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Chapter 1111 Find Wan Shangyu


Yang Jin waved his hand, "What can I know?

This sentence was told to me by the Ghost King.

At that time, I asked him if he knew who the real murderer was. He answered me that he knew, but he couldn't tell me.

He also said that if you want to know, little fairy girl, just ask him personally.


The ghost king mentioned by Yang Jin is Xiao Yuan.

Xiao Yuan did tell me that he knew a lot of things that I was interested in, and as long as I helped him break the binding spell, he would tell me all these things.

I comforted Yang Jin for a while. Yang Jin was tired of crying, so he stopped crying and returned to the incense hall.

After Yang Jin left, I lit incense and called Xiao Yuan out.

"Finally, you want to talk to me?" Xiao Yuan smiled casually, walked to the sofa and sat down.

Then he picked up an apple and said to me while eating it, "Lin Xi, you should have come to me a long time ago.

The sooner you come to me, the sooner you can know the truth of the matter.


I looked at him, "I want you to do me a favor?"

Xiao Yuan raised his eyebrows, as if he had anticipated what I was going to say, and his expression showed a bit of pride, "Go ahead.


"I want to see my grandma.


Obviously what I said was not what he expected. Xiao Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then said to me with a helpless smile, "Lin Xi, what have I done to make you so sorry that you are so wary of me now?"

What have you done, and you don’t know what it is?

For the sake of Long Ling, he lied to me that Yuchen wanted to harm me and asked me to burn Wu Jie's body, thus ruining Yuchen's plan to resurrect Wu Jie.

Later, Yun Ling killed Wu Jie, and in order to avenge Wu Jie, he used me to kill Yun Ling.

He is a scheming person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his own goals. I admit that I can't beat him when it comes to scheming, so I can only be more wary of him.

Seemingly seeing that I no longer believed him, Xiao Yuan smiled and continued, "Lin Xi, you are a little heartless.

You like Third Master, so you are willing to do anything for Third Master.

I like Ah Ling, so can’t I do something for Ah Ling? Besides, the things I did didn’t hurt you.


Hearing what he said, I laughed angrily and said, "The first time you used me to plot against Yuchen, the second time you used me to kill Yun Ling.

So, you still say you haven't hurt me?"

"Oh, it turns out that hurting the people you care about is equivalent to hurting you.

"The smile on Xiao Yuan's face disappeared and he asked me seriously, "The person who killed your grandma, was he also hurting you? You can't even forgive me, so why can you forgive the one who killed your grandma?

Man? Is it possible that in your heart, your grandma has no status, not even as good as Third Master and Yun Ling?"

I was stunned when asked.

I didn't expect that he could still get me in when I was already wary of him.

He is more sinister than I thought!

I looked at him and said, "I believe Yuchen, Yuchen will not be the murderer of my grandma.


Seeing that I was getting serious, Xiao Yuan returned to his playful smile, "Lin Xi, why are you so nervous? I didn't say it was the third master who did it.

It's just that even if I don't say it, you will feel clear in your heart that the third master has nothing to do with this matter.

According to you humans, Third Master is either the principal culprit or an accomplice.

Let his crime be lighter, even if he is not even an accomplice, then he is still covering up the murderer.

Lin Xi, does the accomplice need not be sentenced, or does shielding the murderer deserve forgiveness? Don't you think you are a little too tolerant of the third master? It was your grandma who died, and the third master was helping the murderer. In this case, you can forgive him!


I looked at Xiao Yuan and said nothing.

I actually understand what he said.

I had a fight with Yuchen before because I couldn't forgive his behavior.

He is my man. If a member of my family was killed, he should be on my side instead of helping the murderer! He is the person I am closest to and the one I can most rely on when I am most helpless.

, he did not stand firmly by my side, but in order to protect the murderer, he said that he killed my grandma.

He never thought about how sad and painful I would be when I heard him say those words!

Love will disappear.

At a certain moment, you will suddenly realize that you don't love that person as much as you thought, or you will find that that person doesn't actually love you.

When Yuchen personally admitted to me that he killed my grandmother, and when I decided to leave him, I had the feeling that we would be completely cut off.

Now, I can recall how I felt at that time, but I can no longer empathize with it.

Because since I fused with Yu Ling, my feelings for Yu Chen have become deeper.

