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Seeing me dumbfounded, Xiao Yuchen directly put the dagger into my hand and said to me, "Don't be afraid."


Is it too late for me to change my words now and say it doesn’t hurt?

When I said it hurt, I just wanted to tease him and make him feel sorry for me. I didn't expect that he would let me take revenge.

What the dragon man said just now is right. The Kingdom of Demons has just been established, and it would be very unwise to cause trouble now.

Compared with the ancient race of the Dragon Clan, the Demon Kingdom is at a disadvantage.

If they were of equal strength, the conflict between Xiao Yuchen and the boy from the Dragon Clan could be interpreted as a fight between children. It would not be on the stage and would not be taken seriously.

However, there is a huge disparity in strength between the Dragon Clan and the Kingdom of Demons. This kind of petty quarrel between the Dragon Clan and the Kingdom of Demons can be interpreted as a provocation by the Kingdom of Demons, and the Dragon Clan can take the opportunity to launch an attack on the Kingdom of Demons.

All forces are eyeing the Kingdom of Demons, and they are worried that they have no excuse to attack the Kingdom of Demons. If I stab it, wouldn't it be like giving the reason to others?

I looked at Xiao Yuchen.

I didn't want to refute his reputation, after all, he was venting his anger on me.

I thought for a moment and said, "Yuchen, let him go.


Xiao Yuchen frowned, looking a little dissatisfied, "I told you, you don't have to be afraid.

You are...anyway, I can't bully you. If you don't dare to do it, then I will do it myself. I can't let you suffer!"

It was like a ray of sunshine shone into my heart, and my whole heart became brighter.

As expected of Yuchen, he knew at such a young age that his wife should be protected!

I said, "Yuchen, don't worry, I, Lin Xi, will eat anything, I just don't like to suffer losses.

You let him go, and I will avenge this myself.

I know you want to help me vent my anger and don't want me to be wronged.

Yuchen, I am so touched that you are so kind to me.

My dear husband, you are so kind that I almost want to kiss you, is that okay?"

In addition to me and Yuchen, there are three dragon youths here. The ancients were conservative, not to mention their group of monsters who have lived for hundreds of years and have not yet reached adulthood. The four of them were stunned. Even the dragon man who was stepped on by Xiao Yuchen was stunned.

I was stunned and couldn't even scream in pain.

Xiao Yuchen was the first to react. The tips of his ears turned red, and his round eyes stared at me with shame and anger, "Lin Xi, you! I...I don't care about you anymore!"

After saying that, he put away the silver whip, left the big bird's back, and stood aside without looking at me.

The released Dragon Clan man stood up. He looked me up and down in surprise, and then his eyes revealed a light of contempt, "Are you the Black Dragon's wife? How old is he? He is indeed a freeloader! By the way, you are more knowledgeable than the Black Dragon.

It seems that he is older than him, so you have to teach him a little bit and let him know who he cannot mess with! I will let you go, let this be the case today.


This mouth really needs to be cleaned up! What does it mean that I look older than Yuchen?!

With just these words, I can’t just let this matter go by just like this!

Seeing him about to leave, I stopped him and said, "Hey, let me tell you something. Remember it."

I am not from the country of demons.


The dragon man didn't understand why I said this and turned to look at me in confusion.

I turned to look at the other two dragon boys and repeated, "I am not from the Kingdom of Demons, do you understand?"

"What exactly do you want to say?" the dragon man asked me impatiently.

I clenched the magic weapon in my hand, narrowed my eyes and smiled, "I just want you to get to know me. My name is Lin Xi, a human being who practices Taoism. Remember my name.


As soon as I finished speaking, I channeled my spiritual power, and the magic weapon made a buzzing sound, and the sword ignited a layer of black flames, and the evil spirit spread everywhere.

The dragon man noticed the murderous aura emanating from the divine weapon, his eyes widened, he turned around and wanted to run away.

But before he could escape, the magic weapon struck him.

