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Chapter 1315 Rescue the Immortal Clan


Facing Yun Ling's approach, I kept backing up, "Yun Ling, do you know why I didn't call for help when you took me away, but came here with you willingly? Because I thought you would never hurt me.


Yun Ling, don't let me down.


My heels hit the edge of the bed, and there was no way out.

Yun Ling looked at me with unbearable eyes, but still said, "Xiao Lin Xi, believe me, I am doing it for your own good. Only by undoing the spell can you find your true feelings, otherwise you will always suffer."

Yuchen controls.


It doesn’t seem to make sense!

I mobilized the spiritual power in my body and formed seals with my hands.

A ball of sparks immediately exploded in front of Yun Ling. As the sparks exploded, I turned around and ran out.

Yun Ling is a thousand-year-old phoenix, and he has also been reborn from nirvana. How can I hurt him with my little ability?

Without blinking, he stepped out of the sparks and grabbed me by the arm.

I turned around, immediately formed the Evil Killing Seal, and hit Yun Ling.

Yun Ling did not dodge and allowed the seal to hit him.

No matter how weak I am, the spell is still powerful.

Yun Ling frowned in pain, looked at me with a pair of black eyes and said, "Is there anything else? Are you going to use all the murderous tricks on me?"

My heart suddenly shrank.

"Yun Ling, you know, I didn't mean that.

Just let me go, okay? Don’t hurt my child...ah!"

Before I could finish speaking, Yun Ling swung his arm hard and I was thrown onto the bed.

The impact made my brain go blank for a moment. When I came back to my senses, Yun Ling had already climbed onto me.

He sat astride me with his legs, holding a dagger in his hand, looking at me from above and saying, "Xiao Lin Xi, this child should not have existed in the first place.

Even if you are pregnant, you should still be pregnant with our child!"

After saying that, he grabbed my neck and whispered a spell.

As I finished reciting the incantation, I felt a sudden lightness in my body, and my whole body was lifted into the air by Yun Ling's neck.

I looked down and saw that my body was still lying on the bed.

It was my soul that was pulled out of my body by Yun Ling.

Yun Ling said to me, "The binding curse is planted in your soul, so it must be removed from the soul.

There may be some pain, just bear with it and it will be fine.


As he said that, he took the dagger and stabbed me in the heart.

I was also scared when I saw him coming for real.

I shouted, "Yun Ling, I have been waiting for this child for a long time. If you hurt him, I will never forgive you!"

Hearing me saying that I would never forgive him, Yun Ling's body stiffened, and I kept struggling.

When his mind wandered, his body lost balance and he suddenly fell on top of me.

My body lies on one side, and my soul and Yun Ling fall on the other side.

When you turn your head, you can see your own body, which is quite a scary feeling.

He is obviously not dead, but his soul and body are separated.

Yun Ling pressed against me, neither saying a word nor moving, but I could feel his sadness from his trembling body.

He suddenly hugged me tightly, buried his head on my shoulder, and said in a hoarse voice, "Xiao Linxi, please teach me, what do you think I should do? I endured it, I gave in, and I don't care about the past.

, but what did I get in the end! You would rather die with him, and you don’t even look at me. Is this the result I’ve been waiting for! What did I do wrong to deserve to be treated like this!"

A cool liquid fell on my neck. Was he crying?

My heart hurts like a knife. If possible, I would split myself from the middle to give Yun Ling a lover.

"You're right, you didn't do anything wrong.

"I was filled with guilt, "It was me and Yuchen who were wrong, we were sorry for you.


"I don't want to be sorry.

Yun Ling took a deep breath, as if he had made some kind of determination, and said, "Xiao Lin Xi, if the spell is broken and the child is gone, and you hate me for it, then I am willing to pay for your child with my life! Xiao Lin Xi

, listen to me, this spell must be broken. You can't live without Yuchen now. No matter what he does, you can easily forgive him, all because of the spell on you.


As he spoke, he got up from me, raised the dagger, and moved it closer to my heart.

His eyes were very red, filled with red bloodshot eyes, and there was still a layer of water in his eyes.

He looked very distressed when he looked like this.

His hand holding the dagger was shaking.

Of course it's not that he has never killed anyone, it just takes a lot of courage to be cruel enough to hurt me.

He loves me so much that he doesn't want me to get hurt, but now he wants to stab me with his own hands.

Seeing Yun Ling's appearance, I suddenly wasn't afraid anymore.

