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I decided to wait for Hu Jinyun to come back from the ancient tribe of gods, and we would look for the whereabouts of Hu Jinyue's luck beads. Find Hu Jinyue's luck beads, resurrect Hu Jinyue, and then Chu Yuan would no longer be bored.

With Hu Jinyue playing with Chu Yuan, Chu Yuan will never be as nervous as he is today towards me.

I have a teleportation array given to me by the Demon King, so that when I return to the Demon Realm from the Yang World, I don’t have to take a detour of more than half a step.

I walked to a deserted alley and opened the teleportation array.

The teleportation array unfolded on the ground, and the array lit up with a bright green light. I jumped into the array, and after a rapid weightless slide, my feet landed smoothly, and I was already outside the gate of the Demon King's City.

Instead of returning to the Demon King's City, I gathered my spiritual power and flew towards the east.

The environment in the Demon Realm is very bad. There are very few places suitable for survival. The land is covered with yellow sand and cracked land. Because of such a cruel environment, fights between races often occur in the Demon Realm. In order to compete for territory and to fight for the ones who can survive,


Although I already know the environment of the demon world, but now I see with my own eyes the yellow sand and withered bones, I see a demon beast lying on the ground dying, I see the mother beast wailing, the cub falls to the ground, and I see the demon vultures surrounding the fallen cub.

The beast is circling, but I still feel uncomfortable.

No wonder Tiandao wanted to punish Wuwangku. Wuwangku allowed the demons to live in such a cruel environment. He harbored ill will towards the demons and violated the will of Tiandao that all living beings should be equal.

After flying for about ten minutes, Chu Yuan suddenly pointed downward and said to me, "Lin Xi, look quickly, is that the Demon King's army?"

I looked along what Chu Yuan was pointing.

Some black armors were scattered messily on the yellow sand. Some of the armors had been buried by the yellow sand, with only the black corners exposed on the ground. Not far from these armors, a group of magic vultures fell on the yellow sand, and the magic vultures stepped on them with their sharp claws.

On the bloody corpse, he was lowering his head to bite the flesh and feast on it.

"Go down and have a look."

After saying that, I fell down first.

I stretched out my hand, and the triptych vine grew out and turned into a long whip. I waved the whip and drove away the group of demonic vultures, and then I saw clearly the miserable situation under the demonic vultures' big claws.

It's the Demon King's army.

An army of ten men, five of them are lying on the yellow sand here.

They suffered very serious injuries, because they had been eaten by the demon vultures, and their tattered bodies made it impossible to tell whether the injuries on their bodies were caused by the demon vultures or by the enemy.

The magic vultures were unwilling to give up these delicacies and were unwilling to leave. They hovered in the sky and emitted piercing cries.

Demonic vultures are low-level monsters. They can't hurt me and they don't dare to attack me.

I ignored the group of screaming demon vultures and hurriedly ran to the five demon soldiers who fell to the ground. The bodies of the five people were all in tatters, and their armor was pulled off by the demon vultures and thrown aside.

The three people were facing up, their stomachs had been torn open by the magic vulture, and their internal organs mixed with blood flowed out, dyeing the yellow sand under them red.

The other two people were lying on the ground, with bloody holes ripped out of their backs by the demon vulture's sharp beak, and most of their internal organs had been eaten away.

The scene was bloody and cruel. These five people were dead.

I looked around and saw that there was endless yellow sand and a desert. There was no ethnic group settled here. Who killed these five demonic soldiers?

"Lin Xi, there is still one alive." Chu Yuan suddenly said.

I was startled and quickly looked over.

The two demon soldiers lying on the ground had their arms tightly intertwined, as if they were protecting something below them.

Chu Yuan walked to the two demon soldiers and stretched out his hands to roll the bodies of the two demon soldiers aside. Under their arms was a small sand dune. Chu Yuan stretched out his hand and swept the sand away, revealing a small sand dune wearing a black

Armored head.

It's a demon army wearing armor!

It turns out that there are not five demon armies lying upside down here, but six.

Chu Yuan reached out and pulled off the helmet from the demon army's head. Under the black helmet was a face of about twenty years old, slightly childish.

The demon army seemed to have been injured and was experiencing some kind of pain. Even though he was in a coma, the demon army frowned and looked like he was suffering.

Chu Yuan blew lightly at Demon Army and transferred a wisp of ghost energy into Demon Army's body.

