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Chapter 907 Sacrifice to Heaven Seal


Yuchen didn't answer me in a hurry, he waved to me, "Come here.


I sat where I was and didn't move.

Yuchen curled his lower lip and said, "Be more obedient. Only when I feel better can I be willing to tell you the truth.



Is this considered exposing Yuchen's true nature? So...evil!

I stood up, walked over angrily, looked down at him, "You can say it.


"sit down.


I sat across from him.

Yuchen reached out his hand, and I subconsciously ducked back.

Yuchen frowned and his eyes darkened, "Aren't you always clamoring for complete integration with Yu Ling? I'm helping you unlock your power now, what are you hiding from!"

I was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable, "Why?"

Why did he suddenly agree to help me fully integrate with Yu Ling? At this time, isn't he afraid that I will run away after gaining strength?

Yuchen did not answer me, but said, "After fusion, you will see all of Yu Ling's memories.

I can protect you and prevent others from trying to influence you, but I cannot control you and make you give up the idea of ​​becoming a god.

Now I want you to see it with your own eyes. After knowing everything, if you still insist on becoming a god, then..."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "Then I will kill you with my own hands!" There was a cold light in his eyes, and his dark eyes were slightly red at the end.

I looked at him.

Now that he agrees to help me fuse, it turns out that he is still trying to prevent me from becoming a god.

Everything Yuchen does seems to be for this.

The more he behaves like this, the more curious I become, what will happen after I become a god? He would rather kill me cruelly than let me become a god.

When I was thinking wildly, Yuchen put his hand on my heart and looked into my eyes, "Lin Xi, don't let me down.


As soon as he finished speaking, a layer of evil energy suddenly ignited in his palm, and he pushed his palm into my body, and the whole palm stretched directly into my body!

"Ah!" I screamed in pain, and even felt his hand holding my heart.

I instinctively wanted to run, but Yuchen grabbed me with his other hand and refused to allow me to move.

His hand buried inside me holds my heart.

Severe pain and suffocation came over me at the same time. I looked at Yuchen in horror. I felt like I was about to die.

Too painful!

The heart was held tightly, and the heartbeat gradually became weaker.

Finally I couldn't stand the torture any more, so I rolled my eyes and fell into darkness.

I don’t know how long it was dark before my eyes, but I suddenly heard a gentle woman’s voice coming over, “Little girl, what are you thinking about?”

I opened my eyes.

What caught his eye was a beautiful woman who looked to be in her twenties. The woman was wearing a white skirt and looked as if she were a fairy.

At this time, I was sitting on the ground, and the woman was standing in front of me, talking to me with her head lowered, with a gentle and kind smile on her face.

I looked around and found that I was on a barren mountain.

There was not a single blade of grass on the mountain, the trees had their bark stripped off, and even their leaves were almost plucked out.

I looked down at myself again. My arms and legs looked like they were about three or four years old. They were very thin and covered with bones.

Have I become a child? Aren’t I merging with Yu Ling? So this child is when Yu Ling was a child?

Just as I was thinking about it, my stomach suddenly growled, and I felt hungry. I looked at the beautiful woman and subconsciously swallowed my saliva.

It is difficult for modern people to understand the hunger I feel now. This is not the feeling of skipping one or two meals and making my stomach hurt from hunger.

My current feeling has no bottom line. As long as I can eat it, I can eat it! At this moment, I feel that the happiest thing in the world is to have a bite of food.

"Little girl, are you willing?" the woman asked me again, "Look at the grass roots and tree bark on this mountain, and the people down the mountain are so hungry that they cannibalize themselves.

As a child, you will be eaten by them as food as soon as you get off the mountain.

Why don't you come with me and I'll take you to become an immortal.


I was stunned for a moment, is there such a good thing? Does this mean you will become an immortal?

Before I could react, 'I', no, to be precise, Xiao Yuling had already raised her head, looked at the woman, and asked innocently, "Does Chengxian have food to eat?"

The woman smiled, "Of course, you will never be hungry again."


As she spoke, the woman took out a pill and handed it to Xiao Yuling, "Take it.


Xiao Yuling took it and put it in his mouth without thinking.

