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The train ran over Jumang, and Jumang's body was like a crushed tomato, with bright red flesh and blood spurting out.


What have I done!

My body lost strength and I couldn't stand up, so I sat down on the ground.

The whole person was on the verge of collapse, and tears were falling crazily.

I suddenly felt that I was overestimating my own capabilities. How could we possibly defeat the law of heaven?

With just a few beads, can we bring down the Lord of All Creation?

If you think about it carefully, only Tripterygium vine can bring out the full power of the luck beads. But Tripterygium vine grows near the sky thunder, which obeys the orders of heaven.

In other words, if Tiandao hadn't wanted to commit suicide, if it hadn't been for his intentional arrangement, we wouldn't have been able to get even Tripterygium vine!

The weapons we use against him are all given to us by him. He is so powerful, what can we use to fight him?

There was a surge of despair in my heart.

What are we still fighting for? Why not just listen to his arrangements, be obedient, and maybe save the lives of some people around us.

"Lin Xi, do you think you are kind?"

The flame ball asked me with a smile, laughing proudly, as if he was satisfied to see me looking decadent and desperate at this time.

I sat on the ground and slowly raised my head to look at him.

The flame ball continued, "If you were really kind, you shouldn't have chosen to save Yuchen. Jumang came here because of you guys, but you abandoned him at the moment of life and death. You betrayed your friends. You are extremely vicious.

Got it!

Yuchen is your lover. You chose to save him because of your selfishness. Your emotions are biased toward him. You are willing to sacrifice others to keep him alive. But having said that, is it really wrong to choose to save your lover?

Is it really evil to save your lover at the moment of life and death?

Lin Xi, what is good and what is evil? Who is kind to save and who is evil to save? Can you really make the right choice? And what choice is really right?"

I can't answer these questions.

Good and evil are not so easy to define. Besides, he suddenly asked me about such a profound and philosophical topic. I couldn't understand it for a while, but I couldn't explain it clearly.

I looked at the flame ball and said nothing.

"Lin Xi, you don't speak because you can't define good and evil!"

The flame ball paused and then said to me, "Lin Xi, do you understand this world? Have you ever seriously looked at what this world looks like?"

As the words fell, the scene in front of me changed.

The railway disappeared and the surroundings once again turned into beautiful mountain scenery.

My location became halfway up the mountain, and when I lowered my head, I could see a small village at the foot of the mountain.

The small village is not big, with less than a hundred households. It is evening, smoke is rising from every house, men are returning from working in the fields, and there are laughing children playing in the streets and fields.

I don't understand what brought me here, and I don't want to!

At this time, I only care about Yuchen and Jumang.

"Tiandao," I turned to look at the colorful flames floating beside me and asked him, "Where is Yuchen? I chose Yuchen to live, so where is he now? Is Jumang really dead again?


"Lin Xi, Yuchen is still alive. Please stay here with me for a while, and I will let you find Yuchen." Huoyan Tuan said, "As for Jumang, he has died because of your choice."

My heart trembled suddenly, and a surge of anger surged from the bottom of my heart.

He is powerful. In order to tame me, he can kill the important people around me at will!

For a moment, I wished I could jump up and die with him.

But soon, I calmed down again.

I'm no match for him!

If I really jumped up, I probably wouldn't even be able to touch him, and he would kill me.

Of course, after killing me, he can resurrect me. I am not afraid that he will torment me like this, I am worried that if I make him angry, he will attack the people around me again.

I took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible, "Tiandao, I hope you will keep your word."


After the words fell, the flame ball stopped talking.

He and I are here like passers-by who do not belong to this world. Our positions remain unchanged, always above the small mountain village, and we can clearly see what is happening in the small mountain village below.

The sun rises and sets, spring passes and autumn comes, time passes in the small mountain village, and changes happen before my eyes.

Life in the small mountain village is very peaceful, and it has been the same for decades. The children who played at the entrance of the village have turned into old people in the blink of an eye.

The newly married couple are also aging in the ordinary life day after day. Their faces have become old, and they have lost the enthusiasm of their youth, but they have deepened their ties with each other. The two aging hands are holding together, as if they are in the middle of life.

Only each other.

After watching it for so long, it was all this kind of daily routine, which made me sleepy. I thought something earth-shattering was going to happen.

I asked the flame ball, "What are we looking at?"

The flame ball answered me in a calm voice, "Look at the world as it is. Lin Xi, you'd better be serious, otherwise I can't guarantee that what you see will be a living Yuchen."

He is threatening me! Threatening me with Yuchen’s life!

I glared at him, very angry and powerless at the same time.

I lowered my eyes and continued to stare at the small mountain village.

Time flies by like a flash, the young couple dies, then the couple’s children die, and the children’s children die too…

Later, I don’t know how many years later, the war broke out, and the small mountain village was bloodbathed by the enemy. All men, women, and children were executed. For a time, the small mountain village flowed with blood, and the screams spread throughout the mountains and fields.

These pictures flashed by very fast, like watching a fast-forward movie.

I just felt angry and before I could react, the scene of being massacred flashed by.

New people moved into the small mountain village, and then the small mountain village expanded, built roads, and turned into a town. In the town, people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the scene was prosperous.

Time continues to flow rapidly. After experiencing various natural and man-made disasters such as wars, earthquakes, and famines, the town not only did not disappear, but also developed into a modern metropolis.

Hundreds of years have passed since the earliest appearance of the small mountain village.

High-rise buildings stand tall, and the wide roads are busy with traffic. Every pedestrian walking on the street is in a hurry.

"Do you see any changes?" Flame Ball asked me.

I looked at him puzzled and said what I was thinking, "The times are developing, human beings are progressing, science and technology are improving, and the places where people live and the way they live have changed. Is there any problem with this?"

"You think these changes are a good thing?"

The flame ball did not answer me, but asked, "Lin Xi, haven't you noticed? There are no smiles on people's faces. Everyone is in a hurry, not to mention the scenery passing by, even the people passing by, they

I don’t even know whether it’s a boy or a girl.”

When the flames spoke, as if to confirm the correctness of what he said, two young men collided, one knocking the other down.

But the man who hit the man didn't stop. He was holding a cell phone in one hand and making a call. He waved the other hand casually at the man who fell to the ground a few times. He probably said a few words of sorry, and then turned around and walked away in a hurry.


The flame ball said again, "Lin Xi, look at the surrounding environment again."

I turned around and looked around.

The mountain forest has not been destroyed after several wars. At this time, all the trees on the mountain have been cut down. There are construction teams laying foundations. It seems that they plan to build houses on the mountain.

"The city needs to expand, and there's nothing we can do about it." When I said this, I already felt a little guilty.

Flame Ball did not argue with me about right or wrong. He changed the subject, "Lin Xi, do you think the world is really getting better and better? Take a closer look and look at the people in this city."

There are young people working overtime crazily, couples fighting over divorce, the first wife beating her mistress, primary school students carrying big schoolbags to cram schools, babies abandoned by their parents...

Pictures floated from the city below into the air, playing in front of my eyes like a recorded video.

In the picture, everyone is collapsing and holding on. It seems that no matter what age they are, everyone is very tired.

These pictures made me feel depressed.

"Lin Xi," the flame ball floated to my side, and his voice was low and coaxing, "You see it? The world is sick, people's hearts are not old, the world is collapsed, and everyone is unhappy.

This world should be re-established and the rules of the world should be re-formulated."

My heart skipped a beat, and I suddenly realized a problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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