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My parents' surname is Tang, but my surname is Long.

My name is Long Ling. My parents said this name was given to me by a fierce ghost.

Not only did Li Gui give me a name, he also told my parents that he would marry me when I turned eighteen.

This sentence frightened my parents. They understood that if a devil married me, he would kill me and take me to the underworld to be his ghost bride.

In order for me to live a few more years, my parents asked everywhere where there were masters.

Hard work paid off, and they finally found one.

It was an old Taoist priest. My dad bought an amulet from the old Taoist priest for 50,000 yuan.

Ever since I put on the amulet, there have been no evil spirits in my house.

When evil spirits appeared, I was still a little baby. I had no impression of evil spirits, but I knew the old Taoist priest very well.

Because my mother was fine, she told me that my safety depended on the amulet given by the old Taoist priest.

I fell down but didn't break my skin. I have to thank the amulet.

During the flu season, everyone in the class had a cold, but I didn’t, thanks to the amulet.

I just don’t understand. I’m not sick. Shouldn’t I be grateful to her and my dad for giving me a healthy body?

I lived an ordinary and happy life until my eighteenth birthday.

Early that morning, my mother repeatedly reminded me that I must never take off the amulet! No matter what happens on the road, don't come over to watch the fun.

Finally, I stuffed a lot of charms and magic weapons into my schoolbag.

After doing all this, I was still worried. My mother thought about it and said to me, "Xiao Ling, don't go to school today.


I was dumbfounded, "Mom, do you need to be so exaggerated? I'm already in my senior year of high school, and I haven't asked for leave. How could I not go to school! Besides, eighteen years have passed, and that fierce ghost might not have gotten a wife early.

I forgot.

Mom, don't worry so much.

If that fierce ghost is really determined that he won’t marry anyone but me, then why hasn’t he come to see me even once in these eighteen years?”

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt a cold wind blowing against my face. It felt like someone was caressing my face...

I was frightened by my imagination and shuddered.

Because my mother was worried, I enrolled in day school in high school and did not live on campus.

I was riding my bicycle to school and stopped at the intersection. When I was waiting for the traffic light, a large truck suddenly lost control and rushed towards me.

It's the morning rush hour now, and the roadside is full of pedestrians.

The big truck made a piercing whistle and crashed into our group of people without hesitation!

The crowd screamed continuously, and people panicked and ran to the side to escape for their lives.

I want to run too.

But when I got on my bike and was about to escape, someone hit me!

I suddenly lost my balance and fell to the ground.

The crowd was already in chaos and didn't even care about me falling. People even stepped over me in order to escape! This made it impossible for me to even think about it!

The sound of the whistle is getting closer and closer.

Everyone had almost run away, but I was the only one still lying on the ground! I wanted to get up, but my whole body was hurting and I couldn't move at all!

A harsh whistle sounded.

I looked at the big car crashing towards me in horror!

It’s over! He was eighteen years old!

I really want to be the wife of a devil!

Just when I was desperate, a man dressed in black suddenly appeared in front of the large truck.

The man stood sideways and raised a hand.


There was a loud noise.

The large truck seemed to have hit an invisible wall! The man stood motionless, but the front of the large truck completely deformed, then suddenly turned and crashed elsewhere.

The strong wind caused by the impact hit me head-on, and I was blown away so hard that I couldn't open my eyes.

When the wind stopped, I opened my eyes and the man had disappeared!

Am I dazzled? How could someone force a big truck that was out of control to stop! But...

If the man just now was a dazzler to me, how did the big truck stop?

People who survived the disaster were talking about it, saying that fortunately the truck crashed into another place and no casualties were caused.

I know that's not the case. It wasn't the big truck that crashed into someone else, but someone who forcibly reversed the position of the big truck!

At this time, a very beautiful little girl aged sixteen or seventeen suddenly stood in front of me.

She is as beautiful as a doll, and her skin is so fair that it seems to glow.

I have never seen such a beautiful child, she is more beautiful than the stars on TV!

The little girl tilted her head and gave me a sweet smile, "Sister, can you get up? I'll help you."


Her voice is clear and sweet, like the chirping of birds in the valley.

Before I could react, the little girl had already reached out and helped me up.

She carefully patted the dust off my body.

I don’t know if it was my psychology, but after being patted by the little girl, it didn’t hurt at all.

It was as if all the injuries were healed instantly.

I thought I must be crazy. There is no such medical skill in the world that can heal people's injuries with just a tap.

I came back to my senses and said to the little girl, "Thank you.


"If sister really wants to thank me, why not give me a gift.

"The little girl blinked her big eyes at me.

It’s so beautiful! Like an angel!

At this moment, I just hated myself for not having anything I could use.

I looked down at the school uniform on my body and felt a little embarrassed, "Little sister, what do you want? I'll buy it for you later."


The little girl shook her head, "I just want one thing from my sister.


As she spoke, the little girl reached out and quickly grabbed the side of my neck.

Then before I could see clearly what she had taken, she turned around and ran towards the road, shouting to me as she ran, "Sister Long Ling, my name is Lin Sixing, we will meet again soon!"

How does she know my name?

My neck felt a little uncomfortable, so I scratched it, and then I realized that the amulet hanging around my neck was missing!

I was so frightened that I quickly lowered my head to look for it, but it was nowhere to be found.

Now I finally know what this little girl named Lin Siqin took away, it was my amulet!

Then I moved my body and found that it really didn’t hurt!

How could he not be injured after falling and being stepped on? I don't feel any pain. The only explanation is that Lin Siqin just dusted me off and treated me!

My heart was beating wildly, I was scared!

Lin Siqing has such ability, can she be an ordinary person? She knows who I am, and she took my amulet, what does she want to do? Is she on the same side as that evil ghost?

I didn't even dare to go to school.

I picked up my bike and went home.

When I got home and saw my mother, tears instantly came to my eyes.

I was so scared that my calves were shaking with fear.

"Mom! I lost my amulet.


My mother just wanted to comfort me, but when she heard these words, the kindness on her face suddenly disappeared.

She pulled open my collar to check, and after making sure it was gone, my mother was so angry that she raised her hand and hit me, "What's wrong with you kid! Didn't I tell you not to take it off! How can you be so disobedient! This concerns you."

Do you know your life? If I had known you didn’t care about your life so much, I might as well not have given birth to you!”

Hearing the noise, my dad came out of the room.

He pulled away from my mother and said, "The child is already frightened, and she doesn't want to throw away the amulet. Please calm down, isn't it already night? Let's just find a way."


"What else can we do!" My mother cried and shouted, "In the past few years, we went to many masters, but they all said that they did not dare to interfere with our family's affairs. We finally got an amulet, but she lost it.

Let's just let Li Gui take her away, so that we don't have to worry about following her.


"Stop talking so angry," my dad advised, "I found out about a disciple who was carrying Xian'er on his back. His surname is Lin. It is said that he entered the industry in his twenties and is quite famous in our Haicheng.

You go and clean up, and we'll take my daughter to Lin Xiangu's house to have a look.


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Wanbenshen Station wayqge

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