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Chapter 1081 Find the Enemy


Thank you so much!

When I heard it was this kind of thing, the aroma I smelled smelled like a dead body.

I felt so sick that I wanted to vomit, so I quickly reached out to cover my mouth and nose, "Liao Ruchen, please take this farther away!"

"No," Liao Ruchen said, "This kind of fragrance can confuse people's minds, and you won't feel pain for a while.

Little fairy, showing her legs and arms.


For the sake of Yun Ling, I can only endure it.

I took off my shirt, put on a half-sleeved shirt underneath, and lifted up my pants, exposing my calves.

I asked Ruchen, is this okay?

Liao Ruchen glanced at me and said yes.

Then he turned around and went out. After a while, when he came back in, he was holding a small jasper soup cup in his hand.

I thought they were going to give me something to drink, so I quickly sat up.

As soon as I sat up, I saw that the inside of the small soup cup was not soup at all, but thick, black, squirming worms!

I suddenly had a bad feeling, "Liao Ruchen, what is this?"

"Lie down," Liao Ruchen said, "These are the leeches I raised. Not only can they suck blood, they can also extract poison. It is up to them to detoxify the Phoenix.


Although it was still disgusting, I was relieved to hear that he had raised it.

I lay down again and asked Ruchen, "Leeches can burrow into people's bodies. The leeches you raised shouldn't burrow into people's bodies, right?"

"Of course.


As he spoke, I saw Ruchen put the small soup cup on the table, then he stretched out his hand, and a large porcelain bowl appeared in his hand. He held the big porcelain bowl, walked to the bedside, and then took the bowl from the big porcelain bowl.

He grabbed a leech and dropped it on me.

I asked strangely, "Aren't you going to use the leeches in that jade cup?"

"You're not poisoned, so you don't need to use the ones I raised for you, you can just use the wild ones.



In my heart, there were really ten thousand grass-mud horses running past!

No wonder one is served in jade and the other is served in a porcelain bowl. This is the difference!

The leech has been placed on my leg. Maybe the human ointment has worked. I don't feel the pain of sucking blood, but I don't dare to move.

I lay there, wanting to cry but without tears, "Liao Ruchen, I think I could use something good, what do you think?"

Liao Ruchen glanced at me and ignored me.

To talk to Ruchen about caring for each other is to play the piano to a cow.

In his eyes, I am not as valuable as his few insects.

He couldn't let me die anyway, so I simply closed my eyes and rested my mind.

Yuchen said a lot, but now he has time to think about what he said carefully.

On the surface, the Phoenix people have taken refuge with the Emperor of Heaven, but in fact they are people of the old gods.

The Feng Clan wanted to remove the Emperor of Heaven from his position as Lord of Heaven and Earth and let Yun Ling take over as the next Emperor of Heaven.

There will definitely be a battle in this process.

I am the reincarnation of Sword Spirit, whoever gets me will have a better chance of winning.

My situation must be very dangerous by then.

I suddenly had a feeling that the road ahead was dangerous.

Although I know that the road ahead will definitely be difficult, it is the future after all, and I always feel that there is still time for us to prepare and respond.

I really didn't expect that this danger would come so quickly!

Due to excessive blood loss, my brain began to feel dizzy, and after a while, I lost consciousness.

When I regained consciousness, I heard a woman's soft sobbing.

It must be the sequelae of the blood transfusion. I feel very tired now. It feels like I have no bones in my body. My whole body is soft.

I tried hard to open my eyes, and it seemed like I had to use all my strength before I finally opened my eyes.

I was still lying in the previous room, and the landlady was sitting beside the bed, looking at me, crying sadly.

Seeing her crying, I panicked and said, "Mrs. Boss, it's...ahem..."

Before he could say anything, he coughed violently.

And when I cough, my head becomes even dizzy.

The proprietress hurriedly helped me calm down, "Lin Xi, don't worry, the blood transfusion went smoothly and Yun Ling is fine.

Liao Ruchen is a very brave man. In order to allow you to use the power of Phoenix blood in the future, after draining half of your blood, he insisted not to give you a blood transfusion and not to contaminate the Phoenix blood in your body.

So you are very weak now and need to rest.


Half the blood?

Then wouldn’t I have died of excessive blood loss sooner?

As if she could tell what I was thinking, the landlady said, "I don't know what Ruchen gave you to eat. He said he promised you would be fine, and the third master also believed in him."

I don't feel at ease, so I keep guarding here.


As she spoke, the landlady pointed to the table and showed me a dozen leeches that had completely turned into stones. The landlady continued, "Yun Ling's poison has also been cured.

Liao Ruchen's medical skills are really amazing.


Hearing her say that, I was even more surprised and asked with difficulty, "Then... why are you crying?" Isn't it a good thing that everyone is fine?

The landlady looked at me, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Lin Xi, do you still remember the story about the general I told you?"

I nodded.

The proprietress said at the time that she saved a general when she was alive. In order to repay her life-saving grace, the general recognized her as his adopted sister and took her to the capital. Later, she was favored by the emperor and became the empress of the palace.


In the end, the general died in battle, and my previous life took the landlady more than half a step away.

The general was Yuchen's previous life, and I was Yuchen's fiancée at that time.

The landlady said, "Lin Xi, I like the general. I started liking him when I was alive, but I know I'm not good enough for him.

After more than half a step, I used illusions on you and confirmed that you were the reincarnation of the Black Iron Divine Weapon. I naturally thought that the Third Master was the great general at that time.

So I hope the third master is happy and likes him to get what he wants.

You two couldn't get together back then, but you two are finally happy in this life.


"In the devil world, I was the one who pushed you out. I believe Third Master can recognize you, and he did not disappoint me.

I'm very happy that you two are back together.


At this point, the boss's eyes turned red again, she paused, and then said with a cry, "But now I'm not happy, because I made a mistake! Lin Xi, that general is not the third master, he is Yun Ling!"

I was shocked.

The landlady said again, "What have I done! When you and the Third Master broke up, I shouldn't have helped you. If it hadn't been for me, Yun Ling would have at least had a chance.

Lin Xi, you don’t know how good Yun Ling is to you! Before, there was no cure for the rotten sea and stone, and his body was slowly petrified. He was worried that you would die if you knew him.

That's why he pretended to let go, and he was nice to me, just to make you feel at ease with him.

This way, if he leaves and finds a place to die, he won't arouse your suspicion.

You would think that he had gone to live a happy life with me.


"He is a good man. He is so ruthless towards Jiang Li because he doesn't want to delay Jiang Li any longer.

When he asked me if I would cooperate with him, he also thought about where I should go if he dies in the future.

He thinks about everyone but himself.


I looked at the boss lady and felt that something was wrong with her mood.

I wanted her to stabilize, so I took the initiative to ask her, "Boss lady, how do you know that general is Yun Ling's?"

This chapter has been completed!
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