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Chapter 1000 A pile of junk


"Bai Mu has turned into a dragon, and his inner elixir is more suitable for me than Snake Xian'er's.

"Yu Chen said, "It's just that this is a demon pill, and its aura is bloody and messy.

Only by purifying the demonic energy can this inner elixir be used by me.

Lin Xi, I am going back to Liu's house to purify the demon pill. During my absence, you should stay at the entrance of the hall and don't go anywhere.


I didn’t understand, “Why don’t I go to Liu’s house with you?”

Yuchen chuckled lightly and pinched my face, "You really want to see your in-laws?"

Wha... what kind of husband-in-law! He said it as if I wanted to marry him!

My face felt a little hot, but I still said bravely, "No way? It's not like I'm shameless, so why can't I go back with you?"

Besides, how long will it take for you to leave? I don’t want to be separated from you... Ugh!"

Before he finished speaking, his lips were sealed by Yuchen.

His slippery tongue penetrated my mouth, making my whole body suffused with his breath.

Qiao Jiu, he let go of me, and a transparent silk thread stretched between my lips and his, looking extremely ambiguous.

He held my face in his hands and pressed his forehead against mine.

A pair of black eyes, burning with lust.

He panted slightly and said in a low voice, "I went back this time to purify the demon pill. I don't have time to accompany you. It's boring for you to be alone in the mountains.

Just stay at home and wait for me. I will come back as soon as possible.


My heart beat faster and my whole body felt soft.

Looking at the handsome face right in front of him, he would just nod his head stupidly.

Yuchen chuckled lightly, he held my face, pecked me on the lips, and smiled maliciously, "You look like this, it makes me not want to leave.

How about I leave two days later?"

I came to my senses and quickly shook my head, "Yuchen, go early and come back early.

I'm waiting for you to come back.




Yuchen let go of me.

Seeing his body turn into a golden light, I shouted again, "Yuchen, you want to miss me!"


"Deep laughter swayed in the air, and the golden light circled around me and flew out.

Seeing the golden light disappear, I felt as if something was missing for a moment, and a sense of emptiness rose from the bottom of my heart.

Have I been poisoned by Yuchen? Otherwise, how could this happen?

No matter how much I love him, I can't just start missing him right after he leaves, right?

It's over, I probably won't be able to live without this man in this life.

"Brother Ma, can you and Third Master consider how I, a single fox, feel?" Hu Jinyue rolled her eyes at me dissatisfied, "I am a fox, not a dog, and I don't like to eat dog food! You two can be the same."


I even forgot that Hu Jinyue was still in the box.

My face turned red all of a sudden and I said to him, "Why didn't you say these words when Yuchen was here just now!" A typical example of bullying and shying away from the strong.

Hu Jinyue laughed twice and said, "Brother Ma, I didn't say anything just now, not because I was afraid of the Third Master, but because there were some things that were difficult to say when the Third Master was around.


I didn't want to pay attention to his bragging, so I turned around and walked out of the box.

Seeing that I didn't believe him, Hu Jinyue caught up to me and said, "Brother Ma, do you know the real reason why the third master didn't take you back to the Liu family? You don't really think that the third master has told you the truth, do you?"

I stopped and looked at him, "Do you know?"

Hu Jinyue raised her chin proudly and took advantage of the situation, "Two bottles of Moutai!"

This dead fox!

I grinded my teeth, "I'll buy it for you now!"

Jinmai is the largest entertainment venue in Liaocheng, and there is certainly no shortage of good wine here.

I asked Wan Shangyu to help me arrange a private room for Hu Jinyue, and then called the waiter.

Seeing the foreign wines on the drink list, Hu Jinyue stopped asking for Maotai and ordered the most expensive wine on the list.

After ordering the wine, the waiter smiled and asked me, as if he was worried that I had no money, "Who among you will pay for the order?"

"Who are you looking down on!" Hu Jinyue stood up angrily, "Does this young master look like a man without money? My younger brother, Ma, give him money!"

He said it generously, but those drinks totaled nearly one million, how could I have so much money!

I grabbed Hu Jinyue and was about to speak when the box door was suddenly pushed open from the outside and Wan Shangyu walked in.

My eyes lit up, I pointed at Wan Shangyu and said, "He gives me money!"

Wan Shangyu waved his hand, without looking at the drink list, and said generously, "The cost of this box will be charged to my account.


The waiter knew Wan Shangyu, nodded quickly and said yes, and then went out.

The box door closed again.

I looked at Hu Jinyue, "Now you can tell me, what do you know?"

Hu Jinyue narrowed her eyes and smiled and said, "Brother Ma, there are five disadvantages and three shortcomings in practicing Taoism.

When animals practice Taoism, there are also two kalpas of abandonment.

The four equanimities are to give up greed, anger and delusion.

