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Chapter 1006 Three Realms and Six Paths


Crossing the clear path is equivalent to receiving a marriage certificate for humans.

You can still divorce only after getting a marriage certificate.

After passing the Ming Road, especially after reporting it to various immortal families, the two people will be tied together for life and death.

I am a human being and I only live a few decades.

But if I die, Yuchen will not die. Yuchen can find my next life according to the engagement contract.

Being together for life after life sounds very touching, but who knows what I will be reincarnated into in my next life?

Maybe Joe is a cow or sheep, maybe he is a tree, maybe he is a little bug, or what if I am reincarnated as a man?

I love Yuchen, but I'm not that greedy.

I said, "Yuchen, there's no need to cross the bright road."


As if he could tell what I was worried about, Yuchen took my hand, put it to his lips, kissed him, and then said, "No matter what you are reincarnated into, I want you.


"What do you want, third child, shut up!" came an authentic Northeastern dialect, and Brother Liu stared angrily.

Brother Liu reminded in a low voice, "Brother, pay attention to your accent.


"Be careful! If you don't let me talk anymore, the third child will go to Fangjiewa.

Second brother, if you can control him, I will be happy and free! If you can't control him, just shut up and listen to me!" Ye Qiao's accent is a problem. When Brother Liu speaks, his majesty and solemnity are gone, and he changes instantly.

A warm-hearted brother from the Northeast.

"Brother, it's so nice of you to be like this. How tiring it is to carry it.

Moreover, the way you looked just now scared my wife.

"Yu Chen pulled me into his arms, patted my back, and whispered to me, don't be afraid, his elder brother's behavior just now was all pretending.

Brother Liu was not happy when he heard what Yuchen said, "What does it mean to pretend? This is the first time I see your wife, and I have to act like a parent! Third brother, please stop pretending to me.

And you, second brother, what idea did you come up with to make me scare that little girl?

If you scare away the third child’s wife, I can’t spare you!”

"Yes, brother, it's all my fault.

After saying that, Brother Liu secretly glared at Yuchen, "Can you understand something so that I don't have to scold you a lot?"


Yuchen said, "Second brother, you were scolded by your elder brother because you had a bad idea. What does this have to do with me?


After saying that, Yuchen looked at Brother Liu again, "Brother, the second brother is disgusting with your accent. I have never disliked it.

My eldest brother speaks boldly, and I like to listen to my eldest brother's words.


"Stop flattering me! It's useless if you flatter me. Don't even think about crossing the road.

You live this life with the little girl, and after a hundred years, the little girl, you can settle down and cultivate immortality for me.


It can be seen that Brother Liu sincerely plans for Yuchen.

It can also be seen that these three brothers have a really good relationship.

Sister-in-law Liu sat next to me and whispered to me that when I first picked up Yuchen, he was still a young dragon. During these thousand years, Brother Liu has raised Yuchen as his son.

This was the first time Yuchen brought a girl to meet him. Despite the fierce look on his face, he was actually very nervous inside.

I was talking to Mrs. Liu, while the three brothers were drinking.

At first I could still muster the energy to stay there, but soon I started to feel sleepy.

It's already past three in the morning. They are immortals, so they can stay up, but I can't.

Zhuyun and Caiyun are young and need to rest.

Sister-in-law Liu told the three of them to continue drinking, and then took me, Zhuyun and Caiyun to bed.

I don’t know how long I slept, but as I was drifting off, I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.

I pulled the quilt over my head, not wanting to answer the door, but the person knocking on the door became more and more anxious, as if he would never give up.

"Who is it?" I forced myself out of bed and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, a boy of eighteen or nineteen rushed in. He grabbed my wrist and said anxiously, "Sister Ling, run away quickly, they are coming to kill me!"

What sister Ling?

I was just about to say that the boy had recognized the wrong person, when I looked up and saw that the door outside was not a hotel corridor at all, but an antique courtyard.

The door to the courtyard was wide open, and you could see people fighting not far away. There was blood and corpses everywhere.

I turned to look at the boy again. The boy was eighteen or nineteen years old, handsome and handsome. He was dressed in a silver-white ancient costume. He was Bai Mu.

"Sister Ling, don't be in a daze, it's too late if you don't run!" Bai Mu grabbed me and ran out.

While escaping, I looked around.

I found that this is a small village in the mountains, surrounded by mountains. The buildings in the village are simple and uniform.

