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Chapter 1131 The Treasure of the Town Store


Seeing me crying, grandma smiled and said I was stupid.

"Grandma said this because she wanted Yuchen to treat you well in the future. Why are you crying?

"Grandma wiped my tears, then took my hand and asked me to sit next to her.

Yuchen also sat down.

Grandma picked up the wine glass and said to Yuchen, "Yuchen, grandma proposes a toast to you.

Grandma wishes you and Xiao Xihe a beautiful and loving life.


As soon as she finished speaking, grandma raised her head and drank the wine.

Although Yuchen is much older than grandma, he is with me, so he is a junior in front of grandma. If grandma does it, he naturally has to drink.

He picked up the wine glass and said, "Grandma, don't worry, I will be good to Lin Xi in the future.

"After that, he also drank the wine in the glass.

Seeing that Yuchen had drunk wine, grandma smiled and helped Yuchen pour it again, "Yuchen, you are from the immortal family and you don't get drunk that easily. Please drink more.

This wine is expensive. Grandma bought it especially for you.


Grandma kept urging Yuchen to drink, but Yuchen could not refuse. Soon the bottle of liquor was empty, but Yuchen was not drunk at all. His eyes were clear and his face was fair. Except for the smell of alcohol on his body, he

It's like not drinking.

Upon seeing this, grandma took out another bottle of liquor, opened it, poured it for Yuchen, and asked Yuchen to continue drinking.

The intention to get Yuchen drunk was simply too obvious.

I pulled grandma aside and asked in a low voice, "Grandma, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry," grandma said, "grandma is doing this for your own good.


As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a bang from the dining table and turned around to look over.

Yuchen was lying on the dining table, motionless, as if he was drunk.

Grandma walked over and pushed Yuchen a few times.

Yuchen hummed in a daze, then turned his head in another direction and went back to sleep.

Seeing that Yuchen was drunk and unconscious, grandma turned around and went to the bedroom. When she came out again, she had a yellow talisman in her hand.

Grandma handed me the yellow talisman and said mysteriously, "Xiao Xi, this is the Concentric Talisman. Burn the talisman paper into water, then add a drop of your and Yuchen's blood, and then you and Yuchen will drink half of it each.

, you two can be united forever and never be separated.


Did you get Yuchen drunk just to make Yuchen drink this?

I looked at my grandma in disbelief, "Grandma, where did you get this yellow charm?" It sounded so much like a trick used by charlatans.

Grandma said, "Do you still remember Grandma Huang that grandma told you about?"

Grandma Huang is a friend that Grandma made when she was young, and she is also a disciple.

Moreover, Grandma Huang has been with her fairy family since she was young and has not been separated for decades.

After my grandma met Grandma Huang a while ago, she even told me that it would be good to be with the Xian family. Grandma Huang looks like she is only about forty. Not only is she young and in good health, but she is still helping people and looking after things. But I

Grandma was so jealous.

"A few days ago, your Grandma Huang came here to help others and stopped by to see me.

I asked her about her and her fairy family, and she told me that the reason why she and her fairy family have maintained such a good relationship for so many years is because of this talisman.


Grandma Huang worships the fox fairy.

When Grandma Huang was young, she was a great beauty. The Fox Fairy was worried that Grandma Huang would run away with someone else, so she drew a concentric symbol. The Fox Fairy and Grandma Huang each drank half of it to ensure that neither of them would change their minds.

I said, "Grandma, Yuchen and I don't need this.


Grandma glared at me, "The better a man is, the more temptations he will have. Human men can't help but change their hearts. Can you guarantee that Yuchen won't? And Xiao Xi, you will grow older over time, but Yuchen can't.


When you are in your thirties or forties, the best years of your life are gone, and Yuchen is still in his twenties, do you still have the confidence to keep Yuchen's heart in the face of girls who are younger and prettier than you?"

I haven't thought about it so long ago, but I believe that Yuchen is definitely not the kind of person who falls in love with everyone he meets.

Seeing that I was still reluctant, grandma said again, "Xiao Xi, this is harmless. It will only deepen the relationship between you and Yuchen and make you two fall in love even more. You only have him in your heart, and he only has you in his heart.

Only grandma can truly trust you and leave you to Yuchen.

Otherwise, Yuchen is a great immortal and he can live forever. If he abandons you when you get old, what will you do?"

I just celebrated my twenty-first birthday, and my grandma began to worry about what I would do when I grow old.

I smiled speechlessly, "Grandma, none of the things you are worried about will happen. Yuchen is not that kind of person..."