Seeing his operation, I couldn't help but be shocked, "Chu Yuan, you are a ghost and he is a demon cultivator. You two are two completely different organisms. If you transfer your power into his body, he will

Can you bear it?"

This is like giving a blood transfusion to a patient, a cross-species blood transfusion. Can the patient tolerate it? Is this saving people or killing people?

Chu Yuan raised his eyelids, glanced at me, and said, "Lin Xi, look at how injured he is, do you think he can survive? He will die sooner or later anyway, and my power is just to make him die a little early.

Besides, my power can make him wake up in a short time, and let him tell us all the information before he dies. Telling all the information will make his death meaningful. Lin Xi, I am here

Help him, otherwise he will be like the other five people, and the only purpose of death is to let the magic vulture have a full meal."

When Chu Yuan spoke, Demon Jun opened his eyes with difficulty and woke up.

I quickly approached and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"He is bad!"

Chu Yuan rolled his eyes at me, "He's almost dead. How can he be okay? Lin Xi, at this critical moment, can you ask me something useful?"

After he disliked me, Chu Yuan didn't wait for me to ask. He lowered his head and asked, "Let me ask you, who hurt you like this, do you still remember?"

Demon Jun opened his chapped lips and said with difficulty, "A hundred miles away, in Jianan City, there is... a fortune bead..."

"Did the person with the luck beads hurt you?" I asked.

The demon army nodded, he swallowed his saliva, and continued, "Leader Wu Zhe, recruit troops...to seize the Demon King's City...luck beads...the three beads are here..."

Before he finished speaking, the demon army tilted his head and died.

"Hey, what do the three beads mean?" Chu Yuan shook the demon army and asked, "Are there three luck beads in Jianan City?"

The demon army was moved up and down by his shaking head.

I stopped Chu Yuan and said, "Don't torment him, he is already dead."

Chu Yuan let go of the demon army.

I weaved six simple coffins with triptych vine, and put the corpses of the demon army into the coffins. Then I made seals with my hands and controlled the six coffins to float towards the demon king's city.

The demon eagles above their heads couldn't bear to eat the delicacies in their mouths, but they did not dare to attack the triptych vine. They could only circle around the coffin and keep chirping, and followed the coffin and flew in the direction of the Demon King's City.

"Lin Xi," Chu Yuan said to me, "They died here and were eaten by the demon vultures. This is a natural thing. This is the way of survival in the demon world. You should not take their bodies away."

The way of survival in the demon world is similar to nature, cruel and primitive.

I turned my head and looked to the east, which is the direction of Jianan City.

I sighed and said, "After all, they died for me to get information. I sent them home. This is what I should do. Chu Yuan, let's continue on our way. We only have a hundred miles left. Be prepared for battle."


"Is there going to be a fight?" Yiyi asked excitedly.

She lay on my head all the way. I wore a high ponytail, which was fluffy and lay on the top of my head. At first glance, it looked like the decoration of my braid rope.

She flew up from above my head, fluttering up and down excitedly, "Sister Lin Xi, will I get a new toy soon?"

In her opinion, all enemies can become her toys. Moreover, she controls the enemies, and I won't care about her.

I looked at Yiyi and asked uncertainly, "Yiyi, the other party may have three luck beads, are you sure?"

One by one, they were puzzled and asked me in a doubtful voice, "Sister Lin Xi, aren't there you and Li Gui? There is one for each of us, the number is just right."

She is right in her calculation, but maybe I can only be considered half a person...

Chu Yuan and I set out again. This time we were not just rushing, we were a little more careful and observed everywhere along the way, for fear that we might fall into the other party's trap if we were careless.

Soon, we flew near the barren mountains.

As An Xingyue said, there is a city at the foot of Barren Mountain. This should be Jianan Mountain and Jianan City.

Chu Yuan and I landed on the top of the barren mountain and looked down at the city below.

The city is much larger than I imagined, about a quarter of the size of the Demon King's City. The city has a large flow of people, the streets are prosperous, and there are vendors selling various things along the roads.

This prosperous scene makes this place look less like a small racial town in the demon world and more like a prosperous capital city in ancient times.

There is a huge difference between this place and the hell on earth I saw in my dream!

Was it Qianchen's Luck Bead that caused such a big change here?

I was thinking about this when a group of winged orcs suddenly descended from the sky and attacked me and Chu Yuan from behind.

This chapter has been completed!
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