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Chapter 1114 Overthrowing the Way of Heaven



I have never felt so painful, it felt like I was split open from the middle!

Logically speaking, as long as it was a one-shot death, I would have a chance to see who stabbed me.

But maybe I was just so unlucky. When the knife went down and I felt the pain, my vision went dark.

"Lin Xi!"

"Xiao Linxi!"

I heard Yuchen and Yun Ling calling me, and I tried hard to open my eyes and look at them.

But my eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and my consciousness became more and more blurred, until finally, I didn't know anything at all.

"Sister? Sister!" A childish voice suddenly came.

I opened my eyes with difficulty.

What comes into view is the blue sky, which is high and bright, as clean as a large piece of blue glass.

I was lying on the marble floor, and next to me was a big iron cage.

I was startled when I saw the iron cage, and then quickly turned my head to look inside the cage.

Xiao Yuchen was squatting on the edge of the cage, stretching out his little hands to pull my clothes, and calling me sister while pulling me.

Seeing that I was awake, Xiao Yuchen blinked his big eyes, looked at me and said, "Sister, if you are tired, go back.

No need to stay with me here.


I stared at him blankly, my mind in confusion.

Wasn't I stabbed to death? Why did I end up in Yu Ling's memory again?

When I thought about it again, I felt stupid. Yuchen was right next to me. How could he let me be stabbed to death with a knife?

After thinking about this, my uneasy heart slowly calmed down.

I stood up and said to Xiao Yuchen, "I'm leaving then."

Last time I came here, I only saw some clips of getting along with Xiao Yuchen. I hope I can see some other memories this time.

I was just about to leave when I heard Xiao Yuchen call me, "Sister, I have already considered what you asked me to consider.

I want to say sorry..."

When he spoke, Xiao Yuchen's smile faded, his brows furrowed, and his face was serious. Moreover, as if it was difficult for him to speak, his voice became softer and quieter, so that I didn't even hear what he said next.


Seeing him like this, I was not only curious.

He is still a child now, what kind of things can Yu Ling ask him to do, and still put him in such a difficult position?

I looked down at him.

Xiao Yuchen is now a little older than last time. He looks about seven or eight years old. He is wearing a patched blue robe. The robe is very fat against his small body.

Maybe because Yu Ling took good care of him three times a day, his face became more fleshy, and he had the baby fat that a child of this age should have.

He is fair, has flesh on his face, and has a pair of big dark eyes that are as moist as a cub's. He is a Q version of Yuchen, looking soft and cute.

I was just thinking about things and didn't look at him carefully.

Now that I see it, my old aunt's heart suddenly melts into cuteness.

I followed my heart and reached out to pinch Xiao Yuchen's face.

Slippery and fleshy, like a puddle of water, it feels so good!

Xiao Yuchen was stunned by my pinch, and his little face was deformed, but he didn't hide. He just stared at me in surprise with his big eyes.

I looked at him who was bullied by me casually, and smiled like a villain, "Why are you glaring at me? I tell you, it's useless for you to glare at me.

If you were young, I would pinch you!" When he grows up, even if I have ten courages, I won't dare to do such a thing to him.

Thinking that he would bully me in the future, I immediately pinched his face harder.

Xiao Yuchen hissed in pain.

When I heard his sound of pain, I realized that I was exerting too much force, and I quickly let go.

The little guy's face turned red from my pinching.

"Does it hurt?" I am also a mean person, and the person who bullied me is not him now, so why should I lose my temper with Xiao Yuchen!

I was about to apologize when Xiao Yuchen suddenly said, "Sister, it doesn't hurt.

You keep touching.


As he spoke, he moved his face closer to me again.

Then he grabbed my hand, put it on his face, and then continued, "Sister, I've thought about it, and I promise you to help you steal Zhenyao Pavilion's magic weapon.


I was shocked, "What are you going to do for me?"

Xiao Yuchen looked at me, his big eyes twinkling, and he said confidently, "Sister, don't worry, don't think you think I'm young, but I'm actually quite advanced.

I will never be caught, and even if I am caught, I will not confess my sister.


Am I worried that you will be caught? I am surprised why you want to steal something!

From what Xiao Yuchen said, Yu Ling asked him to steal it.

Why did Yu Ling steal the magic weapon so well?

I thought for a moment, then looked at Xiao Yuchen and asked, "Where is Zhenyao Pavilion?"

Xiao Yuchen looked at me in surprise, "Sister, Zhenyao Pavilion is the place where the Xian family's discarded magic weapons are discarded. This is what you told me.