"Xiao Xi!" Grandma got angry and stared at me, "You just think it's to make grandma feel at ease, okay? If you don't drink, I won't be able to rest in peace until I die!"

Grandma is my last relative in this world. The last thing I want to hear is grandma saying that she is going to die. I quickly said, "Can't I just listen to you? Grandma, go to the kitchen and help me get a clean one."

In the bowl, I burned the talisman to turn it into water.


After hearing that I was willing to listen to her, grandma said happily and turned to the kitchen.

After grandma walked into the kitchen, I quickly ran to Yuchen, patted him, and asked softly, "Don't pretend to be drunk. Take a look. Is there anything wrong with this talisman?"

Yuchen opened his eyes and glanced at the talisman, "No problem.


Yuchen is from an immortal family. He will definitely not get drunk from a bottle of white wine. He also heard what my grandma and I just said.

I was worried that he would be angry, so I explained, "Yuchen, grandma doesn't doubt you, she just doesn't trust me.

I absolutely believe in you..."

"The fox clan is kind and charming, and the spells made by the fox fairy can indeed control people's hearts.

"Yu Chen interrupted me. He stretched out his hand and pinched my little finger, and said with a wicked smile, "It's not bad to drink it, it can make some people become more devoted to me.


Judging from his tone, it seemed like he wanted me to drink the spell.

I whispered, "I already love you very much, to the limit. Even if I drink it, I can't love you any more."


"But this talisman can make you love only me. No matter if I am good or bad, you can't leave me.

"Yu Chen seemed very happy and said with a smile, "Grandma really helped me a lot.

In order to thank grandma, I will work hard tonight so that you can give grandma a great-grandson as soon as possible.


He hooked my little finger with his fingers, held my hand in his and kneaded it.

Originally it was just a boring action, but paired with his flirtatious eyes and tone, it gave me the feeling that he was seducing me.

My face felt a little hot and I pulled my hand out hard.

At this time, grandma also came out of the kitchen.

Yuchen didn't dare to mess around anymore, so he closed his eyes and continued to pretend to sleep.

I took the empty bowl, lit the yellow talisman with a lighter, and threw it into the bowl.

After the yellow talisman was completely burned to ashes, I poured hot water into the bowl and used chopsticks to stir up the ashes. Then I found a knife, cut my finger, and squeezed a drop of blood into it.

Grandma urged me, "While Yuchen is still awake, quickly take a drop of his blood."


I took Yuchen's hand and was about to cut his finger when there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Xiao Linxi, it's me! Open the door quickly!" Yun Ling's voice said.

He knocked very quickly, as if something was urgent.

I let go of Yuchen's hand, walked over, and opened the door.

Yun Ling, still dressed in ancient clothes, walked in with a noble air.

It was also because Yun Ling was a god and he was dressed luxuriously. As soon as he came in, he really gave me a feeling that made my house glow.

Grandma also noticed that Yun Ling's identity was unusual, so she stood up with a respectful attitude, "Xiao Xi, who is this?"

"You are Xiao Linxi's grandma, right? Hello grandma, my name is Yun Ling, I am Xiao Linxi's Xian'er, and I am also Xiao Linxi's next husband.

"If Yun Ling didn't speak and just looked at his appearance, he would be a lofty and noble god.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, everything was gone.

Not serious at all, looking like a little ruffian.

I rolled my eyes at him, "If you don't take advantage of me, you won't be able to speak, right?"

"Are you angry?" Yun Ling raised her lips, with a mischievous smile on her lips, which was evil and evil, "Xiao Lin Xi, I like your angry look too.

You simply look like my sweetheart. I love to see you no matter what you look like.

Xiao Linxi, when will you leave Yuchen and be with me? I can't wait any longer.


I was startled.

Has the love-forgetting curse in his body been solved? But Wu Jie said that for Yun Ling, the love-forgetting curse has no solution.

If the forgetfulness curse is not solved and it does not occur at this moment, it means that he has no intention at all when he says these dirty words to me, he is just teasing me.

I knew Yun Ling was just teasing me, but grandma didn't know.

Hearing what Yun Ling said, grandma seemed to think that Yun Ling and I had something to do with each other. Her expression turned cold, "Xiao Xi, what's going on! What's your relationship with him!"

Before I could speak, Yun Ling said with a smile, "Xiao Linxi, please explain our relationship to grandma.


Yun Ling must have done it on purpose, he was making the situation darker and darker!

I glared at him, then turned to look at grandma, just about to explain.

Then I suddenly saw out of the corner of my eye that Yun Ling picked up the spell bowl on the table.

"Don't drink!" I quickly stopped, "Yunling, you can't drink!"

This chapter has been completed!
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