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I was surprised when Jiufeng Diji said again, "Lin Xi, are you really not considering letting me out? Next we have to deal with Li Nangeng. Li Nangeng is a half-demon. If you let me out, I will make him surrender directly."

How about saving you from fighting for him? Think about it? Let me out, and all of you can live.


Is Li Nangeng a half-demon?

I asked in surprise, "Does Li Nangeng have human blood?"

Jiu Feng Di Ji clicked her tongue dissatisfied, "Lin Xi, you have misunderstood the point. I am telling you that there are many benefits to letting me out.


"You teach me how to use the Demon Control Token. Once I learn it, all of us will be able to live as well.

"I said, "Jiufeng Emperor Ji, please put this thought aside. Either we all live together or we all die together. Anyway, I won't let you out.


Seeing that I was not getting enough food and salt, Jiu Feng Diji snorted coldly and ignored me again.

She was angry and ignored me, so I went to find Xiao Siqin and others to play with the child.

Xiao Siqin has made rescuing Hu Jinyue her goal and is working hard for it.

She learned spells from Xiao Sigu, but due to her poor qualifications, her learning progress was slow.

For the sake of Yuchen and I, the teacher who taught little Siqin did not dare not accept him.

But every time he saw me, the old gentleman with white hair and beard would sigh at me, and then say that my two children's qualifications are really the same as those in heaven and earth, one follows his father and the other follows his mother.

This made me depressed.

I am the reincarnation of Jiufeng Emperor Ji, and my qualifications are not bad, okay!

Little Siqin is still very interested in learning spells, but if he doesn't make progress, I'm worried that my child's enthusiasm and confidence will be dampened.

So I thought about whether I should do some ideological work with Xiao Siqin in advance so that she could be mentally prepared and know that she was not the material for learning spells.

Xiao Siqin is more like a human being. This is in her bones and she cannot change it.

Unlike Xiao Sigu, she already has evil spirit in her body, so she can learn spells easily.

While Xiaosi was playing, I stared at her and thought about how to say this, so that I could not offend her but also let her understand the matter.

When I was thinking about it, Jiu Feng Diji sensed my thoughts and chuckled, saying, "Lin Xi, that old man can't teach your daughter. It's because that old man is too bad. How can you doubt your daughter's qualifications? Let me tell you.

, your daughter is amazing.

One day, she will surprise you.


I thought Jiu Feng Di Ji saw something, so I quickly asked, "Jiu Feng Di Ji, what is so great about my daughter? Is there any potential power in her body that has not yet awakened?"

Jiu Feng Di Ji said, "You ask me this kind of question, how do I know?"

I said strangely, "You just said that she will surprise me in the future.


Jiufeng Diji said, "She is your child, which means she is barely my child.

She has my blood in her body, can she be bad? She will definitely be very powerful in the future.



I don’t know where Jiufeng Diji’s confidence comes from.

The days passed day by day, and soon the day came when Yun Ling woke up.

Early in the morning, Liao Ruchen came to see me, "Lin Xi, Yun Ling's consciousness returned today..."

Liao Ruchen said that there are two types of return of spiritual consciousness. One is that the spiritual consciousness is sealed. As long as the seal is released, the spiritual consciousness can come back.

The other is to use your spiritual consciousness to understand the truth of the world. To put it more vulgarly, it means to realize the Tao.

This requires the spiritual consciousness to return on its own, and after returning, it is very likely that you will gain insights and your cultivation will soar.

Of course, it is also possible to fail in enlightenment, and a small number of people may even become insane after returning due to accidents during the process of enlightenment.

All in all, the second situation may be dangerous, and we must ensure that no accidents occur when the consciousness returns.

After hearing Ruchen tell me this, I frowned and had a bad feeling in my heart, "Liao Ruchen, didn't you tell me that Yun Ling's consciousness was sealed by you? Now you follow me

What do you do when you talk about enlightenment?”

Liao Ruchen twitched the corners of his lips and said with a somewhat unnatural expression, "Lin Xi, it wasn't that I didn't want you to worry, so I told a little lie..."

"So Yun Ling's spiritual consciousness has gone to enlightenment. When he is injured and needs to rest, you still let him take risks!" I said.

Enlightenment can be understood as the retreat and meditation when humans practice martial arts. It is possible to break through, fail, and even go crazy.

This requires that the spiritual consciousness be absolutely healthy, otherwise it would be a diseased body, so how could one go out to take risks and make breakthroughs.

Yun Ling was injured all over, and his body had to be rebuilt, but his spiritual consciousness went out to realize enlightenment. He was really not afraid that he would not be able to come back!

Seeing that I was angry, Liao Ruchen said, "I didn't ask him to go, he asked for it himself.

The next target was Li Nangeng. If he didn't want to die, he had to improve his cultivation level in the shortest possible time. He had no other choice.

And didn’t I also help him? I made him into rice dumplings and nourished him with the best elixirs.

I didn't even receive any benefits from him, it was a completely loss-making transaction.

So Lin Xi, even if something happens, you can't blame me.


Yuchen was not wrapped into rice dumplings, but Yun Ling was wrapped like that. This is the reason.

I told Ruchen that it was too late to discuss whether we should let Yun Ling go out to realize enlightenment. He returned today, so what we have to do is to ensure that there will be no accidents during his return.

Liao Ruchen came to me for this reason. He asked me to help Yun Ling protect the law.

Arriving at Ruchen's courtyard, formations and sacrifices were already prepared.

There is an offering table in the courtyard, with incense burners and tributes placed on the offering table.

On the ground in front of the altar table, there is a formation diagram drawn with cinnabar.

The formation diagram was surrounded by red rope, and Yun Ling, who had been wrapped into a mummy, was placed in the middle of the formation diagram.

Although this is a demon world, we have no enemies here and are very safe.

But in order to ensure that no accidents would happen, I also called Ju Mang, Wei Huang and Xiao Yuan over.

The four of us protectors, even if there are troublemakers, the four of us can ensure that Yun Ling's consciousness returns safely.

The four of us stood in the four directions of the formation. After getting ready, Liao Ruchen shouted, "Start the formation..."

"Madam!" A maidservant ran over anxiously, saluted me hastily, and said hurriedly, "Madam, the king summons you to the Demon King's Palace. It is extremely urgent.


I frowned, "Did you say something?"

The maid shook her head, "The king said something happened, you must go there immediately.


But Yun Ling can't wait any longer. The time for spiritual enlightenment has been set.

"Lin Xi, go ahead.

"Wei Huang said, "A few of us here are enough.

I grew up in the demon world, and there is no one in the demon world who is not smart enough to dare to come in front of me and cause trouble!"

Xiao Yuan also said that I should leave with peace of mind and that he would protect Yun Ling.

I nodded and said I would come back as quickly as possible.

Then he followed the maid and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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