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The monsters noticed that Qingluan was repairing the holes in the barrier. In order to stop Qingluan, a large number of monsters gathered around and attacked our barrier.

The barrier was attacked, and the impact force caused me to fly away.

Without me, only Yun Ling is left to support the barrier.

He pursed his thin lips tightly, his jaw stretched into a straight line, and his expression was stern.

Qingluan was concentrating on repairing the holes in the barrier. No matter whether it was the monsters surrounding him or the attacks launched by the monsters, they had no impact on him, or in other words, he could not be affected.

He cannot stop now, otherwise if the repair of the hole fails, the situation will be even more unfavorable to us.

Half empty.

Hu Jinyue and Qilin rushed to Yuchen's side, and the three of them were surrounded by big demons headed by Di Jiang.

The soldiers and horses in the heaven and the monster beasts in the Demon Control Order are also fighting with the little demons from the Demon Sealing Valley.

As a group of people, every group of us is facing danger, and every one of us is working hard. It’s already great that we try to do our own job well. We don’t have the energy or ability to worry about other people.

After sorting out the current situation, I understood that no one could help me save Xiao Sigu. If I wanted to save my son, I had to rely on myself!

I was knocked away by the impact of the barrier and fell to the ground. I took a deep breath, got up from the ground, and walked towards the black hole.

As if noticing something was wrong with my expression, Yun Ling frowned and asked me, "Xiao Lin Xi, what's wrong with you?"

"I," I paused for a moment, then continued, "I want to enter the Demon Sealing Valley.


Hearing this, Yun Ling was stunned.

Qingluan couldn't help but scolded coldly, "You want to enter the Demon-Sealed Valley now?! Are you here to help or to cause trouble! The monsters in the Demon-Sealed Valley are running out through the black hole, and I want to repair the damage at the same time.

hole, blocking the entrance to prevent them from escaping.

When you enter the Demon-Sealed Valley now, do you want me to take the initiative to open the cave entrance? Do you know that once the cave entrance is opened and the repair fails, the black hole will not be repaired! All the monsters in the Demon-Sealed Valley have escaped, and you can bear the consequences.

Get up!"

The black hole is the only passage from the Demon Sealing Valley to the outside world.

When Qingluan was repairing the black hole, there were also monsters running out through the black hole.

This is like repairing a faucet. The water keeps flowing. When repairing the faucet, the water has to be blocked.

So Qingluan not only repaired it, he also allocated a large part of his strength to block the hole.

I know what Qingluan said makes sense, and I can understand his anger.

Now that I enter the Demon-Sealing Valley, I am letting Qingluan destroy the formation he has worked so hard to set up, and as soon as the cave entrance is opened, a large number of monsters will definitely rush out.

But, it’s my son who’s in the Demon-Sealing Valley! Do I have a choice? Can I not care about Xiao Sigu’s life or death? Can I throw him into the Demon-Sealing Valley?

You must know that once the cave entrance is sealed, Xiao Sigu will be sealed in the Demon Sealed Valley together with those monsters and will never be able to come out!

I was conflicted in my heart, but I still walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Yun Ling hurriedly called me, "Xiao Linxi, what happened?"

"Xiao Si is in the Demon Sealing Valley.

"I said.

Yun Ling's expression froze for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of place is this? How could you and Yuchen bring the child here! Not only that, you also threw him alone in the Demon Sealing Valley, at the entrance of the cave

Once it is sealed, he will never be able to get out again.


Having said this, Yun Ling turned to look at Qingluan.

Qingluan held his head high and said disdainfully, "Fenghuang, I advise you not to do stupid things. Our duty is to protect all sentient beings in the world, and for this we will die without regrets.

The demon-sealing formation was broken, and monsters poured out. Many people have died as a result. Don’t those people have family members? The holes are being repaired now, and the situation has just been brought under control. If you repair the holes at this time,

Open it, and more monsters will rush out, and these monsters will kill more people! The life of one child or the lives of countless children, Phoenix, you should know how to choose!"

I also know how to choose, but as a mother, I really can't help but save my son! But at the same time, I also know very well that the current situation is far beyond our control. For the sake of the overall situation, I

It's time to give up on petty thoughts, and it's not time to save him.

The tearing between reason and emotion makes me feel painful.

At this time, Yun Ling suddenly said with great certainty, "Qingluan, open the entrance of the cave.


Qingluan seemed to suspect that he had heard wrongly. He turned his head and stared at Yun Ling with his big eyes, "Fenghuang, what did you say..."

"That's the son of the God of War!" Yun Ling interrupted Qingluan.

Qingluan was stunned for a moment, then his tone softened, "Fenghuang, you should know what the opening of the cave means.


This means that a large number of monsters will rush out, which means that the situation will be even more unfavorable to us.

"I won't let my decision affect everyone," Yun Ling said, "Qingluan, open the cave entrance and let Xiao Linxi go in.

Before Xiao Linxi and the child came out, I would swallow all the monsters that came out during this period.


Qingluan's eyes widened, "Fenghuang, are you kidding me..."

"Do as I say!" After saying this, Yun Ling's body ignited with a ball of golden light.

The next second, a cry came from the golden light, and a huge fire phoenix appeared.

Qingluan said angrily, "This is nonsense!"

He was scolded, but he still waved his wings and cut a piece of black hair with a feather.

As the black hair broke, the net covering the black hole was lifted up in an instant, and countless monsters roared and poured out of the black hole like water from a flood.

Qingluan flew over and pressed down the big net with his body to prevent the entire net from being blown away. At the same time, he turned his head and shouted to me, "Hurry in and find someone! The Holy Bird of Chaos is already an adult, and now he can swallow

The power is limited.

If you don’t want Phoenix to be strangled to death, come out quickly!”

I was more worried about Yun Ling than Qingluan, so I didn't dare to delay at all and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

As soon as I ran to the entrance of the cave, I saw Xiao Sigu and the mermaid clan leader holding him among a group of monsters running wildly outside.

Xiao Sigu also saw me. He stretched out his little arms and waved to me, "Mom! I'm here! Mom!"

"Xiao Si Gu, come out quickly!" There were too many monsters pouring out, and I couldn't squeeze in, so I could only wait at the entrance of the cave with difficulty.

At this moment, Yuchen's cold voice suddenly came from above.

"Qingluan, what are you doing! Seal the hole!"

"Tear apart the barrier and liberate the Demon-Sealed Valley! Let all the brothers in the Demon-Sealed Valley come out!" After Yuchen finished speaking, Di Jiang ordered loudly.

When the demonic beasts heard Di Jiang's order, they all felt as if they had been beaten to death. They escaped from their respective battles, and then all rushed towards the barrier protecting Qingluan.

Di Jiang finally realized that the key to victory or defeat in this battle was not Yuchen, but Qingluan.

Qingluan repairs the black hole, and Di Jiang and the others will no longer have help.

On the contrary, as long as Qingluan is killed, no one can repair the seal of Demon Sealing Valley, and a steady stream of monsters will appear.

Di Jiang now orders all the monsters to attack Qingluan, in order to kill Qingluan and destroy the repair of the seal.

Qingluan glanced anxiously at Xiao Sigu's position in the black hole, then looked up at Yuchen and shouted, "God of War, your son is still in there, can you seal it..."

Yuchen stopped Di Jiang from flying down and gave the difficult command, "Seal it now!"

This chapter has been completed!
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