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Hu Jinyue nodded and said, "Brother Ma, what we killed was not the Tauren tribe, but the Tauren tribe really disappeared. Where do you think they went?"

This question made my hair stand on end.

I felt like my hair was spinning, and I looked at Hu Jinyue in astonishment, unable to say a word.

Hu Jinyue said, "What Jinyun discovered is the secret of the Tauren..."

The beginning of this story is earlier than the era when all people were cultivating immortals. At that time, Pangu created the Emperor of Heaven, Nuwa created humans, and the witch ancestors controlled monsters and beasts. All things in the world had just established order and flourished.

All ethnic groups in the three realms have gone through a period of peace and rapid development.

This period lasted until someone discovered the Source Stone resource, and then entered the era of Source Stone cultivation.

The tribe Hu Jinyue massacred were the first people to discover the Source Stone resource.

They are an ancient race, but they do not have as much power as other ancient gods. They have special constitutions and are not suitable for cultivation, but they have very smart minds.

Their tribe is adjacent to the Tauren tribe, and the two tribes are on good terms. They use their brains and the Tauren tribe contributes, and they get along very harmoniously.

It was also because of their good friendship that after they discovered that the Origin Stone could quickly improve their cultivation level, they immediately told the Minotaur tribe the good news.

And after discovering another use of the Origin Stone, they did not hide it and told the Tauren.

"Little brother Ma," Hu Jinyue said, "Another use of the Origin Stone is to weaken divine power.


I don't understand, "Doesn't the Origin Stone improve your cultivation? How can it weaken your divine power?"

Hu Jinyue said, "This divine power is not an ordinary divine power, but the divine power of the three great emperors.


Emperor Pangu, Emperor Nuwa, and Emperor Wuzu, their three powers are different from those of the gods.

The gods improve their cultivation through practice. This process is tantamount to absorbing things from the outside world to improve themselves.

But the power of the three great emperors all comes from the way of heaven, just like Emperor Pangu was born to create the world. Their power was given by the way of heaven, and they are incompatible with this world.

The spiritual power of the outside world is like honey to other people, but to the three emperors, it is arsenic.

"After knowing this news, the Tauren tribe began to take action," Hu Jinyue said. "They spent tens of thousands of years weakening the power of the three heavenly emperors and then replaced them.


I didn't know what to say anymore, I was so shocked that I couldn't express it in words.

So not only Pangu the Great, but the other two are also fake?

This is so fantasy, so unreal!

Hu Jinyue continued, "In fact, you already know most of what happened next.


Emperor Pangu was the first to be replaced, because he was the head of the gods. If he wanted to control the gods, he had to be killed first.

After Emperor Pangu was replaced, the Minotaur tribe wanted to get more Source Stones.

First, it can improve their combat effectiveness, and second, there are Emperor Nuwa and Emperor Wuzu to deal with.

But occupying Source Stone resources requires a reason, and even Emperor Pangu cannot do whatever he wants.

After all, if you insist on having your own way, it will easily arouse suspicion.

The Tauren came to this tribe to find a solution. When things got to this point, the tribe knew clearly that there was no way back for them. They could only follow the Tauren's path to the dark side, and then they might have a way out.

They gave the idea to create a plague.

One is to find a reasonable reason to occupy the Source Stone resources, and the other is to take the opportunity to eliminate dissidents.

Emperor Pangu has been replaced, and no matter how much he pretends to be the same, it is still fake. There are always people around Emperor Pangu who can spot the differences through some subtle details.

So the Tauren agreed to create the plague.

Their combat effectiveness is already high, and every time they kill someone, Emperor Pangu will appear first.

No immortal would be wary of Pangu the Great, so they killed him very smoothly.

Just like that, the mining order was issued.

After obtaining the source stone resources, the fake Emperor Pangu helped, and Emperor Zuwu and Emperor Nuwa were also plotted.

At this point, all three emperors have been replaced.

After that, in order not to show their flaws, the three fake heavenly emperors led the ancient tribes to cut off contact with the outside world.

At the same time, the three of them began to develop their own power.

It was at this time that Hu Jinyue and Hu Jinyun were adopted by Emperor Wu Zu.

I looked at Hu Jinyue blankly.

Therefore, he was raised by the fake Emperor Wu Zu.

Later, when Hu Jinyue grew up and the position of the three heavenly emperors was firmly established, he ordered the massacre of this tribe.

"When I led my troops into the tribe, they knew this day was coming.

The knife hanging from their necks finally fell. They didn't put up any resistance. They put on their clothes obediently, knelt on the ground obediently, and waited obediently to be hacked to death by us.


Massacre is a shame for soldiers and strong men!

Hu Jinyue paused and continued, "Jin Yun was soft-hearted and felt sorry for these dead souls, so he stayed alone.

When she was comforting the dead souls, these dead souls seemed to be aware of Jin Yun's kindness, so they told Jin Yun about how they helped the Tauren tribe plot against the three emperors.

They hope that one day this truth will be made public and the real three emperors will come back.

And they also told Jinyun about the third effect of the Origin Stone.


When the third effect was discovered, the Minotaur tribe had already replaced the three Heavenly Emperors.

This tribe knew that they had pushed themselves into a dead end and that they would definitely die, so they stopped trying to please the Tauren, and they did not tell the Tauren about the third effect of the Origin Stone.

"What is the third effect?" I asked.

Hu Jinyue looked at me, not knowing what he was thinking. He suddenly changed the topic and said nervously and urgently, "My little brother Ma, the three heavenly emperors are not dead. Their power has been weakened, but they have just fallen into a coma.

As long as we find a way, we can wake them up.


I frowned and looked at him, wondering why he suddenly said this.

I asked, "Source..."

As soon as I made a sound, I suddenly realized that I couldn't make any sound!

Just like the last time I fell here, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make a sound.

I looked at Hu Jinyue in surprise. Was it because of him that I could speak just now?

Just as I was staring at Hu Jinyue, a cold voice suddenly came from above.

"What are you two doing?"

"Do you even need to ask this? I don't have any eyesight at all. The two of them were looking at each other lovingly.

"A woman's playful voice sounded immediately.

I quickly looked up.

It's Yuchen.

There was a small black spider on his shoulder, it was Wan Zhu.

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense!" Hu Jinyue returned to her usual playful smile. He quickly pushed me away, "Third Master, I'm just afraid of being separated from my younger brother. I definitely have no intention of taking advantage. Don't listen to this.

Ugly spider nonsense.


"Who are you calling ugly? Damn fox, you are the ugly one! You are the ugliest in the world! Let's see if I don't bite you to death!" As he spoke, Wan Zhu jumped up high and fell on Hu Jinyue's face.


"Come on, it's so disgusting. I hate spiders the most!" Hu Jinyue fussed around.

When they were arguing, Yuchen chased me and pulled me into his arms.

He hugged me and flew upwards.

Wan Zhu's panicked voice came over, "Xiaosanzi, don't leave! You have to take me out!"

"He will bring you out.

"Yu Chen didn't even look at the two of them and only responded coldly.

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Wanbenshen Station wayqge

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