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"Lin Xi, I can leave behind the ruins, but I can't leave behind the light in my life.


I was stunned and looked at Yuchen who forgot to react for a moment.

"Let's go together.

"Yuchen's arms tightened around my waist, making my body press closer to him.

He looked down at me and said seriously, "My brain has forgotten you, but my soul seems not.

Lin Xi, I don’t know how I treated you before, but now.


His eyes moved downward, from my eyes to my nose, and finally landed on my lips. His Adam's apple rolled and he asked me, "Can I kiss you?"

My tears were uncontrollable, and I nodded while choking.

I, Lin Xi, am so virtuous and capable that I am so favored by Yuchen!

He forgot about me and everything we had experienced together, but he did not forget to love me.

I am the love he has carved into his soul, and the light he has buried in his life.

I really like him, so much that my heart starts to hurt.

"Lin Xi, there's no time!" Hua Rong's voice suddenly came over.

I woke up instantly and pushed Yuchen away violently.

But before I could say anything, Yuchen smiled and said, "It's too late.


His thumb gently scraped my moist lips, and he stared at me with a pair of black eyes, his eyes determined, without the slightest hesitation or regret.

I was startled and quickly looked up at the big fireball above.

The big fireball was still burning, but the flame was very small and looked like it would go out at any time, and the crack in the middle of the fireball was completely closed at this time.

I looked back at Yuchen.

He did it on purpose! When he kissed me, he was diverting my attention and delaying it. In this way, I had no reason to chase him away. The exit was closed and I couldn't leave, so he could only stay.

Are you stupid? Everyone is trying to get out, but he is willing to stay!

"Yu Chen..." I had complicated thoughts and was full of words, but in the end I only called out his name.


"Yu Chen responded to me with a faint smile. He grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. "Lin Xi, are you afraid that we can't get out?"

I shook my head.

At this moment, what else do I have to worry about? I already hold my whole world in my hands.

I said to him, "Yuchen, with you, I am not afraid of anything.


"Okay," Yuchen said, "no matter life or death, we will not be separated.


As soon as Yuchen finished speaking, he heard a snapping sound from the barrier wall. Finally, it couldn't stand the entanglement of the snake body and broke into pieces.

Without the protection of the barrier, the snake's body quickly tightened and wrapped around me and Yuchen.

Yuchen hugged me and quickly descended, avoiding the entanglement of the snake's body.

At the same time, he called out Su Yue, held Su Yue up with one hand, and stabbed towards the snake's body.

Zhai Xiaofeng is already dead, but her body can still move because of her resentment of wanting to kill me.

Just like when a person dies and becomes a zombie due to excessive resentment.

After a person turns into a zombie, his body becomes stiff and his movements are slow. Zhai Xiaofeng is in a similar situation now.

Therefore, although the snake body is very powerful, its movements are far less fast than when Zhai Xiaofeng was alive.

Su Yue is as fast as thunder, and the snake body cannot dodge at all.

But just when Su Yue was about to stab the snake's body, Su Yue's gun suddenly stopped in mid-air, as if it had encountered some obstacle and could no longer thrust forward an inch.

Yuchen frowned and turned his head to look to one side.

I was also startled and followed Yuchen's gaze.

It’s Bai Qingjue!

Bai Qingjue stood in mid-air, dressed in white, with a piece of white silk covering her eyes and tied behind her head, with the ribbon dancing gently in the night wind.

He was like an immortal who had not entered the mortal world, and his voice was also cold, "Don't hurt her skin.


You can't hurt Zhai Xiaofeng's skin. That doesn't mean that Zhai Xiaofeng can hit us, but we can't hit her.

Doesn’t this mean we are waiting to die?

I glared at Bai Qingjue angrily.

This person is just a facade, with a face that is righteous and righteous, like a righteous god, but the things he does have nothing to do with justice.

The first time I met him and Zhai Xiaofeng, I discovered that his relationship with Zhai Xiaofeng was much stronger than that with Hua Rong.

But now Hua Rong kills Zhai Xiaofeng for Xianlu, but he has no intention of helping Zhai Xiaofeng.

These are monsters. No matter how human-like they are, they are still full of animal nature in their bones and have weak emotions. It is impossible to understand them with human emotions.

The more I understand the characters of these monsters, the more I feel that the Demon Sealed Valley can never be unsealed.

Bai Qingjue ignored my gaze. He turned to look at Hua Rong and said, "Hua Rong, Lin Xi will rescue Rui'er after she goes out, but now she can't get out, so she is useless to you."


If I kill her, you won’t object, right?"

Although he missed the formation this time, Hua Rong still hopes to send me out. After all, there is no telling whether Zhai Xiaofeng's skin is useful or not. It is the safest way to send me out to rescue Xiaorui.

Hua Rong said, "Bai Qingjue, we can set up another magic circle and send Lin Xi out.


"Hua Rong, it's good to help you once. You think of us as little pets in your backyard. Whatever you want us to do, we have to do it!"

"Hua Rong, if you want to set up the formation, you can set it up yourself. I want to study the fairy dew smeared on Zhai Xiaofeng's body, and I don't have time to follow you around.


"I can help you, but the benefits will be doubled.



After Hua Rong finished speaking, the monsters started talking about it. Generally speaking, no one wanted to help anymore.

Yuchen and I have no interest in this group of monsters. They will help only for Hua Rong's sake. Now that Hua Rong is no longer able to use it, it would be a fantasy to set up another formation.

While they were talking, Zhai Xiaofeng's snake body struck me and Yuchen again.

Unable to fight back, Yuchen could only hug me and hide away.

Bai Qingjue stood in mid-air and looked at me, "Lin Xi, Xiaofeng wanted you to be buried with her before she died. You can't get out anyway, so why not fulfill her last wish?"


Let me just say that the relationship between Bai Qingjue and Zhai Xiaofeng is good, and she still wants to fulfill Zhai Xiaofeng's last wish.

It's just that he completed his mission, why did he sacrifice me?

I said, "I don't want to, I don't want to be buried with him, I want to live.


"It's not up to you.


As soon as he finished speaking, three pieces of white brocade suddenly floated out from behind Bai Qingjue. The brocades were like flexible white snakes, flying down from mid-air and attacking Yuchen and me.

Yuchen protected me behind him. I had no spiritual power and couldn't even dodge. In order to protect me, Yuchen had no choice but to take Bai Qingjue's moves.

The white brocade quickly flew closer. Yuchen held Su Yue in his hand. Two golden dragons swam out from the head of Su Yue's spear and bit into the three white brocades, one on the left and the other on the right.

The golden dragon bit aggressively, but before it could touch the white brocade, the white brocade suddenly changed its attack direction and directly entangled the two small golden dragons.

After trembling, the brocade was tightened instantly.

The little golden dragon didn't even have time to struggle before it was squeezed and exploded, turning into dots of golden light and flying back into the Suyue Gun.

After crushing the little golden dragon, the three brocades hit Yuchen at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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