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Chapter 1094 Mysterious Tribe


The whip struck him, making a crackling sound.

The black clothes on Yuchen's body were already very shabby. After the beating, the clothes tore open again, revealing the blood stains from being whipped.

Even though he was injured, Yuchen didn't scream. His body shook a little, and he couldn't tell whether it was from fear or pain. Then he curled up and moved to the corner.

Seeing that he remained silent, the person who beat him seemed to have been provoked. The dragon boy beat him harder, scolding him while beating him, "You little bastard, show your true self quickly! If you show your true self, we won't beat you."

You! Otherwise I won’t give you food for the next month! Are you deaf? What did you hear? I’ll show you your true form!”

Yuchen was beaten so hard that he kept shrinking back until his back was pressed against the iron cage, with no way to retreat.

Seeing that he had no place to hide, the two teenagers fought even more vigorously.

"Stop!" I couldn't stand it anymore and shouted.

Then, I walked towards the square.

With this step, I felt that my body was unusually light, and I suddenly changed from walking to flying.

Is this how mana is used?

I was shocked, but thinking that there were so many people watching around me, I suppressed my surprise and kept a calm look on my face.

When I landed next to the iron cage, the two teenagers also stopped beating Yuchen.

A young man looked at me and said with a smile, "It turns out to be the fairy from Ziwei Palace.

The fairy is kind-hearted and cannot bear to see this bloody scene, so let's forgive the little bastard for the sake of little Xian'e today.


"What did you call him?" These three words made me feel extremely harsh.

"You little bastard," said the young man, "the fairy has lived in Ziwei Palace for a long time, so he may not know much about this evil beast.

This bastard has no name, so everyone calls him little bastard.


Yun Ling did say that the name Yuchen was given to him by Yu Ling.

I originally thought that his father should give him a name even if he didn't like him, but that name didn't sound good, so Yu Ling gave him the name Yu Chen.

I really didn’t expect that before I met Yu Ling, he didn’t even have a name!

I felt a little distressed and turned to look at him.

As if he noticed my gaze, Xiao Yuchen slowly turned his head.

Their eyes met, and the next second, Xiao Yuchen looked away warily.

Although we only looked at each other for a brief moment, it was enough to make me feel heartbroken.

That's not the look of a child. It can even be said that it's not the look of a person.

Cold and alert, as if the surroundings were full of danger.

In order to survive, he turned himself into a beast.

I have always known that Yuchen had a hard time as a child, and I also feel that I feel sorry for him.

But now that I saw it with my own eyes, I realized that the suffering he suffered was something I had never even imagined.

I wanted to cry, so I suppressed my tears and said to the dragon boy, "From today on, I will take care of this black dragon's three meals a day.

Heaven allows Black Dragon to return to the Dragon Clan to give Black Dragon a chance to change his ways and to let the Dragon Clan lead him on the right path.

The purpose of sending him back is not for you to abuse him! You can tell your clan leader now about my request. If your clan leader disagrees, then I will go to heaven now and tell the story of what happened to the black dragon here.

Let the old gods who advocate sending the black dragon back make their own comments.


After I finished speaking, the surrounding scene suddenly changed again.

Day turned into night, and the crowded square turned into empty space.

I was standing next to the iron cage holding the food box.

I was stunned for a while before I realized. It seemed that the Dragon Clan agreed to my request.

I opened the food box and there was a roast chicken inside and a bowl of rice next to it.

I don't know if I should praise Yu Ling for her good memory, but she actually remembers such details.

She didn't remember how the Dragon Clan promised her, but she remembered what she gave Yuchen!

I took out the roasted chicken and put it into the iron cage, "Yuchen, this is for you to eat."


Xiao Yuchen remained motionless.

I thought for a while before I realized that his name is not Yuchen yet, so maybe he doesn't even know that I am calling him.

I said again, "Little Black Dragon, the name of little bastard is too unpleasant.

I will give you a new name, and you will be called Yuchen from now on.

Yuchen, do you like this name?"

Xiao Yuchen was still huddled in a corner and ignored me.

I continued, "Whether you like it or not, you will be called Yuchen from now on! Also, if someone hits you in the future, just hit him back. With your skills, how many children from the Dragon Clan can beat you?"

?Why are you being beaten by them so stupidly!"

Xiao Yuchen finally responded. He turned his head and looked at me.

Under the moonlight, his black eyes were as cold as a dormant lone wolf, alert and dangerous.

