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I was startled and quickly raised my hand to help Xiao Chunlan block it, but the shovel went through me!

Only then did I realize that no one here could see me except Xiao Chunlan.

The shovel passed through my arm and hit Xiao Chun Lan on the head with a bang. Xiao Chun Lan's body was shaken by the beating, and bright red blood suddenly gushes out of her head and flows down her pale face.

As her body swayed, she managed to hold on without falling to the ground and yelled with all her strength, "Run!"

After shouting, Xiao Chunlan stumbled towards the robbery cave.

Perhaps it was because of being beaten that he was dizzy, or perhaps because of the injury on his leg. Before he could run far, Xiao Chunlan tilted his body and fell forward, lying on the ground.

At the same time, a scarlet gas floated out from the robbery cave. The two strong men standing next to the robbery cave were the first to come into contact with the gas. They screamed and their bodies began to turn red. Then they fell to the ground in pain.

They rolled left and right, and after about a minute or two, the two people stopped screaming and became motionless.

Seeing the death of these two people made me feel sick.

These two people looked like they had been fished out of a hot oil pan. Their bodies were covered with transparent fire bubbles. There was no good piece of meat on their bodies, and there was even a smell of meat floating in the air!

The other villagers were shocked when they saw the death of these two people. Immediately afterwards, the three villagers closest to the two people were also struck by the attack and began to roll in pain.

Now no one dared to stay here anymore. The villagers threw down their things and ran out of the pit screaming.

The old village chief was not scared away. He walked to Xiao Chunlan, squatted down, grabbed Xiao Chunlan's hair, and asked Xiao Chunlan fiercely, "Is it you? It's you, the broom star, who did this."

Damn it, it’s the villagers who have the trouble, right? You have no father or mother, and you grew up eating a lot of food. Do the villagers treat you badly? How can you be so heartless! The village is too poor, and everyone just wants to dig it out.

Some gold and silver, just exchange for food so that the family can have enough food! Put away your magic!"

Blood flowed all over her face and into her eyes, turning Xiao Chunlan's eyes into blood red. She ignored the village chief and just stared at the burglar's hole with her vertical pupils, and kept chanting,

"Don't come out...don't come out..."

As Xiao Chunlan kept talking, I found that the scarlet gas coming out of the robbery hole really became less and less, until finally there was no gas coming out anymore.

Seeing that the gas was no longer coming out, Xiao Chunlan let out a long breath, rolled her eyes from exhaustion and passed out.

After Xiao Chunlan fainted and died, the village chief asked the villagers to continue digging the ancient tomb. The villagers did not dare to approach, so the village chief took the lead and walked to the robbery hole and said to the villagers, look, Broom Star passed out and died.

Without the curse, everything is fine!

Seeing that the village chief was fine, the villagers dared to approach. Some villagers tied ropes and prepared to go down into the robbery hole again. At this moment, the villager named Zhang who had just hit Xiao Chunlan with a shovel suddenly said to the village chief, "

Village Chief, Broom Star has passed out and has no way to curse us, so we are safe. But this safety is temporary. When she wakes up and curses us, won't we still be dead?"

The village chief gave the old man a sidelong glance, "Then I'll find someone to tie her up and gag her so that she can't speak."

"That won't work!" Old Man Zhang said, "I tied her up in the morning, but she knows magic, so wouldn't she be able to untie her by herself? It's not safe to just tie her up! Village chief, you can't take our lives."


After Old Man Zhang said this, the villagers also asked the village to deal with Xiao Chunlan.

"How to deal with it? Do you want to cut her tongue?" The village chief glared at Old Man Zhang angrily, "You old Zhang family is extinct because you have no son! You can't blame Xiao Chunlan for this.

Come on, she has no grievances against you, so why did she cause you to have no descendants?"

"She still has no grudges against the two Niu brothers, but didn't she just curse the two brothers to death!" Old Man Zhang shouted, "I don't care, she must be killed today, otherwise whoever wants to dig this grave will dig it."

I won’t dig anymore! I’m afraid I’ll find gold, silver, and jewelry, and I’ll lose my life!”

"Village Chief, she has no father or mother, and grew up eating hundreds of meals and wearing hundreds of clothes. Our village is worthy of her, but she doesn't know how to be grateful, and actually curses our village! We are right, she deserves to die!


"That's right! Village chief, my father kindly gave her food, but she told me that she could only live for three days. My father really died on the second day. She is just an ignorant wolf! We just fought

She, when she wakes up, she will not let us go, and all of us will die by then."

"Village Chief, for the lives of the whole village, let's do it!"


For a moment, everyone was telling the village chief that they wanted to kill Xiao Chunlan.

I was so dumbfounded that I didn’t know whether to call these people stupid or greedy!

Xiao Chunlan is obviously saving them, but they feel that Xiao Chunlan's words, good but not effective, are a curse to them!

Finally, the village chief nodded and agreed to execute Xiao Chunlan.

Old Man Zhang hated Xiao Chunlan and took the initiative to say that he was willing to take action so that no one else’s hands would be stained with blood. Hearing what Old Man Zhang said, the other villagers exaggerated the old man’s righteousness!

The village chief walked away, and Old Man Zhang picked up the shovel. In order to dig the soil faster, the shovel was polished very sharp, and the edge was like a knife. Old Man Zhang lifted the shovel, and pointed the shovel at Xiao Chunlan like a speared fish.

His neck was chopped off.

"don't want!"

I hurriedly tried to stop him, but my hand passed through the shovel again and didn't touch anything. Because of the inertia of the shovel, I fell forward and fell to the ground.

I raised my head, wanting to see Xiao Chunlan's condition, but as soon as I raised my head, a white, slender hand stretched out in front of me.

Except for Xiao Chunlan, no one can see me here! Whose hands are these?

I was startled, and when I looked along my hand, I saw Chun Lan! To be more precise, it was Chun Lan who had grown up!

She stood in front of me. She looked about thirty years old. Her clothes had also changed, and she had turned into a green silk cheongsam. The cheongsam outlined her graceful figure, and her flaming red lips gave her the charm of a mature woman.

I was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the place where Xiao Chunlan fell to the ground. Xiao Chunlan was still lying on the ground, with the shovel stuck in the ground. The sharp shovel cut off Xiao Chunlan's neck! Her head and body were on the shovel.

both sides!

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and all the villagers were frozen there, motionless with either unbearable or curious expressions on their faces.

"This is my past, the memory of when I was alive," Chun Lan, standing in front of me, wearing a cheongsam, suddenly said to me, "Do you want to get up?"

I extended my hand to her, and her hand was as cold as a piece of ice.

She pulled me up with a dignified smile on her face, "After these villagers killed me, they continued to dig graves. They opened the forbidden door and released the demons, and then the entire village was killed. Little Fairy Girl,

Do you still remember the inheritance of the spirit witch I told you? It was the old spirit witch in the village who saved me and gave me all her remaining lifespan and power. Only then did I become a spirit and have the opportunity to create a ghost business organization. However,

She didn't save me to save me, but to save the common people."

The last sentence was like a tongue twister. Before I could figure out what it meant, I heard Chunlan suddenly ask me, "Xiao Xiangu, I'm saving you now, but it's not just to save you. I'm saving the common people. Such a redemption,

Do you want it?"

What a profound statement!

That's right...

I don't understand a bit!

This chapter has been completed!
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