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Chapter 1139 The person who hates you the most


I was stunned for a moment and then asked, "How did I get back?"

"I brought you back.


When I heard the sound, I noticed that Yuchen was also in the room.

He stood at the door of the room, as if planning to go out. When he saw that I was awake, he turned around and said to me, "I heard you calling me. When I rushed over, you had already passed out on the ground, and there were people around you.

There was a lot of blood, but Mr. Fu was not seen and no one else was encountered.


"Little junior sister," the devil asked me, "tell me first, what happened? Who knocked you out? How did that person hurt the master?"

I shook my head. It was too dark in the passage and I didn't see the other person's face at all.

Yuchen came over, sat on the edge of the bed, pulled me into his arms, and comforted me, "Lin Xi, you have tried your best.

To be able to injure Mr. Fu in Mr. Fu's Dharma World, the opponent must not only be strong, but must also know Mr. Fu. Otherwise, if Mr. Fu was prepared, the opponent would never succeed so easily.


Yuchen's words reminded me of Fu Lian's conversation.

I quickly repeated what I heard to Yuchen and the Demon King.

After listening to what I said, the Demon King frowned and became serious, "Little Junior Sister, did you really hear Master say that the other party was the one who started the war in the fairy world?"

I nodded quickly, "Senior brother, you know who the other party is, right?"

The Demon King's expression already showed that he knew, and based on the Demon King's experience, even if he had not participated in the war that year, he might still know what happened back then.

The Demon King didn't want to hide anything. When he heard my question, he said directly, "The other party is Prince Qianchen.



I suddenly thought of the little boy who lived in a small dilapidated wooden house in my dream.

Isn't he Bai Ziqi's unpopular eldest son? Even the palace maids dared to bully him, and he later became the prince? And...

I looked at Yuchen.

Isn't he Yuchen's previous life? He has been reincarnated as Yuchen. Qianchen should have completely disappeared like Yuling!

I was confused.

Yuchen's expression showed no change.

I couldn't tell that he had completely remembered what happened in his previous life, so I wasn't surprised at all.

Or maybe he has no interest in the past.

While I was staring at Yuchen, I heard the Demon King continue, "The Emperor of Heaven... no, to be precise, it was the Emperor of Heaven, Bai Ziqi..."

Bai Ziqi's first wife was also the first Queen of Heaven.

The two of them were very much in love back then.

Bai Ziqi and Tianhou are both ancient gods with extremely high cultivation. They pursue the ancient divine power. In order to find the lost ancient divine power that is enough to create the world, they walked through Qiaoduo together, such as the essence of the ancient dragon god.

They met the Dragon God on the way and killed the Dragon God to obtain it.

The two of them wandered around until the Queen of Heaven became pregnant, and the two of them settled down in heaven.

"But I don't know what happened. After the queen became pregnant, the relationship between the two changed," the devil said. "Bai Ziqi found a new woman and was with that woman every day.

Even if the Queen of Heaven went to look for him with her big belly, he would not pay attention.


Hearing this, I couldn't help cursing in my heart, isn't this a scumbag? His wife is pregnant, he cheated on her, and found another woman!

The Demon King said that the Queen also had a temper and Bai Ziqi ignored her, so she never went to Bai Ziqi again.

Later, the Queen gave birth to a son, Qian Chen.

It stands to reason that this is Bai Ziqi's first son, and Bai Ziqi should be very happy, but the fact is exactly the opposite.

I also didn’t expect that the Demon King was a gossip.

Having said this, he lowered his voice and said to me with bright eyes, "Junior sister, there is inside information that Bai Ziqi was about to kill Prince Qianchen just after he was born. It was the Queen of Heaven who tried his best to protect him.

Save the life of Prince Qianchen.


Although she is not liked by Bai Ziqi, the Queen of Heaven is also a capable person. With the Queen of Heaven protecting her, Qianchen's life as a child was pretty good.

But the good times didn't last long. When Qianchen was six years old, the queen died suddenly.

After the death of Tianhou, Qianchen had no one to protect him, so Bai Ziqi threw him to an extremely cold place.

This is what I know. Little Qianchen lived a very miserable life in the wooden house.

The Demon King continued to say that Bai Ziqi took Qianchen back to heaven only after Qianchen came of age.

"When Prince Qianchen returned, his younger brother, Bai Ziqi's second son, had grown up and was appointed the prince by Bai Ziqi.

But I don't know what tricks Prince Qianchen used. His younger brother first gave up the position of prince, and then jumped into the well of reincarnation like crazy, stripped off his immortal bones, and was reincarnated.

After the death of his second son, Ye Qiao felt ashamed of his eldest son, so Bai Ziqi immediately made Qian Chen the crown prince.


"When he becomes the prince, he will be more capable of tormenting.

He first killed Bai Ziqi's second wife, and then refined an evil weapon that could absorb divine power.

Prince Qianchen used the excuse of cultivation to let the evil weapon absorb the divine power of the ancient gods, thereby achieving the purpose of weakening the ancient gods.


Qian Chen was the prince of the ancient gods, so Qian Chen used evil weapons to deal with the ancient gods. The ancient gods only felt that Qian Chen's intentions were evil, and they did not think about other aspects.

Later, an ancient god died suddenly because he lost his divine power. The ancient gods felt that they could no longer let Qian Chen torment him like this. They united and went to the Prince's Palace to force Qian Chen to hand over the evil weapon.

As a result, these ancient gods met the new gods who had already ambushed them in the Prince's Palace.

The new gods, under the leadership of Qian Chen, killed these ancient gods.

The power of the ancient gods has been weakened by Qianchen, and a large number of ancient gods have been killed.

The morale of the new gods increased greatly, and they revolted, and the battle between the ancient gods and the new gods began.

"Little Junior Sister, if you really hear Master say that the other person is the one who started the war in the heavens, then he can only be Prince Qianchen.

"The Demon King said.

In the dream, I heard Xiao Qianchen himself say that he would take revenge on Bai Ziqi, but he would not kill him, he would destroy everything he cared about bit by bit!

After Qianchen grew up, he forced Bai Ziqi's favored younger son to death, and then killed Bai Ziqi's women. Finally, he launched a war and dragged Bai Ziqi from the position of Emperor of Heaven.

Whatever he said when he was a child, he did it when he grew up.

There's just one thing I don't understand. Qian Chen has been reincarnated as Yu Chen, so how could he show up, hurt Fu Lian, and take Fu Lian away?

Fu Lian asked me to be careful with Yuchen. It can't be that Yuchen wants to take revenge on Bai Ziqi after recovering his past life memory, right? Besides, even if he wanted to take revenge, why did he hurt Fu Lian?

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Seeing me staring at him in a daze, Yuchen frowned in displeasure, "Do you suspect that I was the one who injured Mr. Fu?"

I shook my head quickly, fearing that there would be some misunderstanding if I was too late, "Yuchen, I didn't think so!"

"Little Junior Sister, you really shouldn't doubt him," the Demon King said, "If he dared to resist Master, he wouldn't still be with you.


Yuchen's expression froze for a moment, he ignored the Demon King's words, but changed the subject and said, "I know where to find Mr. Fu.


This chapter has been completed!
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