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931, Puppet Memories (2/2)

"We saw the end!

It’s also the beginning!”

The dummy left behind a cold mechanical voice, and its jelly-like 'body' 'melted' on the door shackles and disappeared without a trace!

It is already 'dead'!

Perhaps one day in the future, Su Wu will be able to encounter it again after being reincarnated by the intestines of the Three Purities!

"The last... and the first..." Su Wu murmured as he looked at the bloody body on the door panel.

The door of a black cupboard opened.

The treacherous rope dragged the 'Zhu Yuming Living Corpse', which had been tortured to the point of being almost inhuman, and imprisoned it on the door panel.

Zhu Yuming's living corpse has lost the past memories of several imitators. It seems to have returned to the most essential state of the puppet, attached to Zhu Yuming's corpse, remaining silent, like a wax figure.

Su Wu shaved off the hair of the living corpse. As the corpse began to rot and oozed red and green pus, a jelly-like human shape emerged from the surface of the dead body - it was still imprisoned by the door panel, with its limbs

The carrion beneath him was spread out, silent and motionless.

A fake person in this state cannot communicate normally with him at all.

Su Wu was also unable to find out whether there was some kind of communication between the dummies.

He held the scissors in one hand and the pliers in the other, and thrust the scissors under the jelly-like translucent 'skin' of the dummy. As the scissors opened and closed, a layer of 'skin' on the dummy's body was cut open by the scissors.

It was picked up by pliers and torn away from it.

After the gray-white, jelly-like 'skin' was torn off, it melted like a heated ice cube and disappeared, leaving only a transparent and silky shadow on the floor of the punishment chamber——

Su Wu stared at the shadow as thin as a gossamer. The Eight Consciousness King tolerated it, but it only caused the shadow to melt faster!

The six-day ghost eye between Su Wu's eyebrows suddenly opened!

The three pupils gathered into one, staring at the shadow on the ground that was melting faster!

That extremely thin shadow finally stopped 'melting', and some colorful pictures flashed into the eyes of the Six Heavenly Ghost——

In the mottled black and white picture.

From time to time, there are snowflake noises that extend horizontally, cross vertically, or spread into patches or clusters all over the screen.

The sound of rustling, rustling reached Su Wu's ears.

This scene gave Su Wu the feeling of watching old movies and old cameras.

He recalled that when he first came into contact with the "Sin Monkey Boxing", he also felt the "Sin Monkey Boxing" by watching similar videos, and then learned the "Sin Monkey Boxing".

Heart Ape Boxing originated from the "Shen Da Sect".

What is the connection between the Shenda Sect and a certain period of the Qing Dynasty?

Su Wu was multitasking, her mind was racing with thoughts, and she could separate her thoughts and quickly observe the pictures that flashed through her mind.

From time to time, the gray-black screen with flashes of snowflake noise gradually became brighter.

A ray of light penetrates the center line of the picture - in the light, a hazy and fuzzy group of tall buildings appears, and the 'light' splits more and more to both sides, covering the entire picture.

It was hazy, and only the towering outlines of the building complex finally became clear.

Towering palaces appeared in front of Su Wu's eyes.

The color of the clothes cannot be clearly seen, but the style has appeared in various more sophisticated Qing palace dramas. People wearing palace guard costumes and palace eunuch costumes, wearing round-brimmed helmets, holding knives and guns, or carrying fly whisks, lined up in several teams.

We walked staggered under the stone steps and corridors of palaces.

"...Give me the card..." A high-pitched voice sounded in the ears of 'Su Wu'.

Su Wu understood that this was the voice heard by the imitator from a certain period of the Qing Dynasty, the real owner of a certain past memory tolerated by the pseudo-person.

When the 'person being imitated' heard the high-pitched, vague, and somewhat distorted voice, he quickly turned his head and looked to one side. His face was blurry, and a rather well-dressed eunuch stood there holding a whisk in his arms.

‘He’ took out a token from his waist and a few pieces of broken silver, and handed them to the eunuch.

The eunuch weighed the silver, nodded, and waved to let it go.

While the imitator turned his head, Su Wu saw: 'He' was pulling a platoon cart. The platoon cart was covered with a thick quilt, and there was something bulging under the quilt.

The piles are as high as a hill.

The imitator pulled the car into the magnificent and solemn palace complex.

‘He’ found a corner, stopped the cart, moved a horse from the cart, and sat in the corner with his hands folded.

It didn't take long.

There were many men wearing flower feathers on their heads and dressed in fine clothes. They got off the sedan in front of the main gate on the opposite side and walked into the palace together. They talked and laughed along the way, talking and walking towards the person being imitated.

'Gather here.

The identities of these people, who wear flower feathers on their heads, animal official court robes, and arrow sleeves made of colorful patterns of silk and satin, are self-evident. They are all high officials participating in the court meeting!

Su Wu was confused for a moment.

What were these high officials doing gathering around a man pulling a cart?

The 'person being imitated' was much more agile than the 'bystander' at this time. 'He' quickly opened the thick quilt on the carriage beside him, and puffs of hot air spurted out.

