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The holy bird of chaos behind Yun Ling let out a cry, the sound was high and harsh, echoing between heaven and earth.

Then, the Holy Bird of Chaos opened its mouth towards the little pearl.

The spiritual energy in Little Pearl's body instantly began to flow out in large amounts.

"Little Pearl!"

I slapped the barrier wall in front of me hard, feeling helpless and tormented by great pain.

All of us have worked very hard, and I have made great progress, but at this moment I have the feeling that we have been going around in circles.

A sense of powerlessness surrounded me. All the power I had and all the spells I learned were of no use at this time. I was still just a piece of fish, lying on someone else's chopping board and being slaughtered.

I hate God very much, I hate God for being cruel, and I hate myself for being incompetent.

I cried out in pain and frantically called Little Pearl's name.

Facing the little girl and Yun Ling, Little Pearl had no power to resist. She couldn't even turn her head, so she could only turn her eyes hard and look towards me.

Her lips trembled, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't say a word. Her eyes were wide open, and a drop of blood and tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

"I'll save her!" Jingjing said.

"Don't go!" Jin Hui quickly grabbed Jingjing, turned to Hu Chuyue and said, "Hu Chuyue, open the door of time and space, let's go quickly!"

"How could you escape!" Jingjing said angrily.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jingjing's body turned into countless tiny particles, flying away from Jin Hui's hand and floating toward the small pearl in the air.

"Don't go!" I cried and yelled at the top of my lungs, "Jingjing, go back! Listen to Jin Hui and get out of here! Go quickly!"

Jingjing heard my shout, and the particles floating in the air paused for a moment. Then, before Jingjing could react, countless tiny lines suddenly grew on the particles.

It’s the nerve line controlled by the little girl!

My heart lifted instantly.

Under the control of nerve threads, the particles slowly condense to form Jingjing's body.

When Jin Hui saw this, he immediately rushed forward, trying to snatch Jingjing back. But before he could touch Jingjing, white lines grew out of his body.

"Jin Hui, are you crazy!" Liao Ruchen cursed bitterly, "How can you charge forward at this time?"

After scolding Jin Hui, Liao Ruchen hurriedly urged Hu Chuyue to open the door of time and space.

Hu Chuyue was sitting on the ice, his face pale. He had not yet recovered from the previous battle, and he looked weak and exhausted. He was breathing heavily and making seals with his hands.

Seeing that Hu Chuyue and the others were about to run away, the squinty-eyed man chuckled disdainfully, "How naive. Lin Xi, it's true that people are divided into groups. Your partners are as naive as you, and they actually think they can escape, hahaha...

What a big joke!”

I ignored the squinting man and focused all my attention on Hu Chuyue.

Yuchen, Hu Jinyue, Jin Hui and Jingjing have all been controlled by the little girl. Now only Hu Chuyue, Chengen and Ruchen are okay. In the current situation, only one can escape!

Hu Chuyue formed the Dharma Seal. The moment the Dharma Seal was formed, Hu Chuyue's body suddenly sprouted countless white lines.

The door of time and space opened, but Hu Chuyue was controlled.

Seeing this, Liao Ruchen didn't hesitate at all, picked up Cheng En and jumped in towards the door of time and space.

But as soon as they jumped into the door, as if they saw something terrifying, the two of them backed out of the door step by step!

After they came out, the person who forced them out also came out from the door. It was the squinting man!

I was startled when I saw the squinty-eyed man appearing below, and quickly turned my head to look aside. Only then did I realize that the squinty-eyed man who was standing next to me had left at some point.

Facing the approach of the squinting man, Liao Ruchen stepped back and smiled, "Lord God, neither Cheng'en nor I have luck beads in our bodies. We are useless to you, so just treat us as one."

Damn it, let us both go."

"Liao Ruchen, of course you have luck beads in your body." The squinting man smiled and looked good-tempered, but it was frightening and gave people a very scary feeling.

He said to Ruchen, "Isn't the luck bead I gave you in your body now?"

