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Xiao Siqing said that Leng Yan does not belong to this world, or does not belong to this interface. He came here from other interfaces like us, but he is not from the same world as us, he is from one of the six paths.

of heaven.

"The way of heaven?" I was startled, "Is Leng Yan really the way of heaven?"

"No," Bai Ziqi explained after I finished speaking, "this God's Way is not the Heaven's Way in the true Dharma Realm, it is just an interface of one of the Six Paths."

Bai Ziqi said that if the Three Realms and Six Paths are viewed as a three-dimensional figure, the middle of the figure is divided into three large blocks, namely the heaven, the human world, and the demon world. Around these three large blocks are distributed six small blocks.

Each small block is the six channels of six different interfaces.

The upper layer of these graphics is the Three Saints Dharma Realm, which is the interface where the three heavenly emperors are. The upper layer of the Three Saints Dharma Realm is the heavenly way of the true Dharma Realm. A simple understanding is that the Three Saints Dharma Realm is higher than the interface we are on.

One level, the true Dharma Realm is two levels higher than the interface we are on.

It's only one or two levels higher, and it seems like the opponent is not that powerful, not too far behind, and can be reached by just tiptoeing hard. If you think so, you are totally wrong.

Just imagine, the human world and the heaven world are at the same level. Whether humans or animals are cultivating immortals, they need to go through a very arduous process, and then go through ascension to reach the heaven world from the human world. This is just a small step, and 90% of them have been eliminated.

It is a big step for practitioners to cross from the Three Realms and Six Paths to the Three Saints Dharma Realm. So far, no one has succeeded. Otherwise, there would not be only Three Saints in this world.

Speaking of this, Bai Ziqi glanced at me and then continued, "Over the years, the group of practitioners who have been closest to the Three Saints Dharma Realm, and the group that almost took this step is the Tauren."

If without our obstruction, the Minotaurs successfully gain the trust of humans, then the Minotaurs will be promoted successfully and enter the realm of the Three Saints. By that time, even if the three heavenly emperors wake up, the three heavenly emperors will not be able to bring down the Taurens.

how's it going.

Because, first, the Tauren have entered the Three Saints Dharma Realm, and their strength has been greatly improved. Even if the three emperors join forces, they may not be their opponents. Second, and the most important reason, the Tauren have been successfully promoted.

It means that Heaven allows them to be promoted, and they have been recognized by Heaven. The three Heavenly Emperors cannot punish them for rebellion.

on the same interface.

After saying that, Bai Ziqi looked at me and said, "Lin Xi, do you now know why the three great emperors are so concerned about the Minotaur blood in your body? Because the Tauren almost broke the rules of this world."

If it was just because of rebellion, all the rebellious Tauren have been killed, and I have supported them from beginning to end, so they don’t have to worry about my rebellion destroying my spiritual roots. They treat me like this because they are actually afraid that one day, the Tauren will

The human race will take a big step into the world of spiritual practice just like now.

They are not afraid of my rebellion, they are afraid of the cultivation talent brought by the blood of the Tauren. The cultivation class that no one can break will one day be broken by the blood of the Tauren. So they want all the Tauren to die, and they want no more in this world.

The bloodline of the tauren tribe.

I looked at Bai Ziqi.

He is worthy of being the Emperor of Heaven. He has the idea of ​​a superior taking charge of the overall situation. He looks at problems from a completely different perspective than us. Before this, I thought that the Heaven Realm treated me like this because of the rebellion of the Tauren clan, which involved the entire clan.

I was not allowed to live. I never thought that there was a profound issue of the spiritual cultivating class hidden behind this.

Xiao Siqin looked at Bai Ziqi pitifully, making sure that Bai Ziqi had finished speaking, then she spoke again with red eyes, "Father, mother, Leng Yan said that he left the Celestial Way where he was and started traveling just to transcend the cultivation level.

Six paths."

There is a saying circulating in Tianshen Dao where Leng Yan lives that there are ten types of people in the world who have the qualifications to transcend the cultivation levels and reach the true Dharma world to see the true God of Heaven. After years of investigation, Leng Yan knows three of them, namely the great benevolent people.

, the eternal man, the heartless man.

