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I took a deep breath, calmed my mind, and walked to the coffin.

Seeing me walking into the center of the formation, Hua Rong said to us, "Lin Xi, there are two other boys, these three coffins are made from the shells shed by Xuanwu.

Xuanwu is the righteous god of the Four Symbols, and he once entered Buddhism to practice.

Therefore, the shell he shed is not only extremely tough, but also engraved with Taoist scriptures, making it the world's top defensive magic weapon.


"You three, each choose a coffin to lie in. With our guardians and the protection of the basalt shell, you can safely pass through the demon-sealing formation above.


After saying that, Hua Rong added, "The demon-sealing formation at the entrance is specially set up for us old monsters. You have nothing to do with us old monsters, so the power of the formation will be greatly reduced. You don't have to be too afraid."



Yuchen clasped his fists and said thank you, senior.

Then he took the lead and entered the coffin in the middle.

I glanced at Yuchen.

Yuchen had a cold face, as if he was still angry and didn't want to talk to me.

I originally wanted to explain to him that I did not treat others as my painkillers, but then I thought that now was not the time for small talk, so I gave up.

I withdrew my gaze and entered the coffin on Yuchen's left side.

Wei Huang entered the coffin on the right.

Little Pearl wanted to go out with us, so after I entered the coffin, she ran all the way over and jumped into my arms.

Afraid that Hua Rong would chase her away, she hurriedly said that she would not take up any space.

Hu Jinyue wagged her tail and wanted to get into my coffin.

But as soon as he walked to the coffin, he heard Yuchen calling him coldly, "Hu Jinyue, come to me.


Hu Jinyue was stunned for a moment, her fox eyes widened, and she looked at Yuchen with disbelief.

After confirming that Yuchen was calling him, Hu Jinyue said, "Third Master, I am different from Little Pearl. I take up a lot of space.

I'm afraid of squeezing you..."

“It’s the cheapest place not to go.


After Yuchen finished speaking, Hu Jinyue shouted, "Third Master, it's my honor to share a coffin with you!" Then with a jump of his body, he got into the coffin.

After we all entered the coffin, a yellow thunder suddenly flashed across the cloudless sky filled with stars. The rumbling thunder sounded like it was about to blow a big hole in the sky, which was deafening.

Then, the nine heads of Jiu Ying looked up to the sky at the same time, opened their beaks, and spit out pillars of fire.

Nine fire pillars gathered together high in the sky to form a huge fireball.

The fireball was as hot as the sun, turning the sky and the earth red, and the temperature in the air rose.

The burning fireball seemed to tear open a space. If you look closely, you can see a very thin black crack in the middle of the fireball.

Then there was a sudden bang.

The woods not far away were ignited by the high temperature and a fire broke out.

Thick smoke billowed, and birds and animals scattered in all directions.

I was shocked.

This is the strength of the ferocious beast, or to be more accurate, this is not the full strength of the ferocious beast.

With such destructive power, they must not leave the Demon Sealing Valley.

Not only the Yang world, but also the demon world cannot tolerate them.

Thinking of Zhai Xiaofeng who had obtained the fairy dew, I looked around but could not see Zhai Xiaofeng.

She wouldn't have secretly used the fairy dew to leave, right?

While I was thinking about it, there was a sudden rumble on the ground.

In front of the three coffins, there is a black board coming out of the ground.

It's a coffin lid.

After the coffin lid came out of the ground, it closed on the three of us coffins with a bang.

Then, I heard Hua Rong yell, "Array up!"

After closing the coffin lid, the inside of the coffin became pitch black and no one could see what was going on outside.

But you can feel that as Hua Rong finished speaking, the coffin started to move.

The coffin rose from the ground, soared into the sky, and flew towards the huge fireball above.

Little Pearl was a little scared and hugged my neck tightly, "Sister, we will be able to get out safely, right?"

Her voice was shaking when she spoke.

I couldn't bend my arms or hug her, so I could only comfort her, "Don't be afraid, Pearl. There are ten ancient monsters protecting us. We can definitely leave here safely."


"Zhai Xiaofeng!" As soon as I finished speaking, I heard Hua Rong exclaim loudly, "Are you going up here to seek death? Come back quickly!"

"Someone will die, but it won't be me, but her!"

Zhai Xiaofeng's voice is very close to me.

She's standing right in front of my coffin!

My heart skipped a beat and I immediately realized something was going to happen.

Sure enough, the next second, the coffin lid flew out with a bang, and the heat wave from the outside world suddenly poured into the coffin.

I was stunned by the rolling heat wave and subconsciously closed my eyes.

The moment I closed my eyes, I felt a pair of hands grab my arm, and then the other person pulled me hard and flew me out of the coffin.

"Big sister!" Little Pearl fell into the coffin and shouted at me.

I opened my eyes and found myself high in the sky.

Above the head is the exaggeratedly huge fireball. Only when we get closer can we see clearly that there is really a black crack in the middle of the fireball. The black crack is like a passage connecting to another space, and it looks infinitely deep.

Because it was so close to the fireball, the temperature here was so high that I felt like my hair was going to be set on fire.

I looked at Zhai Xiaofeng who was holding my arm, "You really want to kill me?"

"Lin Xi, only if you die can we have no worries," Zhai Xiaofeng looked at me and sneered, "For the sake of all of us, you die here, and I will leave in your coffin.


Because the Demon-Sealing Formation is aimed at her, when she passes through the formation, the formation will be strengthened.

She was afraid that just applying the fairy dew would not protect her from safely passing through the demon-sealing formation, so she rushed up to snatch the coffin after Hua Rong and the others activated the formation to send us away.

She wanted double protection.

"Zhai Xiaofeng, you are crazy! Do you want to die miserably in the formation like Dafeng?" Hua Rong shouted, "The coffin can't protect you!" Obviously, Hua Rong didn't know about the fairy dew yet.

"Hua Rong, just think I'm crazy.

If I can get out, I will definitely help you save Xiaorui.

"After saying that, Zhai Xiaofeng swung her arm hard, and I was thrown away by her.

I flew towards the fireball quickly, feeling the temperature around me getting higher and higher.

Zhai Xiaofeng is planning to cremate me directly!

Hua Rong is maintaining the formation. He can't rush over to save me. Yuchen and Wei Huang are both in the coffin. If I ask for help from them, once the coffin is opened, they will lose a layer of protection like me.

I can't harm them, but now, how can I save myself?

I tried to use the spiritual power in my body, but it was empty and I couldn't use any power.

what do I do……

Just when I was confused, there was a sudden bang from a coffin under my body, and the lid of the coffin was kicked out from the inside.

Then, a silver figure rushed out of the coffin!

This chapter has been completed!
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