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Chapter 1172 Change


In order to escape the pursuit of the Emperor of Heaven, Long Beiming and his wife decided to go to the ends of the earth.

Tianya Haijiao is the place where sinners in the heaven are exiled. At the junction of heaven and earth, legend has it that ferocious beasts are rampant there and mountains of corpses are piled up. It is a place more terrifying than hell.

It is also the only place where the three realms do not care.

As long as they escape inside, they will be able to escape the pursuit of the Emperor of Heaven.

They took the black dragon with them and fled for a long time.

Just when they found the entrance to the ends of the earth, they encountered a group of heavenly soldiers escorting sinners from heaven.

The heavenly soldiers discovered them and quickly called for reinforcements.

Along with the large number of heavenly soldiers, there were also demonic soldiers.

The three parties, the heavenly soldiers, the demonic soldiers, and Long Beiming and his wife, fought in a melee. This fight lasted for seven days and seven nights.

On the eighth day, the woman in the sarcophagus fainted and was caught by the heavenly soldiers.

Long Beiming was also exhausted. The demon soldiers and heavenly soldiers were constantly receiving new reinforcements, so they still had strong combat effectiveness.

Some of the heavenly soldiers fought with the demonic soldiers, while others surrounded Long Beiming and raised their weapons to execute Long Beiming and Heilong on the spot.

Long Beiming had no strength left at all. He hugged the black dragon and waited to die.

At this moment of life and death, the infant Black Dragon suddenly burst out with powerful power.

"Long Beiming said that it was a power he had never seen before," Yuchen said, "Thousands of heavenly and demonic soldiers were all knocked down in an instant..."

Seeing the terrifying power of the black dragon, Long Beiming finally understood why the Emperor of Heaven had to kill the black dragon.

If a person is too powerful and has evil thoughts, and no one can control him, then he will definitely become a catastrophe in the world and bring chaos to the world.

Black Dragon is his son, and Long Beiming is definitely not willing to kill Black Dragon just because of a legend.

But after seeing the power of the black dragon, Long Beiming was shaken. He was worried that the black dragon would bring disaster to the three realms like the legend.

So he had murderous intentions.

Long Beiming put the black dragon on the ground, then stood up with difficulty, his hands trembling as he mobilized the spiritual power in his body. He couldn't bear to do it, but he had to do it.

The black dragon is too dangerous. He cannot leave such a dangerous person in the world!

Just when Long Beiming was about to kill him, Heilong suddenly burst into tears.

Hearing the cry, Long Beiming's heart suddenly softened. This was his favorite woman who gave birth to his child. Did he really want to kill him? When he was struggling, the black dragon's body suddenly emitted

A golden light emitted, the golden light wrapped the little guy, and then took the little guy to fly quickly into the ends of the earth.

I was dumbfounded.

If the person who told me this story were anyone else, I would definitely call him bullshit! A swaddled baby not only has great power, but can also run away with cunning tricks.

This sounds so fake!

"Don't you believe it?" Yuchen asked, "Long Beiming didn't believe that a baby knew how to protect himself at first, but when he chased him to the end of the world, the pictures he saw made him believe it..."

Long Beiming chased him to the ends of the earth. He followed the black dragon's breath and found him in a village.

No, to be precise, I found them.

Long Beiming saw a dozen identical babies, and all of these babies had the aura of black dragons on them.

I was shocked, "Shadow clone?"

Yuchen didn't understand what a shadow clone was, so he frowned.

I explained, "It's just creating an illusion. Did the black dragon create the illusion to protect himself?"

"The hallucination is too low-level.

"Yu Chen said, "Those children are real babies, children from villages in the corners of the world.


As to why the babies were exactly the same, Long Beiming guessed that it was the powerful spiritual power of the black dragon that changed the appearance of these children.

This is like a human being possessed by a ghost. After being possessed for a long time, the human's appearance will gradually change due to the influence of the ghost's energy, and slowly become that ghost's appearance.

It's just that the black dragon's spiritual power is so powerful that the change in appearance is completed in an instant.

Seeing these babies, Long Beiming felt more and more that Black Dragon should not live in this world. He was still a baby and had such scheming and abilities. When he grows up, it would be great!

When Long Beiming was identifying which baby was the real black dragon, the demon army suddenly broke into the ends of the earth.

Long Beiming no longer had the strength to fight against the demonic soldiers, so he picked out a baby that looked most like a black dragon, picked up the baby and ran away.

The child he took away was Yuchen.

Hearing this, there was a question that I didn't understand. I asked, "Didn't the demon soldiers be defeated by the black dragon? Could it be that the reinforcements of the demon soldiers have arrived?" The reinforcements of the demon soldiers have arrived, and the reinforcements of the day soldiers should be arriving soon.

Then why were these babies not taken to the heaven, but all taken to the demon world?

Yuchen shook his head, "It's not reinforcements, it's the demon soldiers who were knocked unconscious who woke up.

Long Beiming said that when he carried me and escaped from the ends of the earth, he saw that the heavenly soldiers were still lying on the ground, but all the magic soldiers were awake.