I controlled my strength and did not kill him. The magic weapon struck from his back shoulder and penetrated his back diagonally.


The dragon man screamed and blood spurted out from the wound.

When he saw me swinging my sword, he originally wanted to run away, so when I slashed him, his body flew away from the big bird's back and stopped in mid-air.

Now being slashed, the dragon man was in so much pain that he couldn't control his spiritual power, and his body fell towards the ground.

Upon seeing this, his two dragon companions hurriedly flew over and supported the man one on the left and the other on the right.

"You actually hurt someone!" The young man who laughed at Xiao Yuchen as a coward with the man looked at me angrily and cursed, "We, the Dragon Clan, will never just let this matter go! Just wait and see!"

I raised my eyebrows and said nonchalantly, "My aunt is waiting for you to come to me! My name is Lin Xi, remember!"

The shrewd dragon boy looked at me and said, "We remember that your name is Lin Xi, and we also know that you are not from the Kingdom of Demons.

But what's the use of this? Lin Xi, as long as you have a relationship with the Black Dragon, if you hurt someone, we can pin the matter on the Demon Kingdom.

Lin Xi, Black Dragon, if the Dragon Clan goes to war against the Kingdom of Demons, you will be the culprits of the war!"

"That's right!" the injured dragon man shouted angrily, "I'm going to let my father lead the troops to eradicate the Kingdom of Demons. Don't even think about it! Each of you will have to pay the price for what happened today!"

How despicable!

Xiao Yuchen frowned.

I smiled nonchalantly and said, "You are right, Yuchen and I got into trouble. If we let you go back and file a complaint, the Dragon Clan will definitely come to trouble the Kingdom of Demons.

In this case, why not just kill you all here so that you have no chance to complain!"

The three dragon youths were stunned.

At this time, a gentle and pleasant male voice suddenly came from high in the sky, "What are you doing here?"

Following the sound, a red light rushed over, and the light spread out, revealing the true face of the man wrapped in the light.

I was startled, and I quickly put on the mask that I had taken off after leaving the Demon Country.

The person coming is Yun Ling!

Yun Ling is dressed in a crescent-white brocade robe, holding a jade bone fan, and has black hair like a waterfall, part of which hangs down on the back shoulders and part of which is tied into a jade crown.

He looked seventeen or eighteen, with a face as white as jade and black eyes like black pearls soaked in water, moist and bright.

His temperament is pure and noble, like the moon in the sky, bright and dazzling.

Seeing Yun Ling like this, my heart suddenly throbbed.

This bright moon has been soaked in hatred in reality and has completely turned black.

In order to take revenge, he did not hesitate to cooperate with Qian Chen's inner demons to provoke a war between the new gods and the old gods.

Qiao and I looked at him with too hot eyes. After he came to us, Yun Ling looked at me first before he spoke.

There was no impurity in the clear black and white eyes, and they were as gentle as water, "Who are you?"

Without waiting for my reply, Xiao Yuchen dodged and flew back to me, blocking me behind him with his thin body. Then he turned to Yun Ling and said, "Yun Ling, they want to cause trouble in the Kingdom of Demons. Give it to me."

You got it.


After saying that, Xiao Yuchen picked me up and flew away into the distance.

From behind, Yun Ling's helpless chuckle came, "You brat, control your temper when things happen and don't always cause trouble for Aling.


The words were full of love, and there was no intention of complaining or lecturing Xiao Yuchen.

I suddenly realized that this was Yuchen's memory world.

In other words, everything that happens here is history, and it all happened to Yuchen before.

Even without me, Xiao Yuchen would still have a conflict with three dragon teenagers, and finally Yun Ling appeared to help solve the problem.

Yun Ling treated him well.

I looked back at Yun Ling.

As if she noticed my gaze, Yun Ling, who was talking to three dragon tribe boys, turned around and looked over.

The age is just right, and the son is like a jade.

This chapter has been completed!
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