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Yuchen also noticed Mrs. Ji's strangeness and asked, "Mrs. Ji, Mu Lin jumped into the well of reincarnation. Of course he was reincarnated. Do you not even know this?"

Mrs. Ji said, "The reincarnation in the Well of Reincarnation happened a long time ago. If he jumps into the Well of Reincarnation, his immortal bones will be removed. After reincarnation, he will most likely be just an ordinary human being. How can an ordinary human being live for so many years! Human beings

He has gone through several reincarnations in a hundred years. Can he still be my son? After he jumped into the well of reincarnation, I originally planned to go find him and help him reshape his immortal bones. But before I could come to the Yang world, I was killed by thousands of people.

Chen caught me! Qianchen wanted to behead me. If the Lord hadn’t saved me, I would have died in Qianchen’s hands back then! Lord Yuchen, Qianchen harmed my child, sought my life, and started a war.

Cholera Heaven, what part of what he did deserves my forgiveness!"

After scolding her emotionally, she seemed to realize later that she couldn't offend Yuchen, so she immediately backed down and shrank into Bai Ziqi's arms, lowering her head, not daring to look at Yuchen again.

Yuchen looked at Mrs. Ji, "Then what can we do to calm the hatred in your heart?"

"Unless you let me kill him!" After saying that, Mrs. Ji hurriedly explained, "Sir Yuchen, I don't want to kill you. This is the first time we met. We have no grievances. I don't hate you. I

I want to kill Qian Chen! The Qian Chen who harmed my whole family!"

Mrs. Ji only talked about Qian Chen's subsequent revenge. Why didn't she mention why Qian Chen took revenge on them?

It was miserable enough to be thrown into an extremely cold place by his own father, but Mrs. Ji still refused to let him go, letting him live in a house with drafts on all sides, no charcoal fire, no bedding, and even his daily food was poisoned!

Qian Chen is a demon born from daily torture. Shouldn't he take revenge?

I looked at Mrs. Ji. She was standing with Bai Ziqi. Both of them were very annoying. They neither deserved Qi Qing's forgiveness nor Qianchen's forgiveness!

But now, for the sake of the luck pearl in Yuchen's body, Yuchen is required not only to let go of his hatred for the two of them, but also to pay sincerely until he is forgiven by Mrs. Ji!

I suddenly felt that this bead was really nothing, it was like a holy mother, and it made no distinction between right and wrong!

Moreover, it is impossible to meet Mrs. Ji's request. Qian Chen has been reincarnated as Yu Chen. Is it possible to agree to her killing Yu Chen with her own hands?

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. Just when I was about to fight back, Yuchen suddenly said, "Okay, I promise you."

I was shocked.

What did you promise? Promise to let Mrs. Ji kill Qian Chen?

Mrs. Ji was also stunned for a moment, and her big round eyes flashed with confusion, "Sir Yuchen, you have to keep your word. How can you let me kill Qianchen with my own hands?"

"Qian Chen's inner demons still exist in the world." Bai Ziqi answered for Yu Chen. He looked at Yu Chen coldly, but he was talking to Mrs. Ji, "There are a lot of those bastard things Qian Chen did back then.

Some of them are at the hands of the inner demon. Ji Fu, you hate the wrong person. The people who forced Mu Lin to death, provoked the war, and wanted to kill you are all inner demons. The inner demon has the same appearance as Qian Chen, and one of them became clear back then.

Dark, only one person will always appear in front of others, so you don’t know that there are inner demons, and it’s normal for you to not be able to distinguish between the inner demons and Qianchen himself.”

Mrs. Ji was stunned for a while, then came back to her senses and said, "My lord, are you saying that this inner demon is my enemy?"

Bai Ziqi nodded, "I want you to kill the inner demon with your own hands. Are you willing to let go of the hatred in the past?"

Mrs. Ji gritted her teeth and said decisively, "I want to see him, and I want to make sure he is my enemy! Lord, I just want to avenge our son with my own hands."

Bai Ziqi didn't answer, but turned to look at Yuchen again.

Yuchen said, "Mrs. Ji, I will let you see Qianchen's inner demon."

