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The fellow villagers scolded him, but as Yuchen planned, he didn't dare to refuse Yuchen.

He glared at Yuchen sideways, with an angry look on his face, "I can help you find someone, but I only have one person, and I am in decline. If I mess with someone I can't mess with, I'm worried that I will be in danger. Boy, I

Since I'm doing something for you, the least you can do is ensure my personal safety. Come with me, I'll help you find the person, and you'll be responsible for the rest."

He found the person and let us take action. His main goal is to avoid offending people. However, his request is reasonable. After all, he is doing things for us, so it is understandable that we ensure his safety.

I was just thinking when I heard Yu Chen say, "Fellow, the use of force is prohibited here. Even if you find them and make them angry, they won't dare to do anything to you. If they dare to do something, you can call me

Official, I believe that the little general just now will show up to protect your safety. Also, if they are harmful to you, then you can take a preemptive strike and accuse them of being evil-minded. They are outsiders and are hostile to you. This is not true.

Are you just evil-minded?"

The fellow was stunned again. After a moment, he came back to his senses and stepped back, saying, "I will help you fulfill your request. But please shut up and stop talking to me. You have one hundred and eighty thoughts."

Ten turns, if I say a few more words to you, I am worried that I will be beaten to death by you."

After saying that, the fellow turned around and ran away.

Yuchen turned sideways and looked at the tallest building in the center of the town, and said to me, "Lin Xi, let's go and find the luck beads."

After finishing his words, he raised his feet and moved forward.

I chased after her. Chengen also chased after her. She was still in shock, her eyes widened, and she looked at Yuchen with curiosity and admiration, "Third Master, we just came here and just listened to a story. How about you?"

You have a loyal little brother to help you work, you are so awesome. In human terms, you are really scheming, cunning, and scheming."

There is a row of black lines hanging from my forehead. If you don’t know how to use idioms, don’t force yourself to use them.

When Yuchen was talking to the fellow villagers, many people saw it. He only said a few words to Yuchen, but he had to help Yuchen work. Everyone didn't want to be a coolie, so they all avoided us like the plague.


As we passed by, everyone retreated to both sides of the road and lowered their heads. They didn't even dare to look at us, and no one dared to come to hinder us or cause us trouble.

We walked all the way to the center of the town without any hindrance.

In the center of the town is a large square, with a large aqua-blue pillar standing in the middle. The pillar is as thick as two people hugging each other. It towers into the sky and the top cannot be seen.

The pillars are carved with patterns of underwater creatures, including fish, shrimps, shells, and jellyfish. Various creatures are carved lifelike and painted with realistic paint. At first glance, this pillar seems to be a water column from the sea.

.The water column condensed into ice and was placed here, and the creatures living in this water area were also frozen and appeared here.

Directly in front of the pillars of the square is the tallest building in the center of the town, a seven-story pagoda. A string of wind chimes hangs from the four sharp corners of each floor. Even if the wind blows, the wind chimes remain motionless and make no sound.


The gate of the pagoda was closed, and the entire square, including the vicinity of the pagoda, was deserted.

I felt strange, "Didn't you say that the Luck Pearl is in the pagoda? But why is there not even a guard here?"

Qi Luck Beads are such an important thing. Don't people here protect the Luck Luck Beads?

Yuchen didn't say anything. He walked to the pagoda gate, raised his hand, and pushed towards the gate. A little boy's crisp shout suddenly came from behind us.

"Hey, you can't go there, it's very dangerous!"

When I heard the shouting, I turned around and looked over.

A little boy of eight or nine years old stood outside the square and shouted to us, "It's dangerous there. I've seen it with my own eyes. When the door opens, people disappear."

"Dong'er, come back!" A middle-aged woman ran over and hurriedly dragged the little boy away. During the whole process, she didn't even look at us.

Only by being a kind person can you stay in this small town. But looking at the behavior of the people here, the only truly kind people are these immature children.

The town uses deformed rules to define kindness. The people here live under such rules, and the kindness in their hearts has long been distorted.

In a small town that requires everyone to be kind, it is really ironic that the residents are indifferent and selfish.

The little boy was taken away, and I turned around and looked at the pagoda gate again.

The vermilion door has golden rivets on it, and there are two golden Taotie rings on the left and right. The Taotie has a fierce face, sharp teeth in its mouth, and a ring in its mouth. It looks very majestic.

Yuchen didn't knock on the door, he raised his hand and pushed hard on the door.

The door was unlocked and was actually pushed open.

The door opened to the left and right, and a dazzling golden light shot out from the door, enveloping the three of us in the beam of light.

I was blinded by the light and couldn't open my eyes. I instinctively closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, I found that I had left the pagoda and was taken to a new place.

This should be what the little boy said, open the door and people will disappear. I was brought here. In the eyes of other people, wouldn’t I just disappear as soon as the door is opened?

I disappeared, where are Yuchen and Chengen?

I looked around and saw that I was the only one here. In front of me was a green and calm lake. Surrounded by lush green grassland, the breeze carried the fragrance of flowers, and the scenery was pleasant.

Yuchen and Chengen were nowhere to be seen, and it was unknown whether they were taken somewhere else by the golden light.

While I was thinking about it, the lake suddenly made a gurgling sound of bubbles.

I heard the sound and looked over. The center of the lake seemed to be boiling. The bubbles were surging, and the bubbles were getting wider and wider, until the entire lake began to boil, with layers of whitecaps rolling, as if something huge was about to emerge from the bottom of the water.

I cautiously took a step back, holding a spell with my hand, hoping to mobilize my spiritual power just in case. But with this luck, my body felt as if it was being shocked by an electric shock. My whole body went numb. My legs went weak and I knelt down.

on the grass.

As soon as I knelt down, I heard a splash of water, and a white dragon rose up in the middle of the lake. The water flowed down from the white dragon, forming a curtain of water. The sun shone over, and a rainbow appeared in the sky.

Bailong's huge head shook and he stared at me with a pair of pure gold, clear and dust-free eyes.

My heart was beating wildly, I was so scared!

I can't move now. I'm worried that this giant dragon will rush over and swallow me in one bite.

I looked at the white dragon, squinted my eyes, and sure enough I saw a bead shining with azure light in the heart of the dragon. It was the luck bead of a kind person!

When I saw the luck beads, my heart suddenly dropped.

Bailong has the luck pearl of a great benevolent person, so he shouldn't be bad and won't kill me, right?

I was just feeling lucky when I saw the rolling lake water pushing some things to the shore, and the white things were washed very clean by the lake water.

It's... it's human bones!

The white bones were washed up by the lake water, more and more, until they piled up into a small hill beside the lake.

I just thought Bailong was incapable of killing people, so he brought out so many human bones to show me. Is he trying to intimidate me?

"Humans," a cold male voice came, "they came for the Luck Pearls just like you, but they were all killed by me. You gave me this gift before I showed up, which shows that you

You are a person who knows etiquette and sense of propriety. If you don't act like a gangster like them, then I won't kill you like I killed them."

I was stunned, and then nodded quickly, "What Mr. Bailong said is absolutely true. Although I came here for the Luck Pearl, I came to ask for the Luck Pearl, not to snatch it. If Mr. Bailong doesn't agree to give it,

I'm lucky, so I'll just leave. We are all reasonable people and there is no need to fight with each other."

Thanks to my weak legs for saving my life!

Bailong nodded, his white dragon beard trembling slightly, powerful and beautiful.

"Human, I can give you the luck beads, but you have to answer a question for me first. If the answer is correct, the luck beads will be yours. If the answer is wrong, you will keep your life."

I thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, Sir Bailong, please ask."

This chapter has been completed!
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