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As I cried hoarsely, the formation under me once again emitted dazzling golden light.

The golden light beam shot high into the sky, as if a hole had been made in the sky by the light beam, and a circular halo of light spread continuously from the light beam to all directions.

"Thieves, don't be so arrogant!"

A man's voice, full of awe-inspiring righteousness, came from the horizon.

"It's Emperor Pangu!"

"Emperor Pangu is awake!"

"We did it!"

Our team started cheering.

The tauren began to panic.

I looked up and saw three golden clouds flying across the sky.

The real three heavenly emperors have awakened!

We won...

I breathed a sigh of relief, then a mouthful of blood spurted out, my vision went dark, and I lost consciousness.

In the dream, I saw Yuchen.

At first, I was walking aimlessly alone in the dark, and Yuchen came towards me with a light.

Wherever he walked, the darkness dispersed, the earth returned to spring, the weeds were green, and the flowers bloomed.

He walked towards me with hope and vitality, then took my hand and completely rescued me from the darkness.


I cried and threw myself into his arms.

Yuchen hugged me tightly, lowered his head and kissed the top of my hair, "Lin Xi, did we win?"

"Win! The real three heavenly emperors have awakened.

"I cried.

"Why are you crying if you win?" Yuchen held up my face and gently scraped away the tears on my face. He looked at me, his beautiful black eyes like black pearls reflected my appearance.

"Lin Xi, you can keep the door open, Yun Ling and the others will keep you safe for the rest of your life.

Xiaosi is a demon fetus. Staying in the Demon Sealed Valley is a kind of experience for him. You don't have to worry too much about him, he will find his own way out.

You need to worry about Xiao Siqing. She is talented in Taoism, but she has a special background and is not suitable for practicing Taoism. Just let her stay with you and be an ordinary human child.

There is also the youngest son, I haven’t had time to name him yet, Lin Xi, what do you think he should be called?”

I hate the way Yuchen talks to me now, as if he is delivering his last words!

I couldn't hold back my tears and stared at Yuchen and said, "It's called Xiao Tuanyuan! His name is Tuanyuan! Our family is together, reunited!"

"Lin Xi, he is a boy, isn't Xiao Tuan Yuan too girly..."

"His name is Xiao Tuan Yuan!" I interrupted Yuchen stubbornly.

Yuchen had no choice but to chuckle helplessly and said to me connivingly, "Okay, let's call it Little Reunion."

Xiao Tuan Yuan is the most troublesome. He exchanged spiritual roots with you and became the fate of the furnace.

In the future, his body will become the best container, and he will be targeted by all kinds of evil spirits.

Lin Xi, Xiao Tuan Yuan must not leave your sight, and when he grows up, let him inherit the throne to ensure his life is safe.


I nodded and noted it.

I raised my head and looked at Yuchen, "Yuchen, Jin Hui said we will have five children, and we still have two unborn.


Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then he lowered his head, pecked my lips, and said with a smile, "I can't bear to work so hard for you.

These three little guys are enough for you to worry about.


"I'm not working hard!" I shook my head vigorously, stared at Yuchen, and said seriously, "Yuchen, we still have two children who are not born! You can't leave me, you have to come find me..."

Yuchen lowered his head and sealed my lips.

His kiss was gentle and restrained, and salty tears flowed into his mouth. I didn't know whether they were mine or his.

After a long time, he let go of me, his thumb gently rubbed my cheek, and his deep eyes were filled with water.

"Lin Xi, you should go back.


"No...I don't want to leave!"

I shook my head and reached out to hug him, but he suddenly fell away.

The feeling of emptiness in my body made my heart skip a beat, and I opened my eyes suddenly.

I was lying in a strange room. When I looked at the bedside, I saw a wedding photo that looked like a wedding photo.

This is Kyoto Wanjia, this is the wedding room of Wan Shangyu and Gu Han.