Qian Chen's cultivation level is very high, and he also has the Qi Luck Pearl in his body. With Madam Ji's strength, it is impossible for her to kill Qian Chen. At most, it will be a show to let Qian Chen cooperate and be killed by Madam Ji.

But this is easy to say, but difficult to do.

Yuchen distinguished him from Qianchen very clearly. He knew Qianchen's experience, but he did not have Qianchen's emotions. But the inner demon was different. The inner demon had all the love, hatred and resentment of Qianchen.

Born out of Qianchen's hatred for Mrs. Ji and Bai Ziqi!

Mrs. Ji regards him as her enemy. Likewise, why doesn't the inner demon hate Mrs. Ji?

Therefore, asking Qian Chen to cooperate and make Mrs. Ji happy is basically impossible.

My head felt heavy and I whispered to Yuchen, "Yuchen, Qianchen just had a fight with you and left. Are you sure you can still call him back?" Are you sure Qianchen can listen to you and is willing to be humiliated?

, to pretend to be dead to coax Mrs. Ji?

As if he could see what I was worried about, Yuchen gave me a reassuring look, "Don't worry, he will agree."

Yuchen is very confident, right? We don’t know where his confidence comes from.

Yuchen turned to Bai Ziqi and said, "Let's go find Qianchen and ask Bai Ziqi to take Mrs. Ji back to Demon King's City to wait for us."

"Demon King's City?" Mrs. Ji became interested, with a simple curiosity like a little girl on her face, "My lord, this is the devil's world? Wow, we are actually in the devil's world! Your lord, can you take me around the devil's world? I'm here

I have been imprisoned in the cave for tens of thousands of years. I have no idea what the Three Realms have become now. In addition to the Demon Realm, can Your Majesty take me to the Yang World and the Heavenly Realm? By the way, Your Majesty, you can take back the Emperor of Heaven.

Don’t you have the position? Ah! My lord, why do you have demonic energy in your body now..."

"Ji Fu," Bai Ziqi interrupted Mrs. Ji's fuss and asked, "Where are you being imprisoned and why are you being imprisoned?"

Mentioning this, Mrs. Ji pouted angrily, "Lord, can you avenge me? When you took away part of my soul and let me go, I originally planned to find a secluded place to practice until my strength increased.

, I will go out again to seek revenge on Qianchen! But I didn’t expect that as soon as I found a satisfactory training place, I would be deceived.”

"That man lied to me and said that there were treasures in the cave, and if he ate them, he could cultivate magical powers that defied the heavens, and that even the laws of heaven could be reversed and changed. When I heard that this power could even disobey the laws of heaven, it would definitely help me kill him.

Qianchen, so I got into the cave, but when I entered, I found that I had been cheated! There were no treasures at all in the cave. Instead, there was a complicated formation. I tried all kinds of methods, but I couldn't solve it.

Due to the confinement of the law, I had no choice but to be trapped in the cave to practice. Fortunately, the master thought of the slave family today, otherwise the slave family would still be locked up in that broken cave! The master wants to seek justice for the slave family, that liar is so bad


Yuchen originally pulled me and was about to leave, but when he heard Mrs. Ji say that power can change the way of heaven, he pulled me to stop again.

He looked back at Mrs. Ji and asked, "Mrs. Ji, where is the cave that trapped you?"

Mrs. Ji glanced at Yuchen, pouted and said displeasedly, "In the Yang world! I was imprisoned in a cave in the Yang world for nearly ten thousand years. It's so embarrassing to think about it!"

"The cave is in Dunqiu, Nan Province?" Yuchen suddenly asked.

Mrs. Ji was stunned for a moment and said in shock, "How do you know?! God Yuchen, that cave is not related to you, right? But no, when I was imprisoned, Qian Chen was still alive, and you should not have been born yet.


Yuchen ignored Mrs. Ji's doubts and said, "Where is the cave? Take us there now!"

I looked at Mrs. Ji in surprise, and I didn’t expect that Mrs. Ji would be related to the mysterious organization. The cave where Mrs. Guan Ji lived for nearly ten thousand years was in Dunqiu, Yunling, Chu Yuan and others in Nan Province.

We are looking for clues left by Wan Shangyu in Dunqiu.

Looking at it this way, Mrs. Guan Ji's cave is not the place we are looking for, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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