Liao Ruchen's expression froze for a moment, and then he said hurriedly, "It is the villain's honor for the Lord to give the little man luck. It's just that the villain is not blessed and cannot accept the favor of the Lord. He has made the Lord displeased. The villain will now

Dig out the beads yourself and return them to Lord God. I just ask Lord God to spare this villain’s life. This villain has no luck beads, and he is not one of the Ten Chosen Ones. He poses no threat to Lord God at all.”

"Liao Ruchen, when you came to me, I thought you were smart."

The man with narrowed eyes said, "But since you are a smart man, why are you saying stupid things now? I gave you the luck beads as a gift. I am not a fussy person, and there is no reason to ask for them back."

It's just this bead that I gave to my subordinates. When you surrendered to me, you could use this bead as you pleased. But now that you have betrayed me, I will not take back the bead, but I will take something of equal value from you.


As the squinting man spoke, white threads sprouted from Liao Ruchen's arms.

Unlike others, Liao Ruchen only had nerve lines growing on his arms, which meant that only his arms were controlled throughout his body.

Under the control of Bai Xian, Liao Ruchen stretched out his arms in front of him.

As if he guessed what the squinty-eyed man was going to do, Liao Ruchen hurriedly shook his head and begged, "Lord God, I know I was wrong. I dare not betray you again. Please give me another chance..."

The squinting man ignored Ruchen's plea. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Two small tornadoes appeared out of thin air instantly.

The tornado was like a meat grinder rotating at high speed, slowly approaching Ruchen's arms raised flatly.

Liao Ruchen wanted to run, but his arms were controlled, and he seemed to be pinned in place, unable to run or hide.

He could only keep begging and begging. He was so frightened that tears and snot fell from his nose.

Liao Ruchen's frightened look seemed to please the squinting man, and the smile on his face became more sincere.

He said, "Liao Ruchen, the luck beads I gave you have repaired your arms. Now that your arms are healed and you don't need the beads anymore, you have to return the beads to me. From now on, you and I

Liangqing. How can there be such a good thing in this world!

You came to me to heal these hands. I gave you these arms. Now that you have betrayed me, just keep these arms.

By the way, let me remind you that the power I use is the natural force between heaven and earth. If you are injured by me, the luck beads cannot heal you. In other words, even if you get the luck beads in the future, your arms will not be able to heal.

Get repaired. From now on, you can only be a useless person without arms. Ling Ruchen, I will not kill you, I want you to live in pain for the rest of your life, and I want you to spend every minute and every second in regret for betraying me!


Listen, is this the thought a superior person should have?

So narrow-minded!

The tornado slowly engulfed Liao Ruchen's arm from his fingertips. With the rapidly rotating wind, a large amount of crushed flesh and blood flew out.


Liao Ruchen screamed in pain.

The squinting man looked at such a bloody scene, and the smile on his face became brighter.

Half empty.

When Ruchen was tortured by the squinting man, Little Pearl's spiritual power was almost exhausted by the holy bird of chaos.

Unable to maintain its human form, Little Pearl turned into the shape of a red snapper. Like Ao Zhan, the fish's body was sucked out of all water and became shriveled, with countless cracks appearing in its body.

When Little Pearl was sucked, Jingjing and Jin Hui were also lifted into the air. The spiritual power flowed out of their bodies, and together with Little Pearl's remaining spiritual power, flowed into the mouth of the Chaos Holy Bird.

When the luck bead was spat out from the mouth of the red croaker, in an instant, the little pearl's body without the luck bead shattered and turned into dust, floating in the air.

After swallowing two luck beads one after another, Yun Ling's expressionless face showed a look of pain.

Even the Holy Bird of Chaos would suffer from indigestion if it ate so much power at once.

"Yun Ling!" I shouted to Yun Ling, "come to your senses, I beg you, don't continue..."

Yun Ling ignored me, and the little girl refused to listen to me.

The Holy Bird of Chaos began to devour the power of Jingjing and Jin Hui.

The process was the same as when it devoured Ao Zhan. First it was unable to maintain its human form, and then its body began to age and fester.

At the last moment, Jingjing struggled to squeeze out a sentence, "I'm sorry."

"I'll accompany you."

After Jin Hui finished speaking, two luck beads flew out of his body at the same time, and the two people turned into ashes.

This chapter has been completed!
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