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The words of the Nine-fold Demon Lord shocked me.

How long has it been since he got the Luck Beads? He already knows more about the Luck Beads than we do!

I originally thought that each luck bead has its own ability, just like Jingjing can turn the body into particles, and Ao Zhan can strengthen the body with ice. Ten luck beads, ten different abilities, waiting for everyone to discover

and control.

But what I didn’t expect was that the truth behind the Luck Pearl was actually not like this!

The abilities of the ten beads are actually the same. As long as the power is discovered, the owners of the ten beads can share these powers. Just like the current Nine-layer Demon Lord, Jingjing and Ao Zhan can now share all the powers they have discovered.


The Nine-Level Demon Lord is right when he says that the Luck Beads in our hands are a complete waste. We have not grasped the true use of the Luck Beads at all. The Luck Beads in the hands of the Nine-Level Devil are more like a kind of


No matter how powerful the luck bead is, it is just a weapon. We must control it and be its master instead of being controlled by it!

I looked down at the tripterygium vine in my hand.

Maybe my attitude towards Tripterygium wilfordii should be the same!

I should learn to control it instead of relying on it. In the past, it helped the Qi Luck Pearl evolve. It took the initiative. At a certain moment, it suddenly took action and established a connection with the Qi Luck Pearl.

Now maybe I should control it, then use it as a weapon in my hand, and use it to help the Luck Pearl evolve!

Without waiting for my answer, the Nine-Layer Demon Lord narrowed his eyes, and the smile on his face faded, "Xiangu Lin, what do you think of the cooperation I proposed?"

"Nine Level Demon Lord, you are very smart and powerful, but I have a partner, and the luck bead in your body also has an owner!" I rejected him and said, "The only thing we two have to talk about is the luck bead.

Give me this thing back!"

The smile on the face of the Nine-Level Demon Lord completely disappeared, a cold light penetrated into the deep blue eyes, and murderous aura gradually gathered in his eyes.

"Xiangu Lin, I thought you would be a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be extremely stupid! For the sake of ridiculous companionship, you refused to cooperate with me. A stupid and naive person like you, like Bai Long,

You all don’t deserve to have the Luck Pearl, and you don’t deserve to have the most powerful power in the world!”

As he spoke, the Nine Levels Demon Lord stretched out his palm towards me and shouted coldly, "Xiangu Lin, it's you who should hand over the Thunder God's Vine to me! Compared with Bailong, I am the real bead of luck.

owner, similarly, I will also help Tripterygium vine find its true owner!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I suddenly felt a chill coming to my face.

"Lin Xi, danger!"

Before I could react, the little girl screamed and hurriedly retreated with me.

As soon as he left his previous position, a huge ice cone appeared in the sky.

I was startled. If I hadn't retreated, I would have been stabbed with an ice pick by now.

I asked the little girl, "Why didn't I see this icicle coming towards me just now?"

"Because he is better than you," the little girl said, "just like you can't see the nerves one by one. Lin Xi, you have to become more powerful before you can be on the same level as them."

Hearing these words made me feel uncomfortable, so I said, "Azi, are you saying that I am no match for the Nine-layered Demon Lord now?"

The little girl ball said bluntly, "Yes, you can't beat him. He is the ancient demon king. During the war between gods and demons, the troops he led almost defeated the ancient gods. In the end, the ancient gods used methods and paid a heavy price to barely defeat them.

Lin Xi, fighting him is like fighting an ancient god. Do you think you have the ability?"

Yuchen is an ancient god, and the strength of the Ninth Level Demon Lord may even be higher than Yuchen. With this comparison, I clearly understand the strength gap between me and the Ninth Level Demon Lord.

My heart sank.

The first luck bead I found was so difficult to get back!

I said, "Azi, if you cooperate with Brother, are you sure you can defeat him?"

"It's very difficult." The little boy said, "Little Fairy Girl, I advise you to give up this luck bead first."

I was stunned for a moment, but I understood what the little boy ball meant.

I'll go find other luck beads first, and resurrect other people first. Then I will have helpers, especially if Yuchen is resurrected, and Yuchen and Qianchen join forces to get the Nine Levels Demon Lord.

It’s not as difficult to pick a bead as it is now.

I understand that this is a good arrangement, but I also have my own concerns.

If I leave now, what if the Ninth Level Demon Lord has owned the Luck Pearl for a long time, and what if the Luck Luck Bead recognizes the Ninth Level Demon Lord as its master? Then Ao Zhan will die, and the Luck Luck Pearl has abandoned Ao Zhan’s soul.

