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Probably because he didn't expect me to react like this, the fox demon was stunned for a moment and then said, "Little Fairy Girl, you can't just say it with your mouth. I want you to swear it with your soul."

"No!" After the fox demon finished speaking, Gu Han suddenly turned back to look at me and shook his head at me.

Heaven may be unfair. Yuchen and the others have been forced to eat the Luck Beads and have become figures among the Ten Defying Heavens. Heaven may not let them go, but even so, it does not mean that we will join the fox demon.

this organization.

The organization he belongs to is obviously very extreme. It feels that the law of heaven favors human beings, so it must trample humans under their feet. Human beings are so innocent, who have they offended whom? What is the law of heaven, humans don’t even know!

Moreover, in the current Three Realms, all living things in the world follow the rules of Heaven. If Heaven is overthrown and the rules are re-established, wouldn't the world be in chaos? From the growth of all things to the order of the world, all the rules that Heaven has formulated over a long period of time have been overturned and rebuilt.

.This organization will cause more trouble than the previous Tauren tribe.

The tauren tribe only disturbed the gods, but this organization wants to disturb all living beings in the three realms!

It can be seen from the mysterious man and the fox demon that their strength is very powerful, which we have never encountered before. They may really be able to overthrow the law of heaven and shake the unshakable position of the law of heaven. But to be honest, I don’t want to

Even if I join them, I will not join them! On the contrary, if they really want to disrupt the order of the world, I may stop them.

Gu Han wanted to rescue Wan Shangyu, but she also knew that this organization was not a good thing. She could not and could not make me swear on my soul to join such an evil sect in order to save Wan Shangyu.

Her eyes were swollen from crying, and her tear-filled eyes were flashing with pain. She shook her head at me, "Lin Xi, you don't need to do this."

As soon as Gu Han finished speaking, Wan Shangyu suddenly let out a painful groan.

My heart trembled and I looked over immediately.

It was a little fox demon that pierced Wan Shangyu's chest with its sharp, needle-like claws. His claws were sharp and the wound was as big as the eye of a needle. No blood seeped out, but through Wan Shangyu's clenched teeth, the wound was as big as the eye of a needle.

His teeth and tense body showed how much pain he was feeling at this time.

"What are you doing!" Gu Han cried distressedly, "I'll kill you!"

Gu Han wanted to rush over, but I held him firmly.

I stared at the fox demon.

The fox demon gently raised his paw, and at the instruction of the little fox demon, he pulled out the sharp paw from Wan Shangyu's chest. The sharp front part of his paw was stained red with blood, as if it was painted with a layer of brightly colored nail polish.

Blood seeped out from the wound on Wan Shangyu's chest. At the same time, Wan Shangyu's body relaxed, feeling like he was finally alive again.

The fox demon narrowed his fox eyes and looked at me, half-smiling but not smiling, with evil intentions, "Little Fairy Girl, have you thought about it? Your friend's life is in your hands."

If you swear by your soul, if you violate the oath, your soul will fly away.

If I swear an oath, it will be equivalent to selling my soul to them. If I don't listen to them, I will face the end of my soul. And controlling me means controlling Yuchen, Yun Ling, Hu Jinyue, and possibly even Qian Qian.

Chen. They are willing to risk their lives for me. If I threaten them with my life, they will definitely be obedient.

The fox demon's plan was so loud that it almost deafened me.

I looked at the fox demon, "If I don't swear, you will kill him?"

The fox demon nodded with a smile, "Little Fairy Girl, why do you ask questions knowingly?"

Gu Han was so angry that his body was shaking. He glared at the fox demon and cursed, "You are fox demons and people with cultivation. Don't you think it's shameful that you threaten Lin Xi with the lives of ordinary humans?"

!You keep saying that the law of heaven is unfair, as if you are fair! Human beings are weak, and you trample on human life, but the gods and Buddhas are held up high by you. This is not called fairness, it is called bullying the weak by the strong, and bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

!You are not as good as the Dao of Heaven. What the Dao of Heaven cares about is all living beings and the balance between heaven and earth. Therefore, the Dao of Heaven favors humans and weak creatures. Otherwise, weak humans would have been extinct among the gods, Buddhas and demons! How great the Dao of Heaven is.

