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There is a huge moon disk above the head. Just like the feeling of the sun, the moon here is much larger than in other places. It seems that it is close to the sky here, and the round moon occupies a small half of the sky.

The women walked towards the moon. The huge moon was the scenery in front of them. The moonlight hit them and lengthened their shadows cast on the yellow sand.

If we weren't on guard against the demon's attack, this scene would still look very beautiful and artistic. The full moon, the moonlight, and the graceful young woman.

After waiting for a long time, the desert was silent. Even if the devil crawled, he should have arrived, right? I was tired of waiting.

As soon as I yawned, I heard the piercing screams of women.

come yet?

I was startled, stood up quickly, and looked over.

In the distant desert, five women screamed in pain, but there was nothing around them!

"What are they calling?" I didn't understand. "Could it be that the demon is invisible and I can't see it?"

"No, you have already seen the devil." After saying this, Yuchen flew towards them.

I followed Yuchen closely, looking around vigilantly, but except for the five screaming women, I saw nothing. Where was the demon Yuchen said I had seen?

Yuchen took me and landed not far behind the women.

They seemed to be experiencing some kind of torture, clawing at their bodies with their hands. Their nails swelled and turned into sharp claws. When they scratched themselves, the claws cut their skin, and bright red blood kept pouring from the wounds.

come out.

"What are they doing?" I looked at this scene in shock.


I wanted to stop them, but Yuchen stopped me, "Don't come close."

When Yuchen and I were talking, the women seemed not satisfied with just hurting themselves. They grinned, sharp fangs sprouted from their mouths, and then bit their companions.

This woman bites the thigh of another woman, and the other woman bites the arm of the third woman. In this way, the five women bite together in a mess. And as they bite, their facial features change.

, the human snout slowly bulges and lengthens, and finally forms facial features like a wolf.

They also behaved more and more like wild beasts, lying on all fours, biting the prey, then shaking their heads wildly, trying to tear the meat from the prey's body.

Their facial features and hands have changed, but they still have human bodies, no fur has grown, and they look very strange, like five beasts that have been skinned alive.

This weird scene scared me so much, I asked, "What's wrong with them?"

"The devils are themselves." Yuchen said.

My eyes widened in shock.

As if to prove Yuchen's words, one of the women was the most powerful and bit the other four women to death. The woman bit open the stomachs of the other four women and ate their internal organs.

This scene made me feel sick.

Then, the only woman who survived stretched her neck towards the full moon like a wolf. She did not howl, but just assumed this posture. The moonlight shone on her body, coating her body with a layer of silver. Then this layer

It was as if the Yinhui had become the power of her body, obeying her command and all concentrated on her back.

Her shoulder blades began to bulge, a brown mane began to grow on her body, and a tail began to grow behind her butt.

In the end, she completely lost her human appearance, growing into a pair of black bat-like wings, a mouth full of fangs, a wolf-like face, a brown mane, a gorilla-like body, and a snake-like bare tail.

It's really ugly and strange. I've never seen anything so ugly in my life.

Yuchen and I were directly treated as air by the monster, and it flew towards the castle.

But as soon as it flew a certain distance, Yuchen summoned the black flames, and the black spear fell from the sky with burning flames, penetrated the monster's chest, brought the monster to the ground, and nailed the monster to the yellow sand.

Before I could recover from the shock, Yuchen had already walked over and cut off the monster's tail with a knife.

"This should be the antidote," Yuchen said, "Take it back and let Jin Hui do experiments."

Only then did I come back to my senses and took the severed tail which was still warm, "I'll deliver the tail, what about you? Are you going back to the castle?"

Yuchen nodded, "They have been cursed. I am going to find out what prompted them to turn into beasts. Maybe I can also help them lift the curse and let them live like normal people from now on."

After saying that, Yuchen flew towards the direction of the castle.

When I looked at his back, I always felt something was strange.

Was Yuchen so warm-hearted before? He was indifferent. At most, he had correct views and would not make mistakes in major matters, but he was definitely not enthusiastic about people or things. The reason why he takes the initiative to help the Wuling Clan now is because

Want to repay Wu Jie's kindness to him?

It barely makes sense, but I just have a weird feeling that I can't explain.

I took the tail and returned to the cave.

In the cave.

Jin Hui and the little monk Xiaoyao have completed the dissection. The belly of the sleeping man lying on the bed has been cut open. A hook is hung on the cut belly. The hook is fixed in the air and the belly is pulled apart from left to right.

The belly was pulled open, and the man's internal organs were exposed in front of Jin Hui's eyes.

The young monk Xiaoyao opened a magic circle. The magic circle floated directly above the man's body, emitting a reassuring pure white Buddha light. The Buddha's light covered the man and maintained his life.

It is estimated that this man would never have thought in his life that he would be dissected after just sleeping, and that he could continue to live after being dissected. His internal organs were even more unimaginable. In his lifetime, he could open his belly and face two people face to face.

Meet strangers.

I don’t know what method they used. Although they dissected a person, there was no large amount of bleeding, and the cave was still clean. But even so, I felt that the picture was too bloody, so I turned my head away from looking at it.

He just extended his hand to Jin Hui.

"Jin Hui, this is the antidote we found. You can test it."

Jin Hui took the snake tail from my hand and asked casually, "Where is Yuchen?"

"He is in the Wuling Tribe, I will go find him now."

After saying that, I turned around and ran out of the cave.

As soon as I ran to the entrance of the cave, I saw Hu Jinyue flying towards me. His face and body were dirty, as if he had just crawled through a dog hole. When he saw me, his face broke into a smile and he held his hands in excitement.

Lift it up and show it to me.

"Brother Ma, I caught bugs." Hu Jinyue shouted happily, "Don't underestimate these bugs. Third Master said that anything alive around here may be the antidote. The bugs I caught are very

Maybe it's the antidote."

So I covered myself in dirt just to catch bugs.

I was amused by Hu Jinyue, and even imagined a fox digging in the dirt to catch bugs in my mind. What a silly fox.

I asked Hu Jinyue to hand the bug to Jin Hui, and then took him to find Yuchen.

On the way, Hu Jinyue was shocked when she heard me talking about the Wuling Clan, "Wulinclan? The Wuling Clan of which Wu Jie is the leader? Wasn't that tribe extinct long ago?"

I shrugged and said I didn't know.

I also find it strange that such an ancient tribe would appear here.

When we arrived at the castle, Hu Jinyue and I flew down through the hole in the dome.

As soon as I entered the castle, I smelled a pungent smell of blood. The smell was so strong that the air seemed to be thickened with blood.

I was startled and quickly looked down.

This chapter has been completed!
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