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Chapter 1118 Let go on purpose


I noticed what he was going to do, and I wanted to stop him, and I wanted to tell him not to do it.

But my body was controlled by a triple binding spell, and I couldn't move or speak.

All he could do was stare at Yuchen with wide eyes.

I want to ask him, do all the things he said to me before not count? It was him who said that we have a child, and we must be good in the future!

I still remember how happy he was when it was confirmed that he was pregnant.

Now he tells me that he doesn’t want this child! He doesn’t want the child, and he doesn’t want me either!

Do you have to take the blame? Even if there is really no other solution to this matter, can you go later?

As if he had read through my inner thoughts, Yuchen lowered his head and looked at me. His eyes were calm, but I could see suppressed pain in his eyes.

He said, "I originally wanted to delay it for ten months.

Until our child is born, I want to know if he is a boy or a girl. I want to know if he looks more like you or more like me.

I even thought that if the child was not born yet, we would be discovered.

Then I will take you to escape.

We hid so that the group of old gods in heaven could not find us.

With my ability, it won't be a problem for us to hide for more than ten years.

But how could I really do that.


I want to say, he can.

I am willing to follow him to escape. I am the criminal and I have caused him trouble. He does not need to feel sorry for me if he does so!

Yuchen took my hand, put it in his palm and squeezed it, and continued, "Lin Xi, you are not guilty, and what happened a thousand years ago has nothing to do with you.

You should live an honest life and have a bright future, instead of following me on the run and living like a mouse that cannot see the light of day.

What's more, our children shouldn't live this kind of life.


Yuchen's childhood was unfortunate, so his children must never live that kind of life again!

Speaking of this, Yuchen's eyes became firm, "Lin Xi, if I can come back this time, we will give birth to the child, and the family of three will never be separated again.


Now I can't even shake my head, I can only stare at Yuchen desperately, trying to express my inner thoughts as much as possible.

He said I was innocent, so how could he not be innocent! The person who really made the mistake is dead, but God is keeping an eye on us!

Yuchen lowered his head and kissed me hard on the lips, then stood up and left without looking at me again.

Watching his leaving figure, my heart felt like a knife and I was a little angry at the same time.

I really want to ask Yu Ling, what is she wary of about Yu Chen? There is nothing she can't trust about a man who uses all means to keep her alive!

Thousands of years ago, if she had told Yuchen, she would have stolen the Demon Control Order.

Maybe, her crime of stealing the fairy treasure has long been pardoned by Yuchen, just like her crime of rebellion.

Why would Yuchen suddenly find out about the Demon Control Order today, thousands of years later? He had no time to prepare a plan and was passive, so he had no choice but to take the blame!

I was anxious and thinking about ways to get out.

I can't really lie here and let Yuchen take the blame for me, accept the punishment from heaven for me, and then live or die in uncertainty.

How powerful the binding spell is when it controls a person's body, this has been clearly demonstrated by Xiao Yuan.

As the king of ghosts, Xiao Yuan later ate another ghost general. His ghost power was even stronger than before, but even so, when he was controlled by the binding spell, he had nothing to do.

Even Xiao Yuan couldn't break the binding spell, and I couldn't break it even more.

I could only worry and recite all the magic spells Xiao Yuchen taught me over and over in my mind, but it didn't have any effect.

It was like I was paralyzed on the bed, and I couldn't even make any movement.

From day to night, my heart sank little by little with the setting sun.

Yuchen has been gone all day, he must have been punished by heaven, right? Why hasn't he come back yet...

As the night deepens little by little, and then gets brighter little by little, fish-white appears on the horizon, and the sun slowly rises.

Another night passed.

I don’t know what Yuchen told Gu Han and the others when he left. It’s been a day and a night, but no one has come to the room to look at me.

I couldn't even move a finger, I could only open my eyes and watch the passage of time outside the window.

Waiting will make time very long, so I waited until night again in the long suffering.

It's been two days and one night, and Yuchen still hasn't come back...

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt a sudden lightness in my body, and then the touch of my body returned.

Because I had been lying motionless for too long, my whole body felt stiff and my hands and feet were numb. After a while, I managed to get up from the bed.

I walked out of the room.

In the living room, Gu Han and Wan Shangyu were sitting on the sofa watching TV. When they saw me coming out, Gu Han put down the snacks in his hands and ran towards me, "Third Master said that you need to rest to recover from your injuries, so we should not disturb you.

How are you feeling now? Are you hungry?"

I didn't answer Gu Han, but looked at Wan Shangyu and asked anxiously, "Where is Yuchen now?"

Wan Shangyu stood up, but before he could speak, Gu Han said first, "The third master has gone out and hasn't come back yet.