, how can it be shaken by selfish things like you!"

I was stunned by what Gu Han said.

As expected, it is close to Zhu Zhechi. After being together with Wan Shangyu for a long time, his vision and mind have become different.

The fox demon was so scolded that his head was bloody, and his eyes widened in anger. He raised his fox paw and pointed at Gu Han, "Bold! Ignorant human, you are looking for death..."

"Qing Ge, open the door!" I shouted suddenly.

As soon as I finished speaking, a red light rushed out from behind me, it was Yun Ling.

Yun Ling curled up red flames with her arms, like spreading a pair of fiery red wings, and instantly knocked away the two little fox demons standing next to Wan Shangyu.

The fox demon's reaction was also very fast. Yun Ling was so far behind that he rushed over. His fox claws stretched out and stabbed Yun Ling's back. But before he could catch Yun Ling, Hu Jinyue suddenly appeared in front of him, with a long and narrow body.

His fox eyes were filled with cold light, "Little fox, your opponent is me!"

After saying this, Hu Jinyue clenched her fist and punched the fox demon in the face.

The fox demon was agile and turned slightly to avoid Hu Jinyue's attack. But as soon as he dodged the punch, a huge fiery red fox tail swept over. The fox demon couldn't dodge and was knocked away by the fox tail. His body knocked over the shelf.

, the goods were scattered all over the floor, making a clattering sound.

Hu Jinyue stood sideways, with his knees bent, and nine huge red fox tails were swinging behind him, but the human form had fox tails. Under the dazzling red of the fox tails, the porcelain whiteness of Hu Jinyue's face was more contrasted, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

The corners of his lips were slightly raised, showing an evil spirit.

The door of time and space opened, I shouted to leave, and then jumped into the door first. Chu Yuan picked up Gu Han, Yun Ling picked up Wan Shangyu, and Hu Jinyue followed at the end.

After walking through the door and arriving at the hotel room, Hu Chuyue had already opened the door of time and space to another place.

We were worried that the fox demon would chase us, so we had no time to hesitate. Together with Qingge and Hu Chuyue, we stepped into the door of time and space opened by Hu Chuyue.

There is a beach on this side of the door, and not far away is the vast azure ocean. On one side is a row of rocks, which have been washed into natural arcs by the waves. The top of the rocks extends outward like an eaves, which is a good place to shade the sun.


"The leader didn't say where I was going, so I took it upon myself to come to my favorite place," Hu Chuyue explained to me with a blushing face. "This is my secret base. This is the first time that the leader has been taken by me."

Girls who come here.”

I looked at him and said, "No, I'm not the first one. Qing Ge and Gu Han are also here."

I think I need to have a good talk with Hu Chuyue. I have no intention of bringing him into the house. Does Hu Chuyue know how dangerous his idea is? If Yuchen knows, Yuchen can give him a slap in the face.

Shoot him to death!

"Little brother Ma, be careful!" At this time, Hu Jinyue suddenly shouted.

Immediately afterwards, my body suddenly lightened up and was wrapped by the fox tail, lifting me up.

At the same time, a flying arrow pierced the place where I had just been standing, and with a bang, a deep pit exploded on the beach, and sand splashed.

I was startled and looked up.

It's a fox demon!

He's coming after him!

He squinted at me and said, "It's a pity that the first arrow missed. It won't happen this time."

As he spoke, he raised his fox paw and made a bow-drawing gesture, but it was clear that he had nothing in his hand!

"You go first, I'll deal with him." Yun Ling stood up.

"No!" The towel was taken away from Wan Shangyu's mouth, and before his hands and feet could be untied, he lay on his side on the ground with his hands and feet still tied to the wooden sticks, gasping and shouting, "Let's go together,

hurry up!"

There are so many of us, but there is only one fox demon, so maybe we can give it a try. That’s what I thought, but now when I heard Wan Shangyu’s call, I didn’t hesitate for a second and immediately said, “Yun Ling, let’s go together!


This chapter has been completed!
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