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"Master, can the Origin Stone still survive?" the Demon King asked in surprise.

Hu Jinyue, Yun Ling, Qilin and others also gathered around.

It can be seen that no one knows about this.

Also, there are too few records about the ancient gods in the Three Realms. Everyone only knows that the ancient gods are high and noble, and are the heads of the gods. But other than that, we know almost nothing about other things.

I didn't think there was anything wrong with the ancient gods being mysterious before, because they should be noble and mysterious, and they are existences that are above us.

But after looking up the address of the ancient tribe and reading so many ancient books, I suddenly discovered that the mystery of the ancient tribe was man-made.

It's because the ancient gods recycled or destroyed all the books that recorded their information.

They erased their existence in the three realms, that's why they are mysterious.

This behavior is actually very strange.

They have exited the Three Realms, and as time goes by, their stories will be lost in the long river of time.

They don't have to do anything at all, they will naturally become legends and mysterious beings.

But they have to go out of their way to erase their existence, as if...as if they are trying their best to hide something.

When I was thinking wildly, Fu Lian said, "Of course, the ancient gods can survive until now, all because of the Origin Stone..."

Fu Lian said that he was particularly unconvinced after the Origin Stone he and his master found was robbed by Wan Zhu.

After all, he is young, has a short temper, and is unwilling to suffer any grievance, let alone having a treasure taken away from him.

He planned to file a lawsuit and take the matter to heaven.

His master sensed his intention, stopped him, and told him that it would be useless even if he went to heaven. Not only would the Manju not return the Source Stone, but the two of them would most likely be punished because they discovered the Source Stone but failed to do so.

Failure to voluntarily turn it in is a felony.

Fu Lian didn't understand. They discovered the Origin Stone in the first place, so why did they have to hand it over? And how could it become a felony?

His master explained to him that the number of Source Stones was now very scarce, and the mining order of the Ancient Clan had been revoked, so Fu Lian did not know about this crime.

A long time ago, before Fu Lian was born, the world was full of spiritual energy and rich in Source Stone resources.

All people, animals, and even plants can use the Source Stone to practice. It was an era when all people were cultivating immortals. Even humans could grow up to fight with gods through hard practice.

At that time, there were no distinct classes among gods, immortals, demons, and humans, and no one's status was necessarily noble.

As long as we work hard, everyone has the opportunity to become a strong person.

But this situation did not last long. Suddenly one day, a plague broke out in the heaven, and countless immortals, including the ancient tribe, died.

Later, it was discovered that Origin Stone could cure the plague, so the ancient gods ordered that all Origin Stones in the world belong to the Ancient Gods, and issued a mining order.

Although there is no clear class, the power of the ancient gods is undoubtedly the strongest. There was no competition for resources before, so there was no oppression.

Now that the ancient gods need the Origin Stone, the situation has naturally changed.

The ancient gods ordered the immortals in the heavens and the humans and demons in the Yang world to be used by them to help them mine the source stone.

It was not until the Source Stone resources were fully mined that the Ancient God revoked the mining order, and at the same time the Ancient God also withdrew from the Three Realms.

There were rumors at the time that the ancient gods withdrew from the Three Realms because they were all about to die due to the plague.

Before they die, their strength will weaken. They are worried that the people they oppressed will take the opportunity to rebel and harm them, so they withdraw from the Three Realms and find a place to hide.

They hide and use the power of the Source Stone to increase their life span.

Wherever there are people, there will be strife, and the same goes for gods.

There was something strange about what Fu Lian said, so I asked him, "Master, in addition to the ancient gods, didn't the people who died of the plague also have gods from the heavens? The ancient gods controlled the source.

If you take the stone as your own, wouldn’t it mean that all the gods in the heavenly realm will die if they don’t have medicine?”

Fu Lian was stunned for a moment. He seemed to have never thought about this problem. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Maybe the gods in heaven later became immune to the plague, or maybe the ancient gods gave some medicine to the gods in heaven.

After the mass deaths, the plague suddenly disappeared, and no more people died.

Later, when the Source Stone resources were exhausted, the ancient gods disappeared with a large amount of Source Stone.


Isn't this contradictory?

The power of the ancient gods is the most powerful. If the gods in the heaven can resist the plague, there is no reason why the ancient gods cannot.

The gods in the heavens do not need to borrow the power of the Source Stone, let alone the ancient gods.

Therefore, this reason is not valid. This is not the reason why the ancient gods occupied the source stone.

Furthermore, if the ancient gods really distributed the medicine to the gods in the heavens, it means that the ancient gods have developed a medicine to treat the plague. There is no reason. After the antidote is developed, they will not take it themselves? So if there is medicine, then the plague

That’s it.

Then the idea that 'the ancient gods disappeared with the Origin Stone and used the Origin Stone to extend their own lives' doesn't make sense.

If there is no medicine and the gods in heaven do not have the Source Stone, then why do they not continue to die?

It doesn't make sense, which means what Fu Lian said is not the truth, or not the whole truth.

The Source Stone must have other uses, and there must be other reasons why the ancient gods occupied the Source Stone!

Because of the plague, a large number of immortals died.

I suddenly thought of those resentful spirits imprisoned in the void.

The number of resentful spirits is huge, and their deaths are also considered massive deaths.

With so many people dying at once, this matter must not be covered up.

Thinking of this, I asked Fu Lian, "Master, before the divine weapons were refined, were there any activities such as human sacrifice, where thousands of people were sacrificed at once? Or were they massacred somewhere?

The city was destroyed, and in short, an incident occurred in which many people died at once.

Master, has this ever happened?"

Those resentful spirits were killed by the goddess in the divine weapon, so the massacre of the resentful spirits occurred while the goddess was still alive, that is, before the divine weapon was refined.

Fu Lian frowned and looked at me. He obviously didn't understand why I asked about these things, but he still answered me, "If human massacres are counted, they have indeed happened many times.


It is not difficult to tell from Little Spider's words that those resentful spirits are related to the ancient gods, and the void is also located in the formation leading to the ancient tribes.

I shook my head, "Master, instead of massacring humans, those who died should be the gods, or ethnic groups related to the ancient gods.


Fu Lian looked at me inexplicably, but still answered me, "After you reminded me like this, I really remembered one thing. That tribe may have something to do with the ancient gods..."

"Third Master is back!"

Before Fu Lian finished speaking, Hu Jinyue suddenly interrupted Fu Lian with an excited shout.

Hu Jinyue grabbed my shoulders and turned my body to the side. I turned my back and looked at the sky behind me.

In the night sky, a bright star is quickly rushing towards us.

Please remember the first domain name of this book:.

Wanbenshen Station wayqge

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