Although this body doesn't let me control it, I still feel it.

The pills are very fragrant, a bit like sesame balls.

Xiao Yuling chewed the pill and swallowed it, and then asked the woman, "It tastes good. Can you give me another pill?"

The woman shook her head, "One is enough.

Come on, I'll take you to heaven now.


The woman took Xiao Yuling's little hand and led her into the air.

"Wow! I can fly! You are really a god!" Xiao Yuling shouted excitedly.

The woman smiled at her, "You will also be a god from now on.

By the way, what’s your name?”


"Xiao Yuling replied.

The woman said, "Xiao Yuling, I am the aunt in charge of Xiao Xian'e in the heaven. You can just call me aunt from now on."

On the orders of the Emperor of Heaven, I will take you back to the heaven. From now on, you will serve as a concubine in the Ziwei Palace of the Emperor of Heaven. If you practice well, you will have a bright future.


Xiao Yuling was still too young, so she couldn't understand what the woman said, so she just nodded in confusion.

But I understood it.

This is the story that Yu Ling later told Yu Chen. She saved an immortal, and in order to repay her, the immortal gave her an elixir, and she became an immortal.

Who would have thought that the truth would be like this.

She actually lied to Yuchen about such a trivial matter!

Moreover, the woman said that it was the Emperor of Heaven who ordered her to pick up Yu Ling.

Why did the Emperor of Heaven want to take Yu Ling back to heaven?

I thought about the identity that Yu Ling and I share, that is God.

The Emperor of Heaven must have realized that Yu Ling was the reincarnation of that god, so he sent someone to take Yu Ling back to heaven and arranged for her to work as an errand in his palace.

While I was thinking about it, the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

The sky turned into a garden, and I went from flying in the sky to sitting on my knees crying.

It seemed like it had just snowed, there was a thick layer of white snow on the ground, and there was a broken soup bowl thrown in front of me.

"Hey," a clear boy's voice came, "Are you the new little Xian'e?"

I turned around and looked over.

When I turned around, I realized that I could actually control this little body.

I wiped my tears, got up from the ground, and looked at the little boy not far away.

The little boy looks to be seven or eight years old. He is wearing a silver-white brocade robe with gold threads and pictures and text, and a cloak with silver fox curls. He looks warm and noble.

The little boy has a round face and tender white skin. At first glance, you can tell that he is a child who has been raised and raised.

Although he was still very young, chubby, and his facial features had not yet opened, I still recognized him from his facial features.

I asked, "Are you Yun Ling?"

The little boy was surprised, "You know me? Which palace are you from? Why haven't I seen you before?"

If there is really no comparison, there will be no harm.

When Yuchen was seven or eight years old, he was kept in a cage as a monster.

Seeing me looking at him in a daze, Xiao Yunling frowned, raised her chin, and took on the attitude of a master, "Which palace are you from, so ignorant of the rules? How dare you refuse to answer my questions, and how dare you stare like this?

Let’s see! Kneel down quickly!”

When she was a child, Yun Ling had quite a bad temper.

I walked over.

After getting closer to him, I realized that he was actually a head taller than me. Looking at him with his head held high, he really didn't have any momentum at all.

I glanced at the stone bench behind him, then walked around him, climbed onto the stone bench, and stood up.

Now he is much taller than him.

I looked down at him, "I won't kneel down to you, what can you do to me!"

He probably didn't expect that Xiao Xian'e would dare to talk to him like this.

Xiao Yunling's eyes widened, "You!"

"Am I annoying?" I asked him.

Xiao Yunling said angrily, "Not only are you annoying, you should also be punished!"

"It's okay to hate me." Although I knew that these were memories and what I said would not have any impact on what happened later, I still couldn't help but said to Xiao Yunling, "Remember

, you hate me, so don’t fall in love with me in the future.


Hearing what I said, Xiao Yunling felt as if she was frozen. Her eyes widened and she remained motionless. All she could see was that her little chest was rising and falling violently.

It wasn't until I climbed down from the stone bench that he suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed me down into the snow. His face was red and he stared at me, "You...you are brave!"

This chapter has been completed!
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