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Chapter 1177


Fang Ziming glanced at me and then replied tremblingly, "Yes... I picked it up.


Fang Ziming said that three months ago, his company encountered a financial crisis. If it could not receive projects and cannot get bank loans, then his company would have to go bankrupt.

But there is no money in hand, and the new project is a piece of fat. Many companies are keeping an eye on Qiao. With his conditions, he wants to beat other companies to get the project, unless a miracle happens.

He also went to the doctor randomly when he was sick. Hearing from his wife that the Qianshan Ancient Buddha was particularly efficacious, he went to seek help.

When he knelt in the main hall and asked the Buddha to bless him and successfully win the new project, the wooden sculpture fell from the nunnery.

It fell right in front of him.

"At that time, I thought this wooden sculpture was a child who came here to play, and I didn't pay much attention to it..."

The wood carvings looked too much like car ornaments, so Fang Ziming did not associate the wood carvings with Buddha at all.

Speaking of this, Fang Ziming said with regret, "If I knew that there was something living in this wooden sculpture, then I would definitely not dare to say the next words.


I asked him, "What did you say?"

Fang Ziming shivered even more, and said with a cry in his voice. At that time, he picked up the wooden sculpture and looked at the smiling face of the big-headed doll. It may have something to do with his own situation. He suddenly felt that it was pitiful for the big-headed doll to be left here.

So, he asked the big-headed doll, which fell in front of him, if it wanted to go home with him. But now he is in trouble. If the project cannot be won, he will file for bankruptcy and his house will be auctioned.

He's going to be homeless, so he can't take it home.

If the project is successful, he will take it home.

“As a result, several companies that competed with me had troubles one after another, and finally this new project really fell on me.

It was like a dream. When I got the project winning bid document, I couldn't believe it was true.


At that time, Fang Ziming thought that he could win the bid because of the miraculous effect of the Qianshan Buddha, and he completely forgot about the wood carving.

It wasn't until he went to fulfill his wish and was kneeling in the main hall that the wooden sculpture fell in front of him again, that he remembered that he had said that he would take the wooden sculpture home.

"It fell in front of me twice. I thought it was fate, so I took it home.


I felt strange and asked Fang Ziming, "Didn't the monks in the temple say anything to you when you brought the wood carving home?" If the wood carvings were ghosts placed in the temple for salvation, then the monks in the temple would have stopped Fang Ziming.

Just take the wood carving away.

Fang Ziming glanced at me guiltily and said in a small voice, "I took it back in my pocket, no one knows.


This big boss really refreshed my outlook.

He dares to take advantage of the temple! No wonder he beats his wife and then forces her to go to a nightclub to refund the tip.

He is really stingy!

I asked him, "Then what? What happened after you brought the wood carving home?"

Fang Ziming replied, "After I took it home, my career started to go smoothly. I felt that it had blessed me, so I donated it."


Fang Ziming thought that things would be smoother for him after he made the sacrifice, but what he didn't expect was that on the day he made the sacrifice, he had a nightmare.

He dreamed of a little boy in yellow clothes, about two or three years old, with a red rope tied around his neck, his hands stretched forward like a zombie, and he kept saying something while approaching him.

Fang Ziming didn't hear what the little boy said clearly, so he woke up with a fright.

The next night, he had the same dream again. In the dream, the little boy was more powerful than the previous time. He yelled and rushed towards him, and stretched his hands forward as if to kill him.

As if strangled to death.

Fang Ziming was frightened to wake up for two consecutive days, and Fang Ziming was so frightened that he could not even sleep.

He realized that there was something wrong with the wood carving, so at dawn on the third day, he took the wood carving to the Qianshan Buddha and secretly put the wood carving back.

"But as soon as I got back to the car, I saw this wooden sculpture again in the car," Fang Ziming cried in fright, wiped his tears, and said with a look of fear, "This wooden sculpture has been following me. I tried throwing it away."

Yes, burn it.

But no matter what I do, as soon as I turn my head, the wood sculpture will appear in front of me intact again.

I knew I couldn't solve this problem, so I asked a master. The master told me that there was a evil ghost living in this wooden sculpture.


I...I gave the wood carving to my wife...I swear, I didn't know it would kill my wife. I thought she was just having a nightmare.


It was just a nightmare, so he could give it away? He was afraid, but his wife was not afraid? Moreover, after knowing that this wooden sculpture could kill people, he hid the wooden sculpture in Manager Lu's car!

He killed Manager Lu and four members of the other party's family. He was equivalent to murdering five people!

I really want to return the wood carving to him, and then I won't care about it anymore.

He deserves to die!

Grandma Huang said to me, "Lin Xi, my old Hu can't see what is hidden in this wood carving. Can your cousin see it?"