It was the black dragon who chose the demon clan.


Ever since I learned about the Black Dragon, I have heard more than one person say that the Black Dragon is very powerful and that it is the ceiling of force value.

I thought I already knew how powerful the Black Dragon was, but now that I heard Yuchen’s words, I suddenly realized that all I knew was just scratching the surface.

The real black dragon can only be described as terrifying!

An infant can kill thousands of heavenly and demonic soldiers with one move.

Then in order to escape for his life, he deliberately cried to make Long Beiming soften his heart.

Then, he fled to the ends of the earth and distributed his spiritual power to other children to confuse the public in order to survive.

Finally, Long Beiming was his biological father. He was afraid that Long Beiming would recognize him, so he deliberately withdrew the power to suppress the demon soldiers, letting the demon soldiers break in and force Long Beiming to take him away.

Just like Yuchen said, it was the Black Dragon who chose the demon clan.

He did not choose the heavenly soldiers because the emperor wanted to kill him and it was safer to go to the demon clan than to the heaven.

A baby has calculated everything!

I don't know what else to say other than it's terrible.

I sorted out my thoughts and asked Yuchen, "Then what? After Long Beiming took you away, why did he send you to the demon clan?"

Yuchen said, "Because he found out that I was fake.


After taking care of Xiao Yuchen for a period of time, Long Beiming noticed the demonic energy from Xiao Yuchen's body. It was very weak and was wrapped in the center by the black dragon's spiritual power, which was well covered.

Long Beiming knew that he had the wrong child. Xiao Yuchen should be the descendant of those sinners living in the corners of the world, and the real black dragon was mixed among those babies and was taken to the demon clan by the demon soldiers.

No one knows where the demons are.

Long Beiming consulted ancient books and searched for a long time before he and Xiao Yuchen found the entrance to the demon clan.

He originally planned to use Xiao Yuchen to secretly replace the real black dragon.

Anyway, everyone looks the same and has similar spiritual powers. He stole the real black dragon and put Xiao Yuchen in the demon clan. The demon clan couldn't find it for a while.

But when he infiltrated the demon clan, he discovered that the demon clan didn't even know which of those babies was the real black dragon.

In order to find the real black dragon, the demons adopted simple and crude methods.

Because the real black dragon must be the most powerful among this group of children.

So the demons conducted experiments on these children, and those who died were impostors, while those who survived continued to the next round of experiments.

Hearing this, a fire surged in my heart, and I said angrily, "Long Beiming knew that those children were being experimented on. He knew this, and he still left you in the demon clan! How could he do this!"

Even if he is not his biological son, Xiao Yuchen is innocent! Xiao Yuchen was implicated by his son, and the demons don't know Xiao Yuchen's existence at all. Long Beiming has no need to send Xiao Yuchen away.

Demon clan.

If he doesn't want him, he can just give him away. Why send him to the demon clan and let him be tortured!

Seeing that I was angry, Yuchen lowered his head and kissed my forehead, and said with a smile, "He wanted to use me to replace his son, but later found that it didn't work, so he wanted to take me away, but we were discovered by demon soldiers.



In desperation, Long Beiming left Xiao Yuchen behind and ran away alone.

I already have a rough idea of ​​what happened next.

Xiao Yuchen was tortured by the demon clan.

When they were about five or six years old, the demons made the surviving children kill each other.

Before Xiao Yuchen was killed by Wei Huang, Long Beiming suddenly appeared and took Xiao Yuchen away.

"Long Beiming told me that in those years he had actually been living anonymously in the demon clan. He had secretly visited Wei Huang. When he saw that Wei Huang looked more and more like his beloved woman, his heart gradually softened.

, reluctant to kill..."

Not only did he not want to kill him, he also wanted to be a good father and protect his son from growing up safely.

He knew that the Emperor of Heaven had been looking for him and the Black Dragon, so he made a plan.

First, he appeared in the Forest of Death and took Xiao Yuchen away.

Then, in order to coax Xiao Yuchen, he willingly went to heaven to die.

Long Beiming lied and said that Xiao Yuchen was Black Dragon and his son.

Xiao Yuchen has the power of the black dragon in his body, and there is also a dragon ball made of spiritual power, but after all, it is not a real dragon. The dragon ball is fake and others cannot tell the difference, but the dragon clan has a way to check the authenticity.

In order to deceive the Emperor of Heaven, Long Beiming gave all his Dragon Balls, Ni Lin and Dragon Tendons to Xiao Yuchen.

With the foundation of demon experiments, Xiao Yuchen integrated well with these.

After the integration was complete, Long Beiming took Xiao Yuchen to find the Emperor of Heaven.

According to the plan, he staged suicide to apologize.

Then he escaped to the demon clan and stayed by Wei Huang's side.

In this way, in the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, he was dead and the black dragon was caught.

Then he and the real black dragon will be safe.

The plan was perfect, but I didn't expect an accident to happen in the middle.

This chapter has been completed!
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