Turn off the lights
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There are so many spider webs in the cave because the people living in the cave have never gone out.

The man in the cave never goes out, not because he doesn't want to go out, but because he can't!

Because he is sleeping!

The innermost part of the cave is a huge cave. Numerous small holes that can only accommodate one person are dug into the cave walls. These small holes are like honeycombs covering the entire cave.

There is a person lying in each small cave. These people are sleeping soundly, and their snoring echoes in the cave, like a symphony, one after another, it is extremely lively.

"They," Jin Hui said in surprise, "they are all still alive!"

Hearing the meaning of Jin Hui's words, I couldn't help but be surprised, "Jin Hui, they are not the tribe you once wanted to save, are they?"

Jin Hui nodded, "That's them."

"How many years ago was this?" I asked in disbelief.

Jin Hui thought for a moment and said, "It's been more than two hundred years."

Hearing this, I immediately turned to look at the people lying in the cave. These people were both men and women, lying motionless in one position. They had been lying here in this position for two hundred years! Two hundred years ago, they are still not dead.

, not turned into a mummy!

They are all alive!

"When I left, they had fallen into a coma. I couldn't undo the poison they had received and thought they were dead. I thought the tribe had been wiped out, but I never thought they were still alive!" Jin Hui walked into a cave.

, looking at a man lying inside, his dark eyes flashed with joy.

A doctor has the heart of a parent, and Jin Hui has the consciousness of being a doctor. Even if they are strangers who meet by chance, Jin Hui is sincerely happy for them when they see that the other person is still alive.

I suddenly felt that Jin Hui was much more reliable than Ruchen. If Liao Ruchen were here, he would definitely use the people of this tribe as guinea pigs for experiments. No wonder one is a demon and the other is a righteous god.

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw Jin Hui take out a dagger and cut the sleeping man's arm.

Blood immediately flowed from the wound. While observing the color of the blood, Jin Hui took out a porcelain bottle and let the blood drip into the porcelain bottle.

I was stunned for a moment, and then asked Jin Hui in disbelief, "What are you doing?"

"Their clan can sleep for two hundred years without dying. There must be something special about their bloodline. I want to study it." Although Jin Hui's face was expressionless when he spoke, I could hear the excitement in his words.


My face was slapped so hard.

As soon as I felt that Jin Hui was compassionate, unlike Ruchen, Jin Hui started bleeding people for experiments.

I walked over and reminded Jin Hui, "Master Xiaoyao is here, please restrain yourself."

Don’t let Little Monk Xiaoyao think that I am surrounded by a group of monsters who regard human life as nothing. He is a monk and a holy monk. Good and evil cannot coexist. He will definitely despise the evil ways. If he doesn’t like us, he will treat the little boy when he returns home.

It’s not good to think about the past, so what should we do?

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard the little monk Xiaoyao say to Jin Hui, "Medical Immortal, it's useless for you to just take his blood. You have to dig out his stomach to see how it works in order to preserve health."

His body has been nourished for two hundred years. His heart and kidneys must also be studied. Only by thoroughly studying their bodies can you get the most correct answer."

I was startled and turned to look at the little monk Xiaoyao.

The little monk Xiaoyao looked serious and was not joking.

Uh... As expected of our fellow travelers, even if he is a monk, there is still a bit of evil in him.

Very good, Jin Hui slapped me, Xiaoyao little monk slapped me, my face became symmetrical.

Jin Hui thinks what the little monk Xiaoyao said makes sense, but what if the man's belly is opened and the man dies? Once the man dies, his body will stop functioning, and Jin Hui will not be able to observe how his internal organs are functioning.


The young monk Xiaoyao walked over and said that he could help. He would protect the man from death and Jin Hui could boldly conduct experiments.

I insisted and couldn't listen anymore. Is this what a monk should say? He kept the man alive and let Jin Hui do experiments. Isn't this the same as dissecting the man alive?

After hearing what the little monk Xiaoyao said, Jin Hui was very excited and pulled the little monk Xiaoyao to start.

Hu Jinyue blinked her big, confused eyes and looked at me in disbelief, "Brother Ma, is this monk a serious monk?"


Over there, the young monk Xiaoyao was chanting sutras, and a ray of Buddha's light protected the sleeping man. Jin Hui was holding a knife and was ready to disembowel the man.

Yuchen said, "Let's go out and look for herbs nearby."

Yuchen turned around and walked out.

Hu Jinyue and I followed behind Yuchen.

Hu Jinyue couldn't hold back and asked Yuchen, "Third Master, don't you care about them? They are experimenting on human lives? It's so bloody."

Yuchen said, "The antidote will also be tested on them, and maybe it will poison them to death. Hu Jinyue, do you want to ask them if they want to sleep forever, or do they want someone to test them and then revive them?"

Clan members?”

Hu Jinyue shut up.

I stuck out my tongue at Hu Jinyue.

After walking out of the cave and standing on the top of the mountain, I felt even hotter because I was closer to the sun.

Looking around, I saw that there were no yellow patches, not to mention herbs, not even weeds.

I looked at Yuchen, "Where should we look?" Going into the desert and looking for an oasis?

Hu Jinyue also looked at Yuchen expectantly, hoping that Yuchen would give him some advice.

Hu Jinyue and I have the IQs to follow Yuchen's lead. It would be impossible for us to think about what he said and what we did.

Yuchen glanced around, then raised his hand and pointed to the mountain opposite, "Hu Jinyue, go to that mountain and see if there are other tribes living on the mountain."

Hu Jinyue pointed to her nose, "Third Master, should I go by myself?"

Yuchen glanced at him, his eyes slightly cold, "No?"

"Of course!" Hu Jinyue stepped back and said with a smile, "I can do it by myself, I don't need help. Third Master, please take your little brother Ma to another place, and pay attention to safety."

After saying that, Hu Jinyue jumped up and flew towards the opposite mountain.

He was still injured, so I was worried, "Yuchen, is it okay for Hu Jinyue to go alone? How about I go with him?" Yuchen must be fine alone.

Yuchen pulled me and said, "Master Xiaoyao just said that the living body is in this mountain, that is, there is no living person in that mountain, so he will not be in danger. Come with me, we will go into the desert. All living things

, we all need to collect them.”

It did not say that the antidote must be medicinal herbs, so all possible creatures must be brought back to Jin Hui for experiments.

Yuchen and I went into the desert.

After entering the desert, I discovered that two distant mountains were actually connected!

It turned out to be a mountain. The two mountains I saw were the head and tail of the mountain, and the backbone of the mountain seemed to have been cut off. The peaks were very flat, and the mountain was covered under the yellow sand.

If I hadn't almost tripped over the steps of the mountain, I wouldn't have realized that there was a mountain peak connecting two mountains at my feet.

I looked down at the thing that tripped me at my feet. It was a protruding stone. The long stone stood on the mountain and looked like a sword inserted into the mountain.

I stretched out my hand to hold the 'hilt' of the sword and said to Yuchen, "Yuchen, do you think this stone looks like a sword..."

Before I could finish my words, I pulled out the stone from the mountain with a strong effort of my arm!

This chapter has been completed!
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