I shook my head and said I couldn't tell.

"If we want to deal with ghosts, we must first know whether there is a ghost in this wooden sculpture.

Since we can't see it now, we might as well go to the Qianshan Buddha and ask the monks in the temple where this wood carving came from.

"Grandma Huang said to me, "Lin Xi, do you think this arrangement is okay for me?"

I can feel that she is ostracizing me and she doesn't want me to take care of this matter with her.

I pretended not to hear it and smiled at her and said, "Huang Xiangu, you are more experienced than me, so you can make the decision. I am your little assistant, just direct me to work."


Grandma Huang said, how dare she command the Third Master's younger brother Ma, then turned around and walked out of the office.

Hu Hukun smiled apologetically at me and followed me out.

Fang Ziming no longer dared to be alone. He wiped the tears on his face and followed after him out.

Menglou and I walked last.

There are five of us in total, and the car can fit in just enough.

Fang Ziming drove without saying anything. More than an hour later, we arrived at the Qianshan Buddha.

The Qianshan Giant Buddha is a tourist attraction, so although the temple is built on the top of the mountain, there is a winding road and you can drive up directly.

The car stopped and we got off and walked towards the temple.

When she reached the gate of the temple, Grandma Huang suddenly stopped. She turned her head and looked at Menglou with meaning, and then looked at me.

Seeing that I was confused and didn't understand what she meant, she frowned and said impatiently, "Lin Xi, this is a temple, a place blessed by the Buddha. It is full of righteousness and strong Yang energy.

Although as soon as we enter the hall, we all respectfully call him an immortal, but in the final analysis, we are still a beast that has not shed its mortal bones, a demon! Lin Xi, my old Hu has become an immortal, so naturally he can go in, but you

The little fairy next to me is not good enough. If he goes in, he will be hurt by the Buddha.

Just let him go quickly.


Look how awesome she is!

Hu Hukun became a Shangxian, and she also became proud of it. She already looked down on me, a disciple without a Shangxian.

I looked at Grandma Huang and said, "Huang Xiangu, there is no Shangxian among my cousins.


Grandma Huang looked at me with a smile. She felt like she was finally proud in front of me.

I ignored why she had this mentality and continued, "But there is a god in my hall! Huang Xiangu, the person next to me is not a fairy, he is a mythical beast. Not only can he go in, he can also accept worship.

, is your old Hu okay?"

There is a class difference between immortals and gods! Divine beasts are many times more noble than the practicing animal immortals!

Grandma Huang's face suddenly turned pale as if she had been slapped in public. She stared at me with jealousy in her eyes.

It was for my grandma's sake that I acted lowly in front of her. As a result, she thought I was flattering her and was being shameless.

Since she is shameless, I don't have to save face for her anymore.

I said to Grandma Huang, "My cousin is in charge of Fang Ziming's matter.

If Huang Xiangu thinks that I am stealing business, using a pornographic form, or cheating on the court, my court will be with you at any time!"

To file a yellow form is to file a complaint. Tell Fang Xian about the matter and let Fang Xian judge it.

It's a bit like two children fighting. If one child can't beat him, he goes to sue the teacher. This is very embarrassing, and ordinary teachers will not choose to do this.

Chongtangkou is the kind where two halls compete in a ring and sign life and death certificates.

Grandma Huang loves Hu Hu Kun so much that she would not let Hu Hu Kun sign a life and death certificate and fight.

When she heard what I said, her cheeks turned red with anger and she stared at me.

I ignored her and took Menglou into the temple.

Fang Ziming said that he picked up the wood carving in the main hall, so I went straight to the main hall.

There is a huge jade Buddha in the main hall. The Buddha lowers his eyelids, his face is neither sad nor happy, peaceful and peaceful.

It was extremely quiet in the main hall, with the pleasant smell of incense and candles floating in the air.

Maybe it's because of my cultivation. As soon as I entered the hall, I felt an invisible force rushing toward me. This force was very warm, wrapped around me, and slowly soaked into my body.

My whole body became warm and comfortable.

I am very happy to feel this way.

This shows that there is really a Buddha in this hall.

It is said that Qianshan Jade Buddha is very efficacious. Now that I feel this power, I believe this statement even more.

Nothing is as important as my lifelong happiness.

I knelt down in front of the Buddha, closed my eyes, and prayed devoutly to Yuchen that I and Yuchen could grow old together and be in love for the rest of our lives.

While I was silently making my wish in my heart, a sarcastic female voice came over, "Lin Xi, there are different paths for human beings and demons. It's useless even if you ask the Buddha. You and the Third Master will never get good results!"

This chapter has been completed!
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