He doesn't trust anyone, certainly not me.

I put the rice and roasted chicken into the iron cage and said, "I'll come see you tomorrow."


Wild animals will eat only after confirming that the surroundings are safe.

I'm here, I guess Xiao Yuchen doesn't know how to eat.

So after saying that, I left.

I thought he would eat if I left.

But in the end, I still underestimated his vigilance.

The next day, I went to look for him with the food box, only to find that he hadn’t eaten a bite of the food from the previous day.

I explained to Xiao Yuchen for a long time that I was not a bad person, and then I ate the food in the food box in front of him.

But that's it, Xiao Yuchen still didn't eat a bite of the food I gave him.

Since I am responsible for Xiao Yuchen's three meals a day, the Dragon Clan no longer delivers meals to him.

If he doesn't eat what I give him, it means he doesn't eat or drink.

I think he is still young and has not yet inedged himself, so he will not be able to hold on for long.

But until the fifth day, he still didn't eat a bite.

He was already thin, and after five consecutive days of not eating or drinking, he was almost reduced to skin and bones, huddled together, as thin as a person who was about to starve to death due to a famine.

I looked at him huddled in the corner, feeling both distressed and angry, "If I come tomorrow morning and see you still haven't eaten, then I will never see you again!"

The next morning, when I brought my food box to see Xiao Yuchen, I found that the square was crowded with people again.

In the past few days, no one has come to the Dragon Clan to watch the fun. Today, so many people suddenly appeared, and I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart.

I speeded up and flew to the iron cage.

As I got closer to the iron cage, I saw two teenagers lying in front of the iron cage. They were the same two men who whipped Xiao Yuchen last time.

A young man fell to the ground, unconscious.

The other one covered his chest, struggled to get up from the ground, and cursed Xiao Yuchen, "You little bastard, how dare you hurt someone! I'm going to report to the clan leader now. You are wild and untamable and are causing trouble. I will make the clan leader punish you."

I’ll punish you severely!”

"When I said that I wanted to bring the Black Dragon back, I disagreed! The evil aura around him is simply the reincarnation of a evil ghost. Look, something happened! Let's go to the clan leader together and ask the clan leader to drive the Black Dragon out! If he stays here, he will give

We bring bad luck!”

"Yes! Let's go together! Drive away the black dragon!"

"Drive away the black dragon..."

The crowd responded enthusiastically.

Only then did I realize that all these people were from the Dragon Clan.

Why didn't anyone stand up when Xiao Yuchen was beaten? Now that they were beaten, they turned around and scolded Xiao Yuchen for being wild and untamable! What a double standard!

I fell on the big iron cage, looked down at everyone, and shouted loudly, "You are right, find the leader of the Dragon Clan here now, and let him see with his own eyes how shameless the younger generations of the Dragon Clan are! Their skills are inferior to others.

I'm going to file a complaint. How old are you, and have you been weaned?"

The boy's face turned red when I scolded him, and he glared and said, "Fairy, don't be fooled by his appearance. Although he looks small, he is actually extremely vicious.

Besides, he was the one who injured us, so why not let me go to the clan leader to make the decision?"

"Huh," I thought that arguing with this kind of person would lower my IQ. I said, "How dare he hurt you? He was in a cage and couldn't get out. If you didn't take the initiative to approach him, he would have

Is the opportunity approaching you?"

As I spoke, I jumped off the iron cage. After landing smoothly, I took a look inside the iron cage.

Xiao Yuchen was still huddled in the corner, but he no longer lowered his head, but looked up at me.

There were several new whip wounds on his body, and two whips were thrown not far in front of him.

Seeing this, I roughly guessed the whole story, so I continued, "You two beat him with whips, which made him angry and he resisted.

You two are no match for him, that's why you were injured.

Am I right? Boy, as long as you beat him, you won't let him resist.

If he resists and hurts you, you have to file a complaint and let the clan leader punish him! There is no such truth in this world, and do you really not feel embarrassed!"

If it were me, I wouldn't have the shame to say anything after losing.

What a good thing he is, he still makes such a big show of it that the evildoer complains first!

The boy blushed at what I said, "I...I didn't lose to him! He was able to hurt me because he used...an evil method! Yes, it is an evil method! He practices evil methods, he is a monster,

It’s time to get rid of him!”

Hearing the young man say that Xiao Yuchen was a monster, the people around him immediately echoed, saying that the black dragon was unknown and that it was time to kill the black dragon now.

This chapter has been completed!
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