In other words, rather than being afraid of getting hurt, I feel sorry for him more.

He is such a good person, even when he goes through pain, he still maintains his kindness, but now he is forced to do this by me and Yuchen!

This is a debt that must be repaid!

I calmed down and asked him, "If you insert a dagger into my heart, will the spell be broken?"

Probably not expecting that I would suddenly ask him such a question, Yun Ling was stunned for a moment, and then said, "The scriptures on this dagger can break the spell in your body.

Insert the dagger into your heart, and the scriptures will flow throughout your body with your blood..."

Before he could finish speaking, I held his hand with both hands and pulled it down hard.

With a pop, the dagger pierced the flesh and plunged into the heart.

The spirit body is fragile and can feel pain a hundred times as much as the physical body.

I screamed in pain and passed out.

I don’t know how long I was unconscious for, but I was woken up by the pain again.

My teeth chattered in pain, and I said to Yun Ling tremblingly, "The spell is lifted, you... just let me go... okay... okay?"

If the child dies because of this, then it will be regarded as the child repaying the debt for me and his father.

After all, no matter what, it was Yuchen and I who felt sorry for him.

If the child is still there and I still choose Yuchen after the spell is released, then I also hope that Yun Ling will let me go.

He is a god, he has plenty of time to enjoy this world, and he should no longer dwell on the past.

Seeing that I had reached this point and still wanted to draw a clear line with him, Yun Ling's eyes turned red and she said with a hurt expression, "Xiao Lin Xi, I will not give up on you, never!"

I wanted to say something more, but the pain was too much and I fainted again.

Just like that, I fainted from the pain and woke up again from the pain, and all the bones in my body seemed to have been broken and re-grown.

I was tortured to the point of excruciating pain. I don’t know how long it took, but the pain finally gradually diminished and I fell into a deep sleep.

In the darkness, I heard someone shouting, "Aling? Aling! Why are you in such a daze!"

With the shouting, the darkness in front of my eyes gradually dispersed, and a young and handsome face appeared in front of me.

It's Yun Ling!

Yun Ling is a god and he does not age, so his appearance is not much different from today's thousands of years later. The only thing that has changed is his eyes.

At this time, he was in his prime years, with his lover by his side, and had not experienced a thousand years of suffering. His eyes were bright and clear, and his youthful frivolity and admiration for women were clearly written in his eyes.

He looked at me and smiled confidently.

I wanted to call his name, but suddenly I found that this body didn't obey my orders!

This feeling is like being possessed by the dragon spirit and watching the memories. I can only watch, as a bystander, what is going on, but I cannot control my body to participate in it.

But when I met Xiao Yuchen before, it was clear that I could control this body.

When I was wondering, I suddenly heard "I". To be precise, it should be Yu Ling.

Yu Ling stretched out her hand, hooked Yun Ling's little finger with her little finger, shook her arm gently, and said in a arrogant tone, "If you don't come again, I will be really angry, and I can't coax you.


Yun Ling smiled fondly, "Yes, my fault.

Next time, as long as you call me, whether Master is in the hall or not, I will sneak out to find you.


Hearing what he said, Yu Ling immediately said, "How can that be okay? You still have to attend class well, don't skip class!"

Yun Ling sat next to Yu Ling and held her in his arms.

He looked down at her, his tone was helpless but more fond of him, "It's not okay not to come, it's not okay to skip class, I'll let you have your say.

Then teach me, if you come to me again, should I come to see you immediately?"

Yu Ling said, "Look at what made things difficult for you. I will never look for you again, so you don't have to make things difficult anymore!"

"Are you really angry?" Yun Ling poked her head over and said with a smile, "Here, let me take a look.


"What are you looking at?" Yu Ling shrank back.

But before she could escape, Yun Ling lowered his head, gave her a quick peck on the face, and then said with a naughty smile, "My wife is so beautiful, and she looks so beautiful when she is angry.


"Oh!" Yu Ling screamed in shame, raised her hand and pushed Yun Ling away, "Who is your wife? Don't talk nonsense!"

Yun Ling fell down due to the force of Yu Ling pushing him, lying on his side on the lawn, raising his eyebrows and smiling evilly, "You are a girl, and I have taken advantage of you.

I tell you, no one wants you except me.


Yu Ling became angry and beat him.

Yun Ling smiled and let her beat and make trouble.

Boys and girls in love seem to find even the air around them sweet.

This chapter has been completed!
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