Have you forgotten? You also said that according to your immortal age, you should have been assigned your magic weapon long ago, but because you were a mortal before..."

Xiao Yuchen said that Yu Ling introduced her life experience like this. She was a mortal who accidentally saved a great fairy. In order to repay her for saving her life, the great fairy gave her an elixir.

She relied on this elixir to ascend to immortality.

Because she has never practiced formally, even if she becomes an immortal, she can only be a little fairy in Ziwei Palace, and there is no place for her in the heaven.

Moreover, even among Xiao Xian'e, she is also the one with the lowest status.

Everyone bullied her, they didn't take her with them to practice, and they didn't distribute any magic weapons from her.

This resulted in her still not having a magic weapon of her own, so she wanted Xiao Yuchen to steal one for her.

"There are discarded magic weapons thrown around in Zhenyao Pavilion," Xiao Yuchen said. "Even if I steal one out, no one will notice.

Sister, I promised to steal it for you, are you happy?"

As expected of being a child, I asked him a question, and he told me all this in a few words.

Seeing his expression of expecting praise from me, I frowned and said, "Not happy!"

Xiao Yuchen was stunned.

I guess he couldn't figure it out. The person who asked him to steal things was 'me', and now that he agreed to steal it, the one who was unhappy was still me.

I didn't care if he could figure it out, and said to him, "Yuchen, you have abilities, but these abilities don't make you do evil.


Thinking that he would destroy the Dragon Clan in the future, put a curse on Yun Ling and Yu Ling, and even be related to the murder of my grandma, I couldn't help but feel a little excited. I said, "Yu Chen, be a good person! Never, ever.

Do something bad or I'll never come see you again!"

Hearing what I said, Xiao Yuchen looked panicked and hurriedly said, "I won't steal anymore, sister, don't be angry with me, I'll be good, I won't steal anymore!"

I nodded and turned to leave.

Xiao Yuchen stopped me again, "Sister, don't leave, stay with me.


I looked back at him, "But I'm a little tired.

"He said, I can leave when I'm tired, and I also want to visit other places and learn more about Yu Ling.

Xiao Yuchen sat on the ground, pouted, and looked up at me pitifully, "You are tired, can't you rest here? Sister, do you not like me anymore? That's why you don't even want to stay with me.

Don't want to anymore.

It turns out that what they said about me was true, and no one really liked me at all.

Sister, if you want to leave, just go and don't worry about me.


He is so pitiful, how could I have the heart to leave him?

I sat next to the iron cage and said to Xiao Yuchen, I am not leaving, I will stay with him.

Hearing what I said, Xiao Yuchen immediately laughed. He looked at me with his big eyes and asked, "Sister, you like me, right?"

I nodded and said casually, "Yes, I like you the most.


Xiao Yuchen smiled, "I also like my sister the most.

By the way, sister, do you know how to fry golden flowers I taught you now?"

Speaking of Fried Golden Flower, I suddenly became interested, and I said, "Yu Chen, please teach me some other spells.


Xiao Yuchen nodded quickly, "Okay.


I followed Xiao Yuchen to learn new spells, and soon it got dark.

Until dark, the surrounding scene did not change.

I can't stay here forever, waiting for the scene to change.

So I stood up and told Yuchen that I would help him prepare dinner.

"Then you must come back, I will wait for you.

"Afraid that my words would not count, Xiao Yuchen tugged on the corner of my clothes and said, "You must come!"

I nodded and told him that I would definitely come back.

After hearing what I said, Xiao Yuchen felt relieved and let me go.

I jumped up and flew high into the sky.

After flying, I was dumbfounded because I had no idea where I was going.

Where the heaven is and where the Ziwei Palace is, I have no idea!

Now I control this body, but I have no original memory of this body at all.

I can only look for people while flying, hoping to ask for directions when I find them.

I don’t know how long I flew, but I finally saw several little fairies in front of a palace.

I fell down, but before I could say anything, a little Xian'e ran towards me. She held my hand and said anxiously, "Sister Ling, you are finally back. Your Majesty is looking for you.


Who is your Majesty!

It’s not easy for me to ask this kind of question, so I can only worry about it in my heart.

As if seeing that I was worried, Xiao Xian'e continued, "Sister Ling, you don't have to be afraid. The theft of Zhenyao Pavilion has nothing to do with you. The black dragon is naughty in nature, and stealing things has nothing to do with you.


I was shocked, "Zhen Yao Pavilion was stolen?" Didn't Xiao Yuchen promise me not to steal? I can't just go ahead and steal something, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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