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Is that fire really the way of heaven?

Is Tian Dao just watching them kill each other? Or, in other words, Tian Dao's intention is to let them kill each other, and only one can survive.

But what kind of person does Tiandao want to cultivate by using such cruel methods?

The girl was burned to death, and the imperial concubine dug out the girl's heart and ate it.

Then just like last time, her body floated up and was rewarded with colorful flames.

At this moment, a loud, broken cry suddenly sounded.

I hurriedly followed the sound.

It was a man in black robe standing at the edge of the square crying.

She knelt on the ground, lowered her head, and covered her face with her hands, "Isn't Sister Fifteen right? We grew up together, why must we kill each other!"

"Xiao Liu, stop talking." A man in black robe said calmly.

Xiaoliu was so excited that she couldn't listen to the advice. She just shouted to herself, "I don't want to be punished by heaven. I just want to live with my sisters and live together! I don't want to kill my sisters, and I don't want to be killed by my sisters."

They killed them. Sister Fifteen is right, the outside world is a big place, we can leave here. Those who want to stay for heaven's sake, and those who don't want to, leave with me. Do any of you leave?"

All the people in black robes were standing at the edge of the square. They seemed to be frozen, not moving or talking.

Xiao Liu sniffed, then stood up and said, "If you don't leave, then I will leave by myself! I wish all of you will succeed in your wishes and become the next Heavenly Dao!"

After saying that, Xiaoliu jumped up and flew towards me!

I was still immersed in the explosive news that Xiaoliu said.

According to Xiaoliu's words, the person who survives in the end will be the next Tiandao. Does Tiandao use this method to train his successor? Let's not talk about whether Tiandao is cruel or not, let's just talk about this successor.

She rose to power through this method, wouldn't her views be distorted?

If the person who survives in the end is a noble concubine, I don't think she can manage the laws of the world well with her character.

When I was thinking about this, I looked up and saw Xiao Liu flying towards me!

I was startled and wanted to hide, but it was too late.

When Xiaoliu saw me hiding in the big tree, his only exposed eyes suddenly widened in shock.

She obviously didn't expect that an outsider like me would appear here.


As soon as she uttered a word, a small colorful fireball pierced her back, flew out from her chest, and penetrated her body.

Blood spurted out, and blood droplets sprayed on the leaves, making the leaves tremble and make a rustling sound.

But Xiao Liu didn't even let out a scream, and his body fell straight to the ground.

Now, I don’t feel sorry for Xiaoliu, I feel sorry for myself!

Xiao Liu was at the same height as me, and the distance between us was not far away. When the small fireball penetrated her, it immediately discovered my existence.

Then, the little fireball flew straight towards me!

The small fireball is the colorful flame emitted to punish the traitors who escaped. The colorful flame is the way of heaven, so this small fireball is also the attack launched by the way of heaven!

I know very well how much I weigh, how can I resist the attack of heaven?

I was so frightened that I hurriedly retreated and shouted to the little boy, "Little fairy, wake up, I'm going to die, help!"

But no matter how I shouted, the little boy didn't have any reaction.

And the little fireball caught up with me in the blink of an eye.

I can't do nothing and just wait to die!

I mobilized all my strength and opened the barrier.

I knew that with my ability, the barrier I opened would not be able to stop the small fireball, so I opened dozens of layers of barriers in one breath. This way, I can resist it for a while, right?

And I can use this time to escape.

The imagination is beautiful, but the reality is that the barrier I opened was completely penetrated by small fireballs in an instant.

The small fireball was like a bullet, rushing towards me with unstoppable force!

In the blink of an eye, my heart was pierced, and a bloody hole the size of a fist appeared in my chest.

Blood gushed out like a waterfall, and my clothes were soon stained red with blood.

I didn't even feel the pain, my vision went dark, my consciousness was blurred, and I didn't know anything until the end.

I died in an illusion!

"Hey, wake up, don't sleep anymore."

There was a cold feeling on my cheek, as if someone was poking my face.

I opened my eyes with difficulty and saw the little boy ball floating above my face, falling down again and again, hitting my face.

Looking at the little boy's movements, it didn't look like he was poking my face, but more like kicking my face. My face was like a trampoline, and he was jumping up and down happily.

Seeing me open my eyes, I paused as the little boy's ball fell down, and then continued to fall. It bounced on my face, and the little boy's ball flew up, and then stopped steadily in mid-air.

"Ahem," the little boy coughed twice, and then said to me, "Get up quickly when you wake up. It's time to make a choice."

make decisions?

What choice?

I looked confused and turned around to look around.

The surrounding scenery completely changed, the green mountains and green waters disappeared, and the surroundings turned into endless prairie. I was lying on the grass, next to a train track. Opposite the train track, there was a switch.

Because the view is unobstructed, you can see a train coming this way from a distance.

I don’t understand what this means. Am I not dead? How did I get here? Is this still a picture scroll illusion? How long have I been asleep? The scroll has not been burned and the exit has been closed, right?

"Lin Xi, get up quickly, there's no time!" Seeing me lying on the ground in a daze, the little boy urged me.

"What's the matter?" I sat up and asked him puzzledly.

"Make a choice," the little boy ball floated behind me, "Look here!"

I turned around and looked over.

Just one glance made me stupid.

Behind me are two bifurcated train tracks, with a person lying on each track.

Yuchen and Jumang!

Their bodies were tangled into cocoons with golden silk threads, and they were also covered with a large golden net. The large net was like a spider web and stuck them firmly to the railway track.

The two people must have been silenced by the spell. They could only turn their heads and look at me, but they couldn't make the slightest sound.

My heart skipped a beat, and I quickly got up and ran towards the two people.

When I reached the fork, I hesitated and ran towards Yuchen.

I summoned my spiritual power, summoned the Nine Great Sword, held the sword with both hands, and slashed at the golden net covering Yuchen's body.

The Nine Great Sword can be regarded as a divine weapon, with the ability to split mountains and seas.

But at this moment, the sword blade struck the big net as if it struck a hard boulder.

The sword shook violently and made a buzzing sound. My arms were so painful that my bones felt like they were about to break. The tiger's mouth was cracked and blood spilled out.

Then, after the sword trembled a few times, it actually broke!

The sword body was broken, and a long sword turned into half a broken blade. Looking at the golden giant net, there was not even a trace left.

I watched this scene in shock.

"Is this the way of heaven?" I asked Yuchen, "Is this a prison set by the way of heaven?"

Yuchen couldn't move and could only blink to answer me.


The train whistle sounded.

I turned around and looked over. The train was coming and would soon reach a fork in the road.

The little boy urged me, "Lin Xi, hurry up and make a choice. Do you choose to save Yuchen or save Chun Shen?"

This chapter has been completed!
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