Ao Zhan will never be resurrected.

Therefore, if I leave now, it will be equivalent to giving up on Ao Zhan.

I clenched my fists, "Is there no other way?"

"By the way," the Nine Levels Demon Lord looked at me, stretched out his hand towards me, and hooked his fingers at me, "It's time for Lin Xiangu to return my weapon to me. The Demonic Sword!"

As soon as I finished speaking, the Nine-Level Sword appeared out of thin air and flew from in front of me into the hands of the Nine-Level Demon Lord.

Holding the heavy sword in his hand, with the blade lying across his body, the Nine-Level Demon King lowered his eyes at the sword and whispered, "Old man, I haven't seen you for so many years, why have you become like this after all the vicissitudes of life?"

As he spoke, he raised his other hand and slowly stroked the sword with his palm, "Old man, we are reunited. There is no need to temper your edge. Come on, don't sleep, let them see your true face.


As the Nine-Level Demon Lord finished speaking, countless black bats flew out from the Nine-Level Demon Sword. When all the bats flew away, I was surprised to find that the sword in the Nine-Level Demon Lord's hand was missing!

"Lin Xi, behind me!"

The little girl yelled and took me to the side.

As soon as I retreated, a white cold light flew past my chest.

The light blade cut on my body, making a rustling sound like a glass knife cutting glass.

After the light blade flew past me, I lowered my head and looked at my chest.

I was not injured, but my clothes were cut and there was a very thin crack.

I was startled and asked quickly, "Two little immortals, are you two okay?"

You must know that even the Corpse Saint couldn't destroy the barrier they opened to protect me! But now their barrier has been cut with a crack, and the sword energy penetrated the crack and cut open my clothes.


This time, the long sword didn't hurt me, but with such power, it might happen next time!

The light blade flew back to the hands of the Nine-Level Demon Lord, and the white light slowly dispersed, and the rusty heavy sword returned to its original appearance, turning out to be a sharp blade shining with cold light.

The sword spirit of the Nine Great Swords, swordsman Jia Dao, also appeared.

It’s completely different from when I summoned him. The current swordsman Jia Dao is no longer lonely and tattered. Moreover, the sword he has been holding in his arms is now in his hands.


Swordsman Jia Dao stood behind the Ninefold Demon Lord. He became very huge, and his whole body shone with golden light, like a huge god. He held the sword in one hand, and his face was weathered, and the scars on his face were all at this moment.

They all seemed to have gained momentum.

He looked full of energy and was so powerful that he seemed to be the most heroic and invincible swordsman in the world. He no longer had the decadent feeling he had when he followed me before.

"We're fine." The little girl responded to me, "But Lin Xi, you have to make a decision quickly, we can't beat him."

After the little girl finished speaking, the Nine Levels Demon Lord once again raised his finger at me.

"I suddenly remembered that some of my pets are also in your hands. Lin Xiangu, it's time for you to return my things to me."

As the Nine-Level Demon King hooked his fingers at me, the Demon Control Order suddenly appeared and flew towards the Nine-Level Demon Lord.

I was shocked.

"The Demon Control Order!"

I quickly stretched out my hand to catch the little flag flying towards the Ninefold Demon Lord.

But before I could catch the little flag, a white sword light hit me.

Sensing the murderous intention, I could only give up the demon control order and quickly turned around to avoid the sword attack.

When this sword light hit me, the Nine Levels Demon Lord didn't even move. The sword was held in his hand, and he didn't make a move on me at all.

The one who attacked me was the swordsman Jia Dao standing behind the Ninefold Demon Lord!

Only then did I realize that the swordsman Jia Dao has his own mind. He is the sword spirit of the Ninefold Sword, and he is also an assistant of the Ninefold Demon Lord! If we really want to fight, I will not only have to deal with the Ninefold Demon Lord, but I will also beware of the swordsman.

Jia Dao’s attack!

I didn't catch the Demon Controlling Order, and the Demon Controlling Order flew towards the Nine-layered Demon Lord.

The Nine Levels Demon Lord gently raised the corners of his lips with a proud smile. He seemed to have guessed that I was incapable of getting the Demon Control Order back.

Just when the Nine-Level Demon Lord stretched out his hand to get the Demon Control Order.

A spear flashing with golden light suddenly stabbed down from high in the sky!

This chapter has been completed!
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