It looks like a small tribe hidden in the mountains.

There are villagers fighting with the intruders on the street. The intruders are all dressed in black, covering their faces with black veils, holding weapons, and are vicious. It can be seen that the intruders have received professional training.

Byakumu drove me away from the village while repelling the intruders.

After running out of the village and into the woods, I finally had time to ask, "Who are those men in black?"

"I don't know, and I don't know how they destroyed the barrier and killed them.

Sister Ling, don't be afraid, we are going to find Yuchen now, he will protect us.


I was startled, "Yuchen?"

Aren't Bai Mu and Yu Chen enemies?

When the dragon spirit was hidden in my body, I could see its memory through dreams.

Now that Baime is hidden in my body, what I see now should be Baime's memory.

In this memory, Bai Mu and Yuchen may not be enemies yet.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard a huge chirping sound suddenly coming from ahead, the sound was like a roaring bell, deafening and deafening.

The sound wave formed by the sound was like a knife, attacking all around. The surrounding trees were attacked by the sound wave, and their branches were broken. Some small trees were even uprooted and flew away.

I watched the trees around me break, but I felt nothing.

Bai Mu held his ears in pain, shrunk his body, and after a while, he stood up. His face was a little pale, and blood overflowed from the corners of his eyes and lips.

He took my hand and comforted me and said, "Sister Ling, don't be afraid. The sound just now was definitely not from the clan leader. If the clan leader is so powerful, nothing will happen to him.


I nodded dumbly.

I have no idea what's going on!

Seeing me like this, Bai Mu seemed to think I was sad, so he ran forward with me and said, "Sister Ling, no matter what happens, Xiao Bai will definitely protect you.

Even if she died, Xiaobai would never allow others to hurt her sister in the slightest.


His voice had a crying tone, and he sounded like he was about to cry.

I was just about to comfort him when he suddenly stopped.

I was unprepared and bumped into him.

His body was as stiff as an iron plate. My nose was sore from being hit, and tears welled up all of a sudden.

"Sister Ling, don't look!" After being stiff for a moment, he turned around and raised his hand to cover my eyes.

I opened his hand, looked forward, and asked in shock, "What is this!"

Ahead is a large open space, with a huge demonic purple formation map spread out in the open space. The land in the formation map has turned into a swamp, and the swamp is filled with demonic purple heat, as if a pot has been boiled.

The water is boiling with bubbles.

And in this high-temperature swamp, there is a giant green dragon struggling and rolling!

I have seen this formation diagram before. It was this formation diagram that Long Zhongtian laid out when he planned Yuchen.

At that time, Long Zhongtian said that this formation diagram was used when exterminating the Dragon Clan.

So, the scene I’m experiencing now is the dragon clan being destroyed?!

Bai Mu turned out to be a witness to the destruction of the dragon clan!

Next to the huge formation diagram, stood a man dressed in black with his face covered in black gauze. The man's hands were in seals, and it was this man who was supporting the formation diagram that swallowed the dragon.

"Yu Chen! Yu Chen!" In the swamp, the giant dragon kept wailing, "If you destroy my people, you will not die well!"

Ten thousand questions popped up in my mind instantly.

Where is Yuchen? Isn't Yuchen a dragon? He was seriously injured here and almost died. Why did this giant dragon say that Yuchen destroyed his people?

Bai Mu also saw the man supporting the magic circle, and he said, "Sister Ling, I'm going to save the old patriarch, you find a place to hide.


I quickly pulled Bai Mu back, "Don't go, you can't beat him."


Baime is just a snake demon. His opponent can even kill the leader of the dragon clan. If Baime goes there, he will die!

Bai Mu's eyes were red and he said bitterly, "Then I also need to know who that person is! Sister Ling, we must know who our enemy is!"

Qiao Shibai's voice was too loud, and the man standing next to the formation diagram turned his head to look over.

It was dusk at this time, the sun was setting in the west and stopped behind the man, like a huge red disk.

The setting sun sprinkled down like blood and shone on the man. The man was like a bloody murderer, full of murderous aura.

The man wore a veil, revealing only a pair of eyes, and his black eyes were as deep as abyss.

If you like someone enough and your eyes are full of him, then even if you only see a certain part of his body, you will recognize him at a glance.

This is how I feel now. I am sure that the man standing next to the formation is Yuchen!

As if God felt my urgency to confirm, a gust of wind blew and the black veil fell.

This chapter has been completed!
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