you will eventually reach Nirvana!"

The skin and flesh on the Buddha's face suddenly withered and rotted, and the strong corpse smell lingered in the temple with a strong and strange charm, and the entire temple was destroyed in an instant!

The walls of the golden-domed sutra hall collapsed with a roar! The beams and pillars collapsed!

The golden roof collapsed!

The rotten and withered Buddha faces turned into snow-white skulls, hovering in the sky, hovering in all directions of Daxueshan Temple, sweeping the world with crazy and sharp screams!

Those tourists who had no time to evacuate, those pedestrians who were still lingering on the mountain road, and those vehicles that had not yet left Daxueshan City were all surrounded by endless skulls!

Countless skulls have their upper and lower teeth opening and closing, carrying a strong charisma, intending to eat up all the thoughts of strangers! There are also skulls circling around Su Wu!

Yun Nishang and Chen Xu's sudden skull got into the minds of the two of them, biting away their attempts to use themselves to contain Li Wei's power——

"Nowadays, Daxueshan Temple has experienced all kinds of things. For ordinary people, it is ultimately a terrifying dream.

Your "Evil Lotus Evil Thoughts" eat away all their thoughts about this nightmare, which is a good thing for them." Su Wu lowered his eyebrows and looked at Jinglian who was running towards him. He stood there.

He was motionless, but Jinglian was thousands of miles away from him. He was running wildly all the way, but he couldn't even get close to him!

Now Jinglian has collected all of his sealed Xingyi treasures.

Even though those hidden secrets of nature and intention bear the various imprints left by Su Wu, the level of his "intention" must be close to the level of restoring the "King of Heart of Eight Consciousnesses", and he can be close to the level of "King of Heart of Eight Consciousnesses".

At the level of mind, in the confrontation with Su Wu at the "level of mind", he was actually half a step behind the opponent - the other party was now closer to the realm of "Eight Consciousness Heart King" than he was!

Su Wu looked at Master Jinglian, who had never been able to get close to him. He smiled and said softly: "Jinglian, that's it for now."


He stretched out his left hand and probed into the hidden source.

The countless origin gates lingering in the secret place were gently pushed open by Su Wu's left hand before they could be merged into one!

Dahua is silent and flowing across the earth! That silent red!

That boiling red! That colorless red! Suddenly spread out!

Under the distant sky, somewhere in the grassy wilderness, the first whimper sounded: "Woo——"

On the top of the snowy mountaintop, in the boundless and endless origin of Dahua, low roars sounded one after another: "Woo——"

Pairs of red or green eyes lit up all over the Snowy Mountains, and among the people who were attacked by the "Spirit Lotus" - beasts as high as mountains, or as tall as lions and tigers, appeared.

, picked up skulls one after another and started to bite them competitively!

Jingliangui was instantly suppressed!

The "Zu Ni Laifu", who is like a cow and has only one arm, holds a pitch black bone stick in its mouth and appears on the top of the snowy mountain. It lowers its head and stretches its body as big as a calf into a length of thousands of feet.

The pitch-black bone rod was delivered to Su Wu!

Su Wu took the bone stick, rounded it, and swept away the Jinglian Transformation Master who was finally approaching! Boom!

Hundreds of towers and palaces are in ruins! "How is this possible!"

"I have obviously tainted such origin gods, and their descendants' bloodline has been cut off now - why can you still attract such a large number of origin gods?!"

"No! No!

They were able to suppress my evil thoughts - they were older and more powerful than the original group of gods I had seen. Above the ruins of the fortress and palace, smoke and dust filled the air.

But in the long smoke and dust, there was no figure of Master Jinglian.

His voice came from the side of Su Wu - the bright yellow "Dongga" monk's robe was still spotless, and even the Buddhist crown on his head had not changed at all.

Walking out of the colorful metallic liquid, he stared at Zu Ni Laifu, who was raising his head behind Su Wu, with confusion and anger in his eyes.

Su Wu stood in front of the pagoda, looking at Master Jinglian Transformation without saying a word.

"You have left a mark on my hidden treasure of nature, causing all kinds of deviations in my memory, deviating from the true historical form." Master Jinglian Huasheng stared at Su Wu and suddenly grinned, "But it doesn't matter.

A hundred years ago, when you returned to your secret hiding place, I still caught a glimpse of you...

The woman who founded the "Namu Gyatso" Dharma Temple is in the pagoda next to you... You have been standing in front of the pagoda, are you trying to save her?

I don’t object to you saving her from the pagoda. After all, I used all my lost nature and intentions to hide in the pagoda, and evolved all kinds of hells on that pagoda. If you want to save her, just break through all the hells!

By the way, you will also break all the marks you left on my hidden nature!" "Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, Jinglian, you are still the same as before, never changed.

I originally thought that leaving you in this secret realm to guard the door for all living beings would always be a great merit - now it seems that you have to die, Jinglian!" The smile on Su Wu's face did not change,

At this moment, his figure overlapped with the blood river tribulation shadow surrounding him, turning into a blood-red tower!

The tower opened its hundreds of arms and clasped them on the gold and bronze pagoda. They exerted force in an instant! The earth shook and the mountains shook!

The entire snowy mountain is trembling!

This pagoda is connected to the mountain-shaped dragon veins of Daxue Mountain!

This chapter has been completed!
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