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Yuchen stood there without any movement, with no expression on his face. His eyes were dark and calm.

He was not touched at all by the fact that I was taken away.

He really forgot about me, completely forgot me, and became a stranger.

This is something I already know, and I accept it.

I thought I could face this calmly, but when I personally experienced Yuchen's alienation from me, I realized how sad I was.

Yuchen is more than love to me, he is the belief that I insist on, and he is the light that I can believe in even if I am in hell.

He has long since become the bones in my body, and we are inseparable.

But now, I feel like the bones in my body are being ripped apart.

It hurts!

"You rob someone in front of me and you think I'm dead?!"

Wei Huang shouted coldly, he rushed over, stretched out his hand to grab the water flowing around me, and squeezed it hard.

With a snap, the water flow stopped, turned into water droplets, and fell to the ground.

Wei Huang is not afraid of the clan leader, but I don't want to cause trouble.

Patriarch Qiao Nuo's matter was not done. We were the unreasonable party and we could just run away in despair. We don't have to compete with the patriarch and use force to force others to compromise.

Moreover, I am very confused right now and want to stay quietly for a while. I really don’t want to continue to dwell on this matter.

I said to Wei Huang, take me to the carriage.

My voice was shaking when I spoke.

Wei Huang glanced at me and nodded, "Okay.


He grabbed my arm, shook it hard, and threw me out!

I'm messy in the air.

Although he is a man with a master, he should pay attention to his male morality when he is outside.

But there is no need to use this method to get me back on the carriage quickly!

"Yu Chen, catch it!" Wei Huang shouted.

Even if Yuchen didn't pick it up, it wouldn't work, because I was flying towards him.

I threw my whole body into his arms, and he took a few steps back due to the impact. At the same time, he raised his arms and hugged me.

I have hugged Yuchen too many times, but this is the first time I have hugged someone like this gentleman.

After stabilizing his body, he immediately put me down and even took a step back!

The action is not big, but the damage is not small.

People who used to want to stick together now don't even want to touch each other, and I can't complain about Yuchen.

He didn't want it to become like this.

I took a deep breath and said thank you to Yuchen.

Then he ran away and got into the carriage.

As soon as I got in the car, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and rolled down my face.

"Sister..." Little Pearl looked at me guiltily, and she raised her little hand to gently wipe away the tears on my face.

Hu Jinyue lay next to my legs and scolded Little Pearl a few times, blaming her.

Then he said to me, "Brother Ma, as soon as you leave the Demon Sealing Valley, the little fish spirit will return the memory to the third master, don't be sad.


After saying that, Hu Jinyue turned around and threatened Little Pearl, telling her not to shit before leaving the Devil-Sealing Valley!

Actually, I didn't want to cry, and I knew there was nothing to be sad about, I just forgot about it, and I would probably chase it again.

We are both still alive and have children. I have the confidence to get together with Yuchen again.

I'm sad just because I haven't gotten used to the fact that Yuchen doesn't love me anymore.

While the three of us were talking, the carriage suddenly started running.

I opened the curtains of the carriage and looked outside. Yuchen was driving the carriage and Wei Huang was sitting next to him.

Behind the carriage, on the other side of the boundary, the clan leader stared at us hatefully, "Yueyue, I'm sure I'll eat this melon of yours! Let's wait and see!"

Hu Jinyue turned over and said lazily, "Grandpa will leave the Demon Sealing Valley soon.

This ghost place, grandpa will never come back in this life! Just wait and see, he can still follow me out of the valley!"

Return to Zhai Xiaofeng's house.

The carriage stopped and Hua Rong was waiting for us in the courtyard.

Seeing us coming back, he came over and said, "Lin Xi, I have already agreed with those old guys that I will send you away tonight.

There's still some time left, come here and I'll take you somewhere.


I happened to ask him something, so I followed him.

After turning around several small courtyards, the last place he took me to was the kitchen! The kitchen here must have been unused by Qiao for a long time. There was a thick layer of ash on the stove and spider webs in the big iron pot.

Hua Rong said, "We old monsters have long since gone away and don't need to eat, so this place is deserted.

When Rui'er first came to the Demon-Sealing Valley, her cultivation level was still shallow and she had not yet gone beyond the valley.

Afraid that she would starve to death, we old monsters tried our best to make food for her, but she was almost poisoned to death.

From then on, Rui'er never let us go near the kitchen. She liked to stay in the kitchen and would often come up with weird dishes for us to eat.


When he said this, Hua Rong's voice became softer. He was missing the days when he had Xiaorui.

I suddenly wanted to ask him, since he loved Xiaorui so much, why did he send Xiaorui away? Do you really want to break the seal and get out of here?

But as soon as I thought about it, I swallowed the words once they reached my lips.

I'm leaving here soon. I won't be curious about how Huarong and Xiaorui's relationship is, and I won't care about it, so as not to cause any complications.

"Lin Xi," Hua Rong called me and continued, "I haven't eaten food for a long time.

I tried to cook like Rui'er, but failed every time.

Lin Xi, you are leaving soon, before you leave, can you help me cook a meal?"

Hua Rong has half of the credit for my ability to survive in the Demon Sealing Valley.

He made such a small request, and I naturally would not refuse.

I told him that I can cook, but my skill is average.

"It doesn't matter, just make a few simple home-cooked meals.


As he spoke, Hua Rong made a magic trick.

The dilapidated kitchen instantly took on a new look, a fire was burning on the stove, and a large row of ingredients appeared in the small kitchen courtyard.

Chicken, duck, fish, seafood and vegetables are all available.

These things conjured by illusion can be made into real food! I once again marveled at the magic of Huarong illusion.

While picking out the ingredients I knew how to cook, I asked him, "Senior Huarong, Xiaorui is your apprentice, so can she also use illusions?"

Hua Rong moved a basket of crabs in front of me and said, "Yeah.

Her illusions were taught by me myself.

Although it cannot turn fiction into reality, it is perfectly fine to use it to deceive people.


I yelled and asked, "Xiao Rui is your common apprentice. Did Zhai Xiaofeng also teach Xiao Rui?"

This is what I want to ask Hua Rong.

Hua Rong said, "Lin Xi, the Demon Sealed Valley is very big. There are eighty or less old monsters here. Xiaorui is alone. No matter how smart she is, she will never be able to learn so many and complex spells.

So we thought of a way to let everyone compare the spells they want to teach, and only the winner would be qualified to teach her.

Zhai Xiaofeng couldn't do it, and was eliminated in the first round..."

Speaking of this, Hua Rong paused and thought about it for a while before continuing, "I remembered it.

Xiao Rui liked Zhai Xiaofeng's magic very much, so Zhai Xiaofeng taught Xiao Rui an unusual method. It was... a kind of divination.


Sure enough, it’s exactly what I thought!

White energy can predict the future, and Zhai Xiaofeng is white energy.

In other words, Zhai Xiaofeng has the ability to predict things.

If Zhai Xiaofeng had taught Xiaorui the magic to predict the future, then Xiaorui could also predict the future.

In this case, it makes sense for Xiaorui to pass all his cultivation to Wei Huang.

Xiaorui predicted that there would be a disaster in Menglou in the future, so she made Weihuang become stronger and become the second black dragon, and asked Weihuang to protect Menglou.

The subtext is that in the face of disaster, Wei Huang must stand in front of Menglou and become Menglou's substitute.

This chapter has been completed!
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