As soon as I realized where I was, I heard a thud and something fell to the ground.

I followed the sound and looked over, but before I could see what was going on, a figure jumped in front of me.

"Lin Xi, you finally woke up! You've been comatose for half a month, and you scared me to death! I thought you wouldn't wake up! I wanted to take you to the hospital, but Wan Shangyu stopped me and said no, he said you'd be quick

You will wake up soon. I asked him how soon it would be and what day you would wake up? But he wouldn’t tell me..."

It's Gu Han.

She rushed over to me, hugged me, and kept talking excitedly.

Feeling her body temperature made me burst into tears.

She came to life!

Sensing that I was crying, Gu Han quickly let go of me. She looked at me worriedly, "Lin Xi, did I hurt you? Do you feel uncomfortable in any way? Just wait for me, I'll call Wan Shangyu

Come here! Yes, there are Ruchen and Jin Hui, let them take a look at your body!"

After saying that, regardless of my reaction, Gu Han turned around and ran out.

He still has the same fiery temperament, and nothing seems to have changed.

Soon, Wan Shangyu, Liao Ruchen and Jin Hui all came in.

Wan Shangyu has returned to his youthful appearance, but his eyes have not recovered.

He was pulled in by Gu Han and said as he walked, "Gu Han, what's the use of pulling me? I'm not a medical fairy, just have Ruchen and Jin Hui... Hey, slow down, don't hurt yourself

bump into.


Just now, when Gu Han saw that I was awake, he dropped the food he brought in in excitement.

Now pulling Wan Shangyu toward the house, he accidentally stepped on the spilled vegetable soup. His feet slipped and Gu Han almost fell.

Wan Shangyu quickly grabbed her and carefully protected her in his arms.

Gu Han, who has eyes, is not as stable as Wan Shangyu, who has no eyes.

When I saw Wan Shangyu, I understood everything he had said to me before.

Why do you advise me to be tough in the final battle? Why do you always tell me to be alone with Yuchen as much as possible?

This is the ending between me and Yuchen, Wan Shangyu has already arrived!

I was not seriously injured in the first place. I was in a coma because of my heart problems. Now that I wake up, my body is naturally fine.

But Liao Ruchen and Jin Hui still gave me a basic physical examination.

After the examination, Liao Ruchen told me that he was going back to the Demon Realm. The Demon King had many rare herbs, and Bai Ziqi and Bai Qingjue had also gone to the Demon Realm. If he went there, he could continue to study the two brothers.

Being possessed by a demon with an immortal body is an object worthy of study.

I asked Ruchen if he didn't want to learn spells from Fu Ming?

Liao Ruchen rolled his eyes and said that Fu Ming and Wan Zhu had returned to the ancient tribe of gods. This master was recognized in vain and Mao didn't learn from it!

"Stop talking. If I leave now, I might be able to catch up with Bai Ziqi and Bai Qingjue," Liao Ruchen said, "Little Fairy Girl, see you again if we are destined!"

I waved my hand, "Goodbye.


After seeing Ruchen off, Jin Hui said to me, "Lin Xi, I'm going back to the Gonggong tribe.

My father is getting old, and the Gonggong family needs someone to take over.

If I don't go back, my father won't let Yang Jin go. Yang Jin and Wei Huang will make trouble to death.


Although it's hard to give up, it's a good thing.

Jin Hui is no longer trapped in the obsession of losing his true love and best friend. He is willing to look forward and move forward.

I told Jin Hui to take care.

Jin Hui waved his hand and walked out. When he reached the door of the room, he suddenly stopped and turned sideways to me and said, "Little fairy, don't lose my tablet. I will come back to see you when I have time."


I looked at him and said, "Okay.


After Jin Hui left, I turned to look at Wan Shangyu and asked in a trembling voice, "Wan Shangyu, can Yuchen come back?"

Please remember the first domain name of this book:.

Wanbenshen Station wayqge

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