As Xiao Yuan said, I am very tolerant of Yuchen, as if I can accept anything in the world as long as I can be with him.

Xiao Yuan didn't mean to wait for my response. After saying that, he paused for a while and then continued, "It's not surprising that you are like this, because you have a triple binding spell. This spell is engraved in your soul."

, no matter how dissatisfied you are with the third master, in the end these dissatisfactions will turn into love under the influence of the spell.

The most powerful thing about this spell is that the more and more strongly you hate him, the more love he gets from you.


Xiao Yuan said, Yu Ling hates Yu Chen. After I fused with Yu Ling, Yu Ling's strong hatred for Yu Chen was transformed into love for Yu Chen by the triple binding spell, so I was affected by the so-called love.

, and became even more devoted to Yuchen.

"Lin Xi, I don't expect you to believe me. I just want to give you a warning.

Your current feelings are not your real feelings at all. You are like a puppet being manipulated, and the third master is your master.

If you want to be a puppet without your own feelings for the rest of your life, then just pretend that I never said these words.

But if you still have some ideas of your own, then I can make a bet with you.


Xiao Yuan said that the Liu family was very kind to Yuchen, so Yuchen would not let me have a conflict with the Liu family, so he would not let me see the Liu family.

When Yuchen comes back soon, he will definitely tell me that I will not be able to meet the Liu family for the time being.

Having said this, Xiao Yuan smiled, looked at me and said, "When you hear the news, not only will you not be angry, you will not even be disappointed.


"How is this possible!" I blurted out my doubts.

I didn't believe that Yuchen would find any excuse to deal with me, nor did I believe that I had no reaction at all when I heard that I couldn't see Xiao Caiyun.

Now I desperately want to find out the truth about Grandma Xiao's death, and Xiao Caiyun is the only clue. How could I not be angry if I was not allowed to see Xiao Caiyun!

Xiao Yuan ignored my question and said, "By the way, Lin Xi, you can't see your grandma anymore.

When you merged with Yu Ling and fell into a coma, Third Master went to the underworld and helped your grandma enter reincarnation.


After saying that, Xiao Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Third Master is back, I will go back to Xiangtang first.

Lin Xi, I'll wait for you to find me again.


As he spoke, he walked towards the hall's room. When he reached the door, he stopped, looked sideways at me and said, "Lin Xi, I have my own intentions, but I have never wanted to harm you.

This sentence is true, of course, believe it or not.


After saying that, he walked through the door and returned to the hall.

After Xiao Yuan left, the door was opened from the outside, and Yu Chen walked in.

"Have you met Xiao Yuan?" Yuchen asked me, probably sensing the aura left by Xiao Yuan.

I felt a little guilty for no reason, "Well, I asked him about my grandma's condition.

He told me that you helped my grandma reincarnate.


Yuchen nodded and said, "Caiyun and the second sister-in-law have gone out to practice. I have asked the Liu family to look for them. When I find them, I will take you to see her.


The Immortal family will travel every few years to find a place that matches their own magic power to practice in order to achieve the goal of improving their cultivation.

It is normal for the second sister-in-law to take Caiyun on a trip.

I nodded and was about to speak when I suddenly realized that after hearing that I couldn't see Caiyun, not only was I not angry or disappointed, I had even thought of an excuse for Yuchen.

I 'think' about him so much!

I felt a little panicked.

What made me panic was not the fact that Xiao Caiyun left.

Xiao Yuan could first find out that Xiao Caiyun had left, and then use this matter to drive a wedge between me and Yuchen, so I didn't take it to heart at all when Xiao Yuan said that Yuchen would not let him see the Liu family.

What matters to me now is that Xiao Yuan said all my feelings correctly.

Is this the effect of the triple binding spell? Because of the spell, I don’t have any dissatisfaction with Yuchen?

Before merging with Yu Ling, Yu Chen and I had a huge quarrel, and I wanted to leave him.

But he offered to help me integrate Yu Ling.

At that time, I was still thinking, isn't he afraid that after I fuse with Yu Ling, I will hate him even more?

Now this problem can be figured out. If the triple binding spell really has such a powerful effect, then he is indeed not afraid that I will hate him.

I looked at Yuchen and said, "Yuchen, I want to ask you something.


This chapter has been completed!
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