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The crowd fell into silence.

After a while, someone made a choice.

"I am an immortal, of the emperor's blood, how could I allow a lowly demon to touch my body! This is a humiliation to me, I would rather die!"

As the voice came out, someone turned and walked out of the crowd. He chose not to receive treatment and chose to leave.

The first person to act is followed by more and more people making choices.

They all turned around and left, refusing to accept the treatment of the demon doctor. Some even made wild claims, saying that if I really wanted to save them, I should have invited the fairy doctor instead of the demon doctor. I invited the demon doctor with ulterior motives.

I didn't want to save them!

Seeing such a scene, the maid closed her eyes, tears rolling down like broken beads, her expression full of despair.

She took a deep breath, opened her eyes after a moment, and turned to look at me.

"Immortal Lin Xi, this may be the fate of our clan," the maid knelt down and saluted me, "Xiao Cui would like to thank Immortal Lin Xi for your kind gesture. Our clan's destiny is like this, so I won't force it. Immortal Lin Xi, you can take it with you.

Your people leave..."

"I want treatment!"

A clear young boy's voice suddenly came over.

The maid looked startled and quickly turned her head to look over.

I also followed the sound and saw that there were more than a dozen young people.

They ran up the steps quickly, first saluted the maid with clasped fists, and then saluted me, "You are an immortal, right? Please help the immortal to save us."

"He is a magic doctor," I reminded the teenagers, "have you really thought about asking him to help you heal?"

"We've thought about it, we are willing," the young man said, "We want to leave Wushan and see the outside world. We can't go out like this. It's too ugly and we will be laughed at."

The Gu worms in their bodies changed their appearance. Their faces turned blue, and their foreheads were covered with raised blood vessels, and these blood vessels squirmed from time to time. They looked disgusting and terrifying, not at all handsome and elegant.


Hearing what the young man said, the maid kept nodding her head, her face full of emotion, and she kept praising them as good children.

The magic doctor stretched out his hand and said to the young man, "Give me your hand."

A dozen teenagers lined up, and the person at the front stretched out his hand to the magic doctor.

The demon doctor grabbed the young man's hand, then opened his other hand, and a dagger with a cold light appeared in his hand instantly.

The magic doctor held a dagger in his hand and said to the young man, "I'm going to cut your wrist and draw the poison out of your body. The process may be a little painful. Can you bear it?"

Without waiting for the boy to answer, someone in the crowd immediately shouted, "The devil is so scheming, he must take the opportunity to harm you! Children, you have never come into contact with people from the outside world, and you have never dealt with the devil. You don't want to

He was deceived!"

"Shut up!" The maid was afraid that these dozen teenagers would regret it, so she shouted to the tribesmen, "They are children and have never seen people from the outside world. So let me ask you, have you seen outsiders? You are talking to the devil again.

Have you ever dealt with them? You are already a frog at the bottom of a well. You may not want to jump out of the well, but please don't use your short-sighted knowledge to influence this group of ambitious children!"

"What benefits did the demon give you?" The tribesman asked the maid, "You helped the demon to harm the same tribe. You are a sinner of your tribe, and you will be nailed to the pillar of shame in the future!"

"Whether I am a sinner of my own race or not will be revealed soon! I am standing here now, and I will never allow you to disturb the magic doctor's treatment!"

As she spoke, the maid raised her arms, and a pair of two-handed swords appeared out of thin air, held in her hands.

She held two swords and stared at everyone vigilantly, ready to kill anyone who dared to rush up to her. The maid was actually a very determined person, and she firmly safeguarded the interests of their race.

When the maid and the clansmen were confronting each other, the boy answered the magic doctor's question.

The young man said with certainty, "Master Demon Doctor, please feel free to take action. I absolutely trust you. I can endure any pain."

The boy's innocent and hard-working look made the magic doctor laugh.

The magic doctor said, "Don't be a paper tiger. He only talks big words. Prove it to me whether you can endure the pain."

After saying that, the magic doctor took a dagger and slit the young man's wrist.

The wound was deep and blood spurted out instantly.

The boy's body trembled violently in pain, but he held it back and did not scream.

He gritted his teeth and tried to look mature, but his body was shaking constantly because of fear and pain.

The devil doctor's lips curved into a wicked smile, and he said to the young man, "Be mentally prepared, this is just the beginning."

After saying this, the magic doctor took out a small white porcelain bottle from his arms. He opened the cap and poured out a scorpion with black limbs but a colorful body.

No introduction is needed. Just by looking at the appearance of this scorpion, you can guess that this scorpion is definitely highly poisonous.

The magic doctor put the scorpion on the young man's wrist. The scorpion raised its large pliers and shook it from side to side. Then it raised its tail high and stabbed into the knife edge on the young man's wrist.


The boy couldn't bear it any longer and screamed. His body suddenly lost all strength and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Xiao Cui, now that things have happened, do you still dare to say that you have a clear conscience! Our people are suffering because of you. Instead of dealing with the enemy, you point your weapon at us. You are a traitor!"

The tribesmen yelled at the maid. And the young man's screams fueled their arrogance. They began to walk up the steps in groups, as if they were going to attack us.

Of course I'm not afraid of these people, but I am worried that the maid's attitude will change.

I looked at the maid.

The maid had a ruthless look on her face, and she looked coldly at the clansmen below, "I am different from you, there are no Gu insects in my body anymore. My strength has recovered, and I can use 100% of my strength in battle. And your strength

Being absorbed by the Gu, the power you can use is limited. Therefore, you cannot defeat me. Now, I order you to stop!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the maid waved her arm, and a long sword flew out of her hand.

The long sword stabbed on the ground, the sword body was submerged in the steps, and the exposed sword body swayed from side to side, making a buzzing sound.

The steps are made of stone, and the maid's sword is equivalent to piercing the stone, which shows that she also has a certain degree of strength.

As if they didn't expect the maid to have such abilities, the crowd stopped, with a look of fear on their faces.

The maid shouted coldly, "Take my long sword as a boundary, and anyone who crosses it will be killed without mercy!"

The maid frightened everyone, and the crowd did not dare to move forward. On the high platform, the young man's screams continued.

The poisonous scorpion's tail needle penetrated into the wound on his wrist and was sucking his blood. Losing too much blood made the boy's face turn pale and his screams became quieter, as if he was about to be tortured to death.

The faces of the teenagers in line showed fear, and it was obvious that their determination to be treated was shaken.

The longer time goes by, the more uneasy the teenagers become and the angrier the tribesmen become. Because in their eyes, this is not a cure, but a murder!

The maid also looked a little uneasy. The boy was about to die. Once the boy died, the tribesmen would completely distrust her, and she would not be able to control the situation.

I looked at the magic doctor, "Has the Gu worm come out yet? He is about to die from excessive blood loss."

The demon doctor looked relaxed and said with a mischievous smile, "Little Fairy Girl, this is called putting someone to death to survive."

When the magic doctor spoke, the young man who was so weak that he almost fainted suddenly began to twitch violently. Then, the young man opened his mouth and spat out a ball of black, still wriggling Gu worms with a loud sound.

This chapter has been completed!
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