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The Demon King glanced at Hu Jinyue speechlessly.

I twitched the corners of my lips and thought, now do you know why I didn't let Hu Jinyue help me look through ancient books? With his IQ, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to distinguish what are useful clues.

Seeing our reaction, Hu Jinyue asked in confusion, "Am I wrong? During the reign of the ancient gods, writing had not yet been invented, and they could not record it, so there are no books about them now.


What Hu Jinyue said is reasonable and well-founded.

I looked at him and said, "Hu Jinyue, the ancient gods are still alive today. As early as the emergence of writing, they who were alive had the conditions to record in writing.

Furthermore, the ancient gods are the creator gods. They have their own civilization. Even if human writing was not invented, they still have their own written records.

And history is written by future generations..."

Taking human beings as an example, after the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty would write and improve the history books of the Ming Dynasty.

Some things happened in the Ming Dynasty, but there were no records at that time. As long as someone handed down the incident, it might appear in books by the Qing Dynasty.

The same goes for the history of ancient gods. As long as someone has witnessed what happened to the ancient gods, and as long as it is passed down, it will likely be recorded in a book.

Whether it is legend or fact, because the ancient gods have survived long enough, there must be more stories about them.

But the fact is that among a bunch of ancient books, there is only one record of the Dragon Slaying War by an ancient god. This is too abnormal.

After the devil reminded me, I finally calmed down.

I looked at the Demon King and said, "There is no record about the ancient gods. There is only one possibility, and that is that the ancient gods destroyed all the books about them.

"It's very deliberate, as if you want to erase their existence.

The Demon King nodded and looked at me with bright eyes, "So, little junior sister, it's useless for you to flip through the book.

The ancient gods did not allow the legends and stories about them to be spread. Where they lived, such important information was even less likely to be included in the book.


But why? I have never been exposed to it before, so I have never thought about it.

Now that I have a little understanding, I can see the weirdness of the ancient gods.

They are the creator gods and they are heroes. Why should heroes be afraid that others will know their stories?

I don't understand.

But now is not the time to think about this. I frowned and my mind was in confusion, "If there are no clues about the ancient gods in the ancient books, then how should we contact Yuchen..."

Before I finished speaking, a light suddenly flashed in my mind.

When I reacted, I wished I could raise my hand and slap myself twice.

How could I forget such an important thing!

I swallowed the pill, then got up and ran to my room.

"Xiao Linxi!" Yun Ling didn't know what was happening and hurriedly chased him out.

Hu Jinyue was also chasing after her, "It's over, it's over, my younger brother Ma finally collapsed and went crazy because he felt sorry for the third master.


I ignored them and ran all the way back to my room, where I found the "Picture of Sacrifice to Heaven" that I had taken out from the Demon King's private vault.

Jiu Feng Diji once said that Emperor Zuwu has been looking for the book "Picture of Sacrifice to Heaven".

The ancient gods do not allow their information to be circulated to the outside world. So the "Picture of Sacrifice to the Sky" that the ancient gods have been looking for, will there be records about the ancient gods in this book?

"Xiao Linxi, what kind of book is this?" Yun Ling asked me doubtfully when she saw that I went back to the room just to find a book.

I put the book on the table, opened it, and then told Yun Ling about Emperor Wuzu's search for the book.

The book "Pictures of Sacrifice to Heaven" is as its name suggests. The book is full of formation diagrams, and there are only diagrams. There is not even a text introduction next to the formation diagrams.

And every formation is extremely complex, I have never seen any of them before.

Hu Jinyue came over and said, "Brother Ma, this is a formation atlas. There is not a single word in it. How can there be any information about ancient gods?"

I frowned and said nothing.

Yun Ling turned to Hu Jinyue and said, "Hu Jinyue, go and call Qingluan.

Qingluan is good at ancient formations, and he may know the formations in the book.


Qingluan can even repair the Demon-Sealing Formation, which shows that she is very knowledgeable about ancient formations.

A glimmer of hope arose in my heart. This book might be the last hope for us to contact Yuchen.

Qingluan was brought by Hu Jinyue, along with Qilin and Xiao Sixing.

Little Siqin looks cute and has a sweet mouth. Qilin has a childlike temperament and likes to play with little Siqin.

Although they didn't get along for a long time, the two of them have become playmates forever, and they are tired of being together wherever they go.

Xiao Siqing was riding on Qilin's neck. She got off Qilin's neck only after she entered the house and saw me.

"No need to come down," Qilin was still a little unhappy, "Xiao Siqing, all your mother's thoughts are on your father right now, so she has no time to care about us.

We can play however we want.

If she scolds you for this, let's go out and play without her seeing you.


"Mom won't scold me," Xiao Si said in a sweet voice, "Brother Qilin, I came down just to read the contents of the book clearly. If my brother is not here, the only person who can help mom is me. I also want to

Make a contribution.


Qilin rubbed the top of little Siqin's hair and said dotingly, "My little Siqin is a beautiful person with a kind heart.


She worked hard to save her father, could this be related to kindness? Qilin took it seriously as a bottomless compliment.

I didn't have much thought about them. After taking a look at them, I turned to look at Qingluan.

Qingluan's eyes lit up when he saw "Picture of Sacrifice to Heaven".

He studied ancient formations, and now that he saw a booklet of long-lost ancient formations, Qingluan could hardly conceal the excitement in his heart.

He read very carefully. He stared at the first page of the book for a full hour.

In the end, Hu Jinyue couldn't help but call him, and he came back from his immersion.

"Qingluan, I didn't call you here to ask you to do research.

Please tell us quickly, do these formation diagrams have anything to do with the ancient gods?" Hu Jinyue asked.

I looked at Qingluan nervously, waiting to hear the answer.

Qingluan slowly shook his head under my gaze, "This formation diagram is indeed an ancient formation that has been lost long ago and is very precious.

But what does the formation diagram have to do with the ancient gods? The only connection between the two is that these diagrams may have been handed down by the ancient gods. What else can there be?


The light in my eyes went out.

These are just drawings, there is no hidden information.

Seeing my disappointment, Hu Jinyue frowned and said, "Qingluan, it's too early for you to draw conclusions now, you only saw a formation diagram.

You should read all the drawings later.


As she spoke, Hu Jinyue raised her hand and turned the page.

Qingluan asked Hu Jinyue to be gentle while lowering his head to observe the formations in the book.

The second page, the third page... turn over page after page.

When he saw the fourth formation diagram, Qingluan's expression suddenly changed.

I caught the change in his expression and quickly asked, "Qingluan, did you discover something?"

Qingluan did not speak, but turned the book faster, and after turning it over, he would turn it back again to compare, as if to confirm something.

By the time he finished reading the entire book, Qingluan's face had turned pale.

His eyes widened with horror, "Little Fairy Girl, you'd better burn this book.


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