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Chapter 1187 The demise of heaven


I looked at Hua Rong, suppressed the uneasiness in my heart and said, "Zhai Xiaofeng is Yuchen's aunt, she will not harm him.


Hua Rong looked at me without saying a word.

It wasn't until I felt guilty that Hua Rong said, "What's his name?"

I didn't understand what Hua Rong meant by asking, but I still answered, "Yu Chen.

His name is Yuchen.


"What did Zhai Xiaofeng call him again?"

I was stunned for a moment, and the reaction came to my mind instantly.

Zhai Xiaofeng called him Qianchen!

Qian Chen is Dafeng's son and the one who is blood related to Zhai Xiaofeng.

So she paid attention to our movements, and she helped Yuchen get Qianchen's body back.

The only person she wants to save is Qian Chen.

She hoped that Yuchen would disappear and Qianchen would wake up completely!

After understanding this, I became even more worried about Yuchen being alone with her.

I shook off Hua Rong's hand and turned around to go back to the room to find them.

Hua Rong dodged and stopped me again.

He said, "Little girl, your man must love you very much, right?"

I looked at him in confusion. His topics were too jumping and I couldn't keep up with his thinking.

Hua Rong didn't care whether I understood what he said or not, he said to himself, "Little girl, deep love is a kind of obsession, it will make a person firm and brave beyond his imagination.

Love can transcend everything, so there is no problem for me and Rui'er to be together. She is not my child, and we are not related by blood, so why can't I love her!"


Wasn't his last sentence talking about Yuchen? Why did it turn to the matter of his deep love for Rui'er?

I have given up thinking. Anyway, I can't guess what Hua Rong is going to say. Fortunately, I don't have to worry about it.

Hua Rong continued, "Little girl, if your man is as affectionate as me, then his love for you will become the force that supports him.

After death, people will become ghosts due to excessive obsession and will not enter reincarnation.

In the same way, if your man's obsession with you is deep enough, he will have a reason to stay in this world.


Hua Rong said that Yuchen was the reincarnation of Qianchen, so they were originally the same soul.

Zhai Xiaofeng wanted to erase the part of this soul that belonged to Yuchen and make this soul completely belong to Qianchen.

But Zhai Xiaofeng didn't want to hurt this soul, otherwise with Zhai Xiaofeng's methods, she could have manipulated Yuchen's soul while condensing it, and then manipulated this soul.

It's just that the manipulated soul is equivalent to a puppet. This is not what Zhai Xiaofeng wants. What Zhai Xiaofeng wants is the return of the real Qianchen.

She couldn't use strong methods, so she could only choose the second method.

That means asking Yuchen to give up on his own initiative.

"The second method sounds difficult, but it is actually very simple.

Little girl, you are the force that supports your man. As long as you are killed, your man will have violent mood swings even if he does not despair of the world. At this time, Zhai Xiaofeng can help Qianchen snatch his soul.


I suddenly realized.

This is why Bai Qi keeps trying to kill me!

I understand Yuchen's current situation as one soul and two personalities.

Because they lived in different environments since they were young, Yuchen and Qianchen have completely different outlooks. They are two people.

Now these two people are fighting for this body and soul. Both of them are proud, and there is no possibility of coexistence. They can only live and die.

My existence gives Yuchen greater control over the soul, so Zhai Xiaofeng wants to kill me in order to help Qianchen!

Seeing that I understood, Hua Rong raised his eyebrows at me and asked me confidently, "How about it? Do you want to cooperate with me? This is the Demon Sealing Valley, Zhai Xiaofeng's territory. She wants to kill you. It's too easy.

Cooperate with me and I will keep you alive, and after your man's body recovers, I will send the three of you out of the Demon Sealing Valley.

I only have one request: rescue Rui'er when you get out!"

I waited to hear what he said next, but at this point, he stopped.

I asked him, "The only requirement is to rescue Rui'er?" Doesn't Rui'er need to come back to find him?

A dark light flashed in Hua Rong's eyes, his expression remained unchanged, and he seemed to look away, "This Demon Sealing Valley is a prison. She finally got out, so she won't come back again.


What Bai Qingjue wants is for Rui'er to come back to fulfill his thousand-year promise, but what Hua Rong wants is to go out and never come back again.

Comparing the two, who has deeper feelings for Rui'er will be judged immediately.

Hua Rong liked her so much that he made a fake one and carefully cared for her.

I can't bear to let her go back to this prison again.

I was a little moved, "Senior Hua Rong, why can Zhai Xiaofeng enter and leave the Demon Sealing Valley at will? With her help, Rui'er should be able to do it too, right?"

"Who told you that Zhai Xiaofeng can enter and leave the Demon-Sealing Valley at will?" Hua Rong frowned disdainfully, "You think the Demon-Sealing Formation is fake? Any monster that comes close to the formation will be minced, Dafeng's

The end result is the best explanation.


"But I have seen Zhai Xiaofeng outside before.

"I said, "If I can't go out, then who will I see?"

"What did she look like when you saw her? In other words, what was her posture?"

After hearing Hua Rong's reminder, I reacted.

Outside, she has no entity, just a ball of white air! In other words, Zhai Xiaofeng never really left the Demon-Sealing Valley, she just used some means to release her spiritual consciousness.

No wonder she always appears when she wants to and leaves whenever she wants under any circumstances.

Her true body is here. If she wants to take back her consciousness, she can take it back at any time.

When I saw her, I felt strange.

She was caught by Bai Ziqi and locked up.

Escape from Bai Ziqi's hands is not an easy task.

It turned out that we were wrong. She would not be locked up at all. She wanted to stay with Bai Ziqi, which made us mistakenly think that she was arrested.

Thinking of this, a question pops up in my mind: Is the relationship between them a little too messy?

I asked Hua Rong, "Senior Hua Rong, Zhai Xiaofeng's sister is Qianchen's biological mother, but she is not Bai Ziqi's wife, so what is the relationship between them?"

Isn’t Qian Chen the child of his predecessor, the Queen?

I have heard about Qianchen many times.

He was born to the former Queen of Heaven. When he was born, Queen of Heaven died suddenly.

Then he was raised by Bai Qi.

Later, Bai Qi also left, and he was thrown into a bitter cold place by Bai Ziqi.

But why does Qianchen’s biological mother appear now?

Hua Rong narrowed his eyes, "Little girl, that was a heart-stirring love story that made people cry.



"Senior, can you tell me this heart-stirring love story?"

Hua Rong didn't rush to say it, but asked me, "Will you cooperate with me or not?"

I just realized that I haven't given him a formal reply yet.

I nodded hurriedly and said cooperation.

Hua Rong was worried and made me swear a poisonous oath. If I broke my promise and didn't save Rui'er, then my whole family would die badly.

I swore an oath in accordance with Hua Rong's request.

After it was over, Hua Rong breathed a sigh of relief and his tone became relaxed, "Little girl, their love story is not as exciting as that between me and Rui'er.

Their story is just that she loved him, he didn’t love her, and she used tricks to get him..."

This chapter has been completed!
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