My brain buzzed.

When Yuchen left, he told me that there were two situations in which the binding spell could be unlocked.

One is that when he comes back, he will help me untie it.

The second is that he cannot come back. The person who cast the curse has died, and the owner of the binding spell is gone, so the binding spell will be automatically released.

Now that the binding spell has been lifted, but he hasn't come back yet, does this mean that he...

I dare not think about it any more.

I asked Wan Shangyu again, "Where is Yuchen now?"

Qiao Shi and my tone suddenly became very bad. Gu Han was frightened by me and looked at me in surprise.

Wan Shangyu opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "One hundred thunders burned the body, which is one more than the number of people who have survived the tribulation and become a god.

Lin Xi, even the third master can’t bear it..."

"Shut up!" I interrupted him. I couldn't tell whether I was angry or scared. My body began to tremble. "I'm asking you where they are now! I don't want to hear anything else!"

As soon as I finished speaking, the door to the room at the entrance suddenly opened from the inside.

Yun Ling and Yang Jin walked out of it. After they came out, a man also walked out.

When I saw who the man was, I was shocked.

It’s Jin Hui!

Jin Hui still looked like he was not interested in anything. His face was indifferent, and he acted as if he hadn't seen me when he saw me. He turned to ask Yun Ling, "The little fairy is pregnant. Now that the curse is broken, the child will definitely be born."

Can't keep it.

Phoenix, is this curse still unsolved?"

Yun Ling looked at me, her black eyes full of pain. After a long while, she squeezed out a few words through her teeth, "I don't understand.


Jin Hui seemed surprised by Yun Ling's decision, but his face was paralyzed, and he only raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Yuchen is dead, and even if the curse is not broken, the child in her belly will not survive.


When I heard Jin Hui say that Yuchen was dead, the anger in my heart suddenly rose, "Who allowed you to talk nonsense here, Qiao! Yuchen is not dead, I will go find him now!"

Gu Han didn't know what happened. When Jin Hui said that Yuchen was dead, she became angry and said, "What's wrong with you? When you first came, you stabbed Lin Xi, and now you cursed the third master to die."


Are you seeing other people well? You are Yang Jin's brother, so we allow you to appear here, Qiao. If you do this again, don't blame us for being rude to you!"

Hearing what Gu Han said, I looked at Jin Hui in shock, "It turns out you were the one who stabbed me!"

"Little Fairy Girl, I stabbed you not because I wanted to kill you, but because I wanted to help you break the curse.

"Jin Hui's expression remained unchanged and he said without any guilt, "However, I later found out that you were pregnant, so the curse was not released for you.


I ignored Jin Hui and asked Yun Ling, "Did you bring him here?"

Yun Ling suddenly appeared and attracted Yuchen's attention. Jin Hui took the opportunity to help me break the curse.

But none of them thought that I was pregnant.

Yun Ling did not deny it, "Xiao Lin Xi, Yu Chen used spells to control you, I want to help you.


"You were always here when I was unconscious, right?" I said, "Yun Ling and Yu Chen went to do what you did, you also know, right?"

"I know," Yun Ling replied to me, "This is what he deserves.


What should he deserve! What heinous crime has Yuchen committed to make these people want him dead!

Now I also figured out why Jin Hui suddenly changed his mind to save me.

At that time, the crazy old man bewitched me, and we found Jin Hui. Jin Hui's condition for helping me to remove the bewitched was Yuchen's life.

But later, Yuchen followed him into the house, and he didn't know what he said, but Jin Hui agreed to help me unconditionally remove the poison.

Thinking about it now, Yuchen should have told him at that time that he would die as a result of heaven's punishment before long.

Jin Hui wanted Yuchen to die, but also wanted Yuchen to suffer the pain of death, so in Jin Hui's opinion, the punishment of being burned by thunder was certainly better than letting Yuchen commit suicide.

I suddenly felt that whether it was Yuchen when he was a child or when he grew up, he was lonely. He had no one but himself.

Even Yu Ling is hiding something from him and is wary of him, and everyone else wants him to die!

At the same time, I also realized how important I was to him.

Also, when I doubted him, and when we were arguing about breaking up, he had very little expression on his face, but in fact he was probably more desperate than me.

I said no more, turned around and walked out.

Yun Ling chased me and grabbed my arm, "Where are you going?"

"Go find Yuchen.

"I said with absolute certainty.

Sometimes I think, my dad is gone, my grandma is dead, I am an orphan, and all I have is Yuchen.

But I never thought that Yuchen was only me from the beginning!

No matter where he goes, I will go with him. I will never leave him alone again.

This chapter has been completed!
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