Under that thick quilt, there were boxes of plump, steaming big buns!

'He' took a stack of oil paper, rolled it into a cone shape in his hand, picked up large meat buns one by one, and handed them to the gathered court officials. The court officials nodded and threw down a few pieces.

Yin, hold the buns and go to enjoy them.

There were three to five boxes full of large buns, and it didn’t take long for them to be sold out by the ‘imitators’!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this time, bursts of sound like firecrackers sounded from deep inside the palace garden.

Su Wu was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that it was the sound of "quiet whip".

The court meeting is about to begin.

The civil and military officials tidied up their appearance and slowly walked into the palace complex.

The 'imitated' packed up the oil paper scattered on the floor, leftovers, or big meat buns that had not been touched at all, pulled up the cart, and hurried to the corner gate.

The ministers in the palace garden were already standing in awe inside and outside the hall.

A team of eunuchs and palace maids hurried out from the side and approached the carriage of the 'person being imitated'.

On the sedan chair surrounded by palace maids and eunuchs, the curtains of the carriage suddenly opened, and a beautiful and bright face appeared in the carriage window - when the 'imitator' saw that face, he suddenly laughed 'hehehe'

Several times.

The laughter was deep, sinister, and full of malice.

This laughter echoes in the deepest part of this mottled memory.

The scene suddenly faded.

Su Wu suddenly understood - that person selling buns in the palace garden, who is the 'imitator'?!

It is already a fake!

The dummy walked into the forbidden palace.

He even met face to face with the concubines in the Forbidden Palace——

What happened after that?!

what happens?!

Su Wu's pupils tightened!

He stared at the 'pseudoman' who had peeled off a layer of skin. The scissors in his hand moved again and plunged into the dummy's chest again, separating the next layer of 'skin'!

That layer of skin was peeled off, and after falling to the ground, it melted like snow, leaving no trace.

Not even a broken image was left.

Seeing this, Su Wu once again used the scissors to peel off the next layer of 'skin' of the 'dummy'.

The 'pseudoman' has a jelly-like, translucent body, and it is unknown how many layers of 'skin' it is wrapped in. Su Wu used torture to separate its skin layer by layer. Its shape continued to shrink, and the translucent skin scattered around it,

They melted away one after another, but no traces were left behind.

Until Su Wu stripped off the last layer of skin of this dummy——

The almost transparent skin was slowly peeled off, and a pale head appeared under the skin.

The head's skin is pale, its lips are purple, and the rest of its facial features are blurred and cannot be seen clearly - it has "two heads", and the hair on the crown is decorated with many black and white beads and flowers - it looks like

Just like the image in the black and white world, when Su Wu peeled off the last layer of skin and looked at it——

A pair of eyes opened somewhere!

Those eyes were full of chilling malice, staring at Su Wu.

The purple lips on the head suddenly opened: "We have seen the end!

It’s also the beginning!”


The punishment chamber suddenly trembled violently and started shaking!

The black and white woman's head was filled with cracks in the violent shaking, and suddenly collapsed and disappeared without a trace!

"Buzz!" Su Wu said the truth!

The boundless white light turned into a roulette, surrounded him, and exploded outward!

The white light expanded in layers, suppressing the tremors in the punishment chamber and making everything calm!

His brows were raised, his pupils were moving, and he said to himself in a low voice: "Eyes, they are eyes..."

The 'pseudo-man' does not come from the intestines of Sanqing, or 'fagui', it comes from a pair of 'eyes' - Mingzhou Ligui, who is most closely related to 'eyes', is undoubtedly the 'eyes'!

But is the treacherous eye the source of the ‘pseudo-human’?!

Su Wu was not sure!

What he can be sure of is that the 'Zhu Yuming Puppet' is a big fish he caught. Unfortunately, he only got some clues from this big fish, but it was difficult to prevent the 'big fish' from self-destructing.

After a person destroys himself, he will definitely enter reincarnation again, but Su Wu may not be able to meet him again!

The black cabinet is opened again.

The next living corpse with a dummy attached to it was imprisoned on the door panel.

Su Wu began another interrogation.

The firelight in the punishment chamber flickered.

The living corpses imprisoned on the door board continue to rot, turn into dead corpses, and are constantly being cleaned.

The ‘pseudo-human skins’ on the ground are constantly stacked and melting.

Sometimes one or two threads of memory are left behind;

Sometimes it melts until nothing is left.

Su Wu browsed through a fragmentary memory of a "red-haired Chinese painter" who was painting a portrait of a certain princess's Shih Tzu;

Browsing through the memory of a street beggar, he fought with other beggars because he snatched the vomit of a wealthy businessman after he was drunk;

Browsing through the memory of a prostitute...

This chaotic sequence of images has no beginning or end, and the clues provided to Su Wu are also chaotic and disorderly. It is impossible to organize them in an orderly manner. After browsing these memories, he can only be sure of one thing: the fake person

He indeed infiltrated into the palace at that time and had close contact with the royal family at that time!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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