Leng Yan didn't know what it meant to be an immortal person and an unintentional person, so he decided to be a good person. When he achieves the ultimate kindness, he will have the opportunity to enter the true Dharma realm and see the true face of heaven.

He doesn't know what extreme kindness is, but from his understanding, isn't kindness just about doing good deeds? Just doing good deeds is enough, so he travels around the six realms and does good deeds everywhere.

Leng Yan traveled here that year and saw a tribe that was about to be exterminated, which is now the White Robe Tribe. At that time, plague was rampant here, and with the invasion of foreign tribes, there were less than a hundred living people in this tribe, corpses were everywhere, and the dead were more than 100.

There are so many living people that no one has buried the corpses here. The smell of war and death is everywhere, and the whole tribe is like hell.

Seeing such a tragic scene, Leng Yan immediately became excited. Isn't this a good deed sent to the door? Saving this tribe and rescuing all the people here is a great merit, isn't it? Saving one life wins.

By building a seven-level pagoda and saving so many people at once, he has built so many pagodas!

The more Leng Yan thought about it, the happier he became. He gathered all the living people in the tribe, helped them treat their injuries, and taught them formations. When the foreign tribe invaded, Leng Yan cooperated with the tribe's formation in advance to defeat the foreign tribes and solve the problem of the tribe.

of foreign troubles.

After the foreign trouble was resolved, Leng Yan used the secret technique of Tianshen Tao to resurrect all the people in the tribe.

The people in the tribe already regarded Leng Yan as a benefactor. Now that they saw with their own eyes that Leng Yan could resurrect the dead, they instantly regarded Leng Yan as a god. They respected him, built palaces for him, and used the best materials to protect him.

Food is offered to him.

"The palace in the desert was built by this tribe for Leng Yan." Xiao Siqing said.

Hearing these words, Wei Huang lost his composure instantly and raised his voice a little higher, "Did this tribe build that dilapidated palace? What about the techniques carved in the palace?"

Xiao Siqing remained silent, probably listening to Leng Yan's answer. After a moment, she said to Wei Huang, "Leng Yan said that was the method of the God of Heaven..."

The Baipao tribe worshiped him sincerely and regarded him as a true god. He stayed here happily for a few more years. The Baipao tribe called themselves the people of Leng Yan, and they listened to him every day. Over time,

What was fake became real. I don’t know when, but Leng Yan had a sense of responsibility for the White Robe Clan. He wanted to protect the people here and let them live a stable life. But he also knew that he did not

He may have stayed here, so he began to teach the white-robed people the exercises. The white-robed people regarded his words as an oracle and a gift, so they carved these exercises in the palace.

After understanding the origin of the technique, I turned to look at Wei Huang.

Bai Ziqi was really right, the exercises in the palace were not miracles of heaven.

Wei Huang frowned, his face turned a little pale, he didn't say anything and didn't know what he was thinking.

Xiao Siqin continued to say that after Leng Yan taught the White Robe Clan the exercises, he proposed to leave. He also wanted to continue traveling and do good deeds. Of course the White Pao Clan didn't want Leng Yan to leave. They tried many ways to persuade Leng Yan to stay, but they were all rejected by Leng Yan.

Yan refused. Seeing that Leng Yan had made up his mind to leave, and knowing that it was useless to try to stay, the entire White Robe clan knelt in front of Leng Yan and begged Leng Yan to teach them a sealing formation.

They said that if a powerful foreign tribe invaded after Leng Yan left, even if they were defeated, there would still be formations that could seal the powerful enemy and save their clan's life.

This group of people have been worshiping Leng Yan for these years. Who would plot against his own god? So Leng Yan was not prepared at all. When he heard their request, he even felt that what they said was very reasonable, so he asked him to do it.

The most powerful sealing formation - the life-threatening formation of six paths and seven locks - was taught to the white-robed clan without any concealment.

What Leng Yan never expected was that after the white-robed clan learned the formation, he would be the one to deal with it!

On the pretext of giving Leng Yan a gift, the white-robed tribe tricked Leng Yan into the formation, and then activated the formation to seal Leng Yan!

And this seal lasts for hundreds of years!

This chapter has been completed!
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