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Chapter 880 Brothers killing each other


Just when the light was about to hit me, a fiery red light rushed over quickly.

It's Hu Jinyue!

Hu Jinyue turned into a human form in the air. His speed was so fast that a series of virtual images of him in human form remained in the air. After standing still for a few tenths of a second, the virtual images disappeared.

When the virtual image disappeared, he had already rushed to my side.

He picked me up and turned sideways to avoid the red light attack.

All this happened in the blink of an eye. I didn't even see clearly when Hu Jinyue came over. He had already picked me up.

I looked at him in surprise, "You are so fast!"

Hearing my compliment, Hu Jinyue frowned and said to me dissatisfied, "I'm not fast at all! As a real man, I'm not happy at all when I hear you say that."

Brother Ma, please apologize to me.

Otherwise, I will let you feel whether I am happy or not!"

I looked at him, "Are you trying to make a joke and get this matter out of the way..."


A loud noise interrupted my words.

I quickly looked over.

Hu Jinyue hugged me and escaped, but the earthen house in the distance would not hide.

Two red rays of light hit the earthen house and immediately exploded a big hole in the earthen house.

Through the flying dust, I saw Shi Zicheng pressing his hands on the ground in the mud house. He had suffered many injuries, and scarlet blood was flowing down his strong body. The most serious one was His right shoulder was penetrated entirely, leaving a bloody hole.

But even though he was so seriously injured, he was still maintaining the formation on the ground.

The formation is made up of more than a dozen circular earthen pillars. The earthen pillars come out from the ground horizontally and vertically, staggering left and right, forming a cross prison.

And firmly pressed beneath these earthen pillars was a half-human, half-snake man.

This man is none other than Yuchen.

Yuchen's upper body is a human, but his lower body has completely transformed into a snake, and strangely, the scales on his body have turned white! The scales are very small and densely arranged, incomparable to the scales he had in his previous dragon form. .

One is mighty and domineering, the other is like fish scales.

Yuchen closed his eyes and frowned, as if he was sleeping very uneasily.

The landlady squatted next to Yuchen and placed her hands on the earthen pillar next to Yuchen's body. The earthen pillar under the hands of the landlady was covered with small purple flowers. The small flowers kept spitting out purple smoke and sprayed it on Yuchen. face.

The smoke should have a calming effect, so Yuchen calmed down.

Seeing the small white scales on Yuchen's body, Hu Jinyue exclaimed, "Oh my God! Could it be that the third master's true body is a fish? A fish jumps over the dragon's gate, so strictly speaking, the third master is also a dragon."

Because of this, other members of the Dragon Clan didn't notice anything wrong with him and regarded him as a member of the Dragon Clan.

Brother Ma, I am so smart. The third master turns out to be a carp spirit.


I ignored Hu Jinyue's nonsense.

Yuchen is not a black dragon, and of course he may not be a dragon, but he will never be a carp spirit like Hu Jinyue said.

Yuchen is a child who was brought out from the ends of the earth as the substitute of the black dragon.

The ends of the earth are the place where sinners in heaven are exiled.

Even if the carp spirit becomes a dragon, he can only become an immortal at best. His origin is here, so he has no chance to go to heaven.

You can't even go to heaven, so of course you can't become a sinner in heaven and go to the ends of the earth.

Seeing that the earthen house was destroyed, the landlady turned to me and whispered, "Let them be quiet."

In order to appease the third master, my brother and I almost lost our lives. If the third master goes crazy again, we can’t stand it anymore!"

I thought that seeing the scene in the earthen house, the villagers would restrain themselves. After all, Shi Zicheng and the proprietress were both seriously injured. The injuries on their bodies also showed how strong the crazed Yuchen was in fighting.

But after hearing what the landlady said, Na Can suddenly laughed, "You're still scaring us! It's just a snake demon, but I thought it was some kind of amazing monster! I'll kill this snake now, peel off its skin and cramps, and stew it for everyone."

Try the snake meat soup!"

After speaking, he shook his scepter, and large dark clouds began to appear on the golden dome in the sky. Soon the dark clouds enveloped the entire village, and golden thunder and lightning rolled in the dark clouds, making a low roar.

It's thunder.

I looked at Na Can and said, "Na Can, when we came to your village, we only did one thing, which was to save you and help you solve the water source problem.

Yuchen was unable to move because he helped you, and Yao Sisi took advantage of his inability to have evil thoughts towards him.

It was Yao Sisi who caused him to become a demon.

We didn't do anything bad, on the contrary we were kind to you.

Now I don't ask you to thank us, I just ask you not to cause trouble when we are desperately trying to go back to save Yuchen, okay?"

The evil spirit was finally suppressed, and Yuchen finally calmed down.

Now all we have to do is wait for Yuchen to regain his consciousness and wake up.

At this time, let them not come to cause damage, okay?

For fear of waking Yuchen, I didn't even dare to speak loudly, let alone fight at this time.

I even wanted to kneel down and beg them. I didn't need them to do anything. I just wanted them to stay quiet.

Nacan sneered, "Why should we thank you? It's not like we begged you to save us!"

After speaking, Nacan waved his scepter.

There was a roar, and a yellow thunder fell from the sky, heading straight for Yuchen.

Shi Zicheng is a demon, and he is afraid of thunder.

Seeing the thunder falling, Shi Zicheng picked up the proprietress and ran out of the earthen house.

As soon as their front legs came out, Tian Lei's back legs fell down.


There was a loud noise, and the earthen house collapsed suddenly because it could not withstand the power of the thunder.

The clod of earth buried Yuchen, leaving only a small section of the snake's tail exposed.

The snake's tail was motionless, as if it were dead.

"Haha..." Nacan laughed, "It's just a snake demon, nothing to be afraid of! We are protected by the devil's heart, we are invincible!"


The villagers followed and shouted.

Having received support from everyone, Na Can was even more proud. He looked at me and said, "I've dealt with the little snake demon, now it's time to deal with you!"

I looked at him and said, "You're going to die."


I didn't speak loudly, and there was thunder in the sky. Nacan didn't hear what I said clearly, so he asked me, "What did you say?"

I glanced at the mound, and the small section of the snake's tail that was originally exposed was gone.

Yuchen woke up!

I turned to look at Na Can and said loudly, "You are going to die!"

As I finished speaking, the mound of earth exploded with a loud bang. Yuchen's whole body was wrapped in the dark evil aura. The snake's tail swung and he flew towards Na Can!

Seeing that Yuchen was still alive, Na Can was stunned for a moment, then he clenched the scepter in his hand and shook it wildly, "Blow him up! Blow him up!"

Yellow thunder fell one after another, hitting Yuchen's body.

The thunder from the sky that even demons feared, at this moment, could not even break away the evil energy from Yuchen's body.

Yu Chen is like an evil beast crawling up from the underworld, covered in blood and killing. Gods will kill gods if they stand in the way, and Buddhas will kill if they stand in the way of Buddha!

This chapter has been completed!
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