The two tribulations refer to the tribulation of life and death and the tribulation of entering the devil.

The calamity of becoming a demon here refers to the degeneration of the immortal family into demons.


"My little brother Ma, the third master of Sishe has all broken his precepts.

Now he swallowed another demon pill.

If I guessed correctly, driven by the demonic power, the Third Master's calamity is about to come.

He returned to the Liu family to go through the evil tribulation.


No wonder he didn't take me with him.

I asked worriedly, "Is it dangerous to survive the tribulation?"

Hu Jinyue shook her head, "Becoming a demon is not life-threatening in the first place. The worst result is to become a demon and become a monster.

However, don't worry, little brother Ma, the Third Master has a high level of cultivation, and the entire Liu family will protect him, so the evil spirit will not affect him.


Wan Shangyu sat aside and sneered when he heard this, "That's not necessarily the case.

Lin Xi, maybe if he comes back, he will become a big monster, or a big murderous monster.


I glared at Wan Shangyu, "No ivory can come out of a dog's mouth! Yuchen just helped you, and you turned around and cursed him. Wan Shangyu, don't you think you are too ungrateful?"

After all, Wan Shangyu is the eldest young master, and he has been admired since he was a child. Now that he is scolded by me, his face looks a little ugly, "Lin Xi, when Yuchen kills you in the future, you will know that what I say now is true.

A demon is a demon, no matter how many good things he does, he can't cover up the crimes he has committed.

And you.


Wan Shangyu looked at Hu Jinyue, "You are an immortal family. Since ancient times, good and evil have not been coexisting. You should unite with other immortal families in the hall to kill the big demon instead of obeying the big demon. You are simply embarrassing the immortal family.



Hu Jinyue looked at Wan Shangyu as if she was crazy, "Master Wan, I can't beat the Third Master.

Even if I unite all the immortal families in the hall, I can't beat the third master.

Master Wan, since you are so brave and have such a sense of justice, I will leave it to you to kill the Third Master.

I’m waving the flag and cheering for you next to you, come on!”

Wan Shangyu was about to say something else, when the waiter came in to deliver drinks.

When wine is delivered to other private rooms, the waiter brings it on a tray.

When we arrived at our private room, the waiter came in with a wine trolley.

There are three floors, upper, middle and lower, and each floor is full of things.

After coming in, the waiter said, "There is another car behind us.


Wan Shangyu was dumbfounded. He recognized that Hu Jinyue ordered all famous wines, and looked at Hu Jinyue with wide eyes, "How much did you order? Can you finish it!"

Hu Jinyue picked up a bottle of wine and said, "Don't worry, Master Wan, I promise not to waste a drop of this wine.


I've seen the price. Wan Shangyu is bleeding heavily this time.

Seeing Wan Shangyu's expression of pain, I felt better.

You deserve it, let him keep talking bad about Yuchen!

After the wine was served, Hu Jinyue had no time to talk to me. He opened the wine and took Wan Shangyu to drink with him.

It was already midnight, and I told Hu Jinyue that I was going home.

Then I left Jinmai and took a taxi back home.

When I got home and saw Long Yue sitting in the living room, I suddenly felt less sleepy.

I have to find a way to send Long Yue away, otherwise I would feel awkward facing her every day.

Seeing that I was the only one coming back, Long Yue hurriedly asked, "Where is Yuchen?"

I was too lazy to pay attention to her and turned around to walk to the bedroom.

Long Yue chased after me and grabbed my arm, "I'm asking you something! Is my father dead?"

I was stunned for a moment, "How do you know?"

Long Yue let go of me, looking sad, "I feel it.

It was Yuchen who did it, right?"

"Long Zhongtian set a trap to kill Yuchen, so Yuchen took action.

"After that, I opened the door and walked into the bedroom.

Long Yue's voice came from behind, "All our Long family members are dead, and I am the only one left.

Lin Xi, do you know why Yuchen didn’t kill me?”

I had a premonition that she wouldn't say anything nice, so I ignored her.

As expected, Long Yue said in the next sentence, "Because Yuchen loves me.

He was reluctant to let me die! Before there was no hatred, Yuchen and I were very happy together.

But later, he and I became enemies. He could no longer love me, but he couldn't let me go either.

Lin Xi, I will wait until the day when he lets go of his hatred and we will be together again. The person Yuchen loves is me, and you are just a substitute!"

I closed the door and cursed that I was sick.

Although I don't believe what Long Yue said, I have to admit that her words did have a certain influence on me.

After all, as long as you are a woman, you will have a natural hostility towards a creature like your ex-girlfriend.

I lay on the bed and decided to call Bai Changgui out at dawn and ask him to take Long Yue away.

But what happened after dawn made me not care about dealing with Long Yue.

This chapter has been completed!
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