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Chapter 829 Don't Look Back


It's just a thing that seeks to kill people, so what qualifications do you have to help people realize their wishes!

I said, "He will wake up. He is not that fragile. He will not be immersed in this false illusion! Phantom, become a whip!"

The phantom transforms into a long whip.

I swung the whip, rolled the long whip around Yun Ling's waist, and then pulled hard. Fortunately, Yun Ling was a child now, and as an adult, I pulled him easily.

He was dragged backwards by me, and I was afraid that he would attack me again, so I didn't dare to get too close to him.

He flew towards me, and I also stepped back, trying to pull him further away from the illusory woman.

But I didn't expect that when I pulled Yun Ling back, the woman also flew after me.

In the air, the woman stretched out her hand and hugged Yun Ling.

She was dressed in white and wrapped Yun Ling's little body in her arms. Then she said to me, "How do you know he doesn't want to be immersed in this false illusion? The reality is too painful. I understand his heart. I

I can feel his pain.

And you are the source of his pain.

He doesn't want to wake up, let alone see you.

You go.


As soon as she finished speaking, the woman waved her hand, and a silver-white light ball hit me.

The light was dazzling, like the high beams of two cars shining head-on on the street at midnight, blinding people's eyes and making them unable to see anything.

Even if I couldn't see it with my eyes, I couldn't wait to die on the spot, so I let go of the phantom, used my spiritual power and quickly retreated.

The eyes are stimulated by strong light and cannot see the surroundings for a while.

I pricked up my ears to be wary of women attacking me.

But the surroundings were quiet, and there was no sound of feet stepping on fallen leaves even when they stepped on the ground.

It's like everything around you has disappeared.

After a while, when my vision returned, I realized that what I just felt was not an illusion, but that the things around me had really disappeared.

I stood in the midst of paleness. The sky was white, the ground was white, and everything around me was white.

It was so white that there wasn't even a shadow on the ground.

I looked around vigilantly, called the phantom, turned into a long sword and held it in my hand.

Just when I was wondering where this was, a woman's voice suddenly came from behind me.

"Look over there.


I was startled and turned around quickly.

I saw that the woman was not in front of me, but a cloud of white gas floating in front of me. This gas was exactly the same as the gas I saw in my inner desire just half a step away.

It gives me the same feeling, it should be the same force.

More than half a step later, I saw her in my inner desire.

So she should belong to my power, but why does my power appear here?

I felt a little strange, but I didn't think about it carefully.

Because behind this cloud of white air, a picture appeared in a pale world.

The scene shown in the scene is in a secret room. The secret room is surrounded by stone walls. Four holes are drilled in the stone walls. A bronze faucet protrudes from the hole. The mouth of the faucet is wide open, and an iron chain as thick as a child's arm comes out of it.

The dragon spit it out from his mouth.

The iron chain stretched towards the center of the secret room, and was wrapped around a black iron sword.

It’s a sharp weapon!

The magic weapon was tied with iron chains and hung in the air.

In front of the divine weapon, stood a woman wearing a water-blue dress. She was Yu Ling, no, to be precise, she should be the sword spirit of the divine weapon.

Standing in front of Sword Spirit was a man wearing armor. The man was about seventeen or eighteen years old and had a handsome appearance. He looked at Sword Spirit with a smile in his eyes.

Sword Spirit pinched the corner of her skirt and turned it around, then asked the man with an innocent and expectant look, "Am I beautiful?"

The man looked at the sword spirit, a blush appeared on his cheeks, his expression was nervous, and he said with the greenness of a young lover, "Yeah.

You...you are beautiful.


Hearing this, Sword Spirit laughed happily. She circled around the man and said she was very grateful to him for bringing her new clothes. She had never worn such beautiful clothes.

Then, the picture kept changing like a revolving lantern.

There were men telling stories to the sword spirit, men carefully wiping the black iron sword, and men secretly bringing food over, teaching the sword spirit how to use chopsticks, and letting her try the food.

All these scenes took place in the secret room. The Black Iron Sword has not changed, and the sword spirit has not changed either.

The only thing that has changed is the men.

The man grew from a boy of seventeen or eighteen to a major general in his twenties.

The picture changes also slow down.

Finally, it stopped at Sword Spirit's crying face. The man coaxed her for a long time, but he couldn't coax her well.

Seeing that the sword spirit kept crying, the man had no choice but to say anxiously, "Stop crying, I promise you.


The sword spirit looked at the man with wide eyes, "Really?"

The man looked embarrassed, but faced the sword spirit's gaze, he nodded bravely.

"You are really great!" Sword Spirit cheered, "Don't worry, I will definitely come back! The Yangshi in your story is so beautiful and fun.

I’ll take a look and come back, I swear!”

The man walked to the wall, put his hands on the wall, and used magic to open the door of the secret room.

Seeing the secret room door open, Sword Spirit flew towards the door excitedly.

The man looked at her happy look and smiled, "Remember, you must come back.

Without you, this sword would be useless.


The sword spirit nodded hurriedly, then waved to the man and flew out.

Seeing this, I already had a rough idea of ​​what this was about.

This is the truth about the story Hu Jinyue told me about an ancient god who lost his magic weapon.

But why do you want me to see this?

While I was thinking about things, the previous scene was still going on.

The sword spirit never came back. At this time, the ancient gods were fighting the new gods, so someone soon discovered that the man had let the sword spirit go.

The man was arrested and subjected to various tortures.

Because Shenyuan can repair the body, he is always awake and cannot die even if he wants to.

In the end, after enduring the pain of being skinned and boned, he was dug out of the divine source and died in extreme pain.

However, this is not the end.

After the man died, an ancient god cursed him and asked him to retrieve the sword spirit, otherwise he would never have a happy ending!

The man's death was so tragic that I couldn't bear to see it.

At this time, the white air floated over again, and she said, "This man is Yun Ling.


I was shocked.

Bai Qi continued, "You are just a sword, you have no chance to experience the joy of this world.

For you, killing is your life and everything to you.

It was he who gave you the opportunity to come to this world with his life.

He was originally a phoenix with ancient divine veins, and he had a bright future.

But because of you, not only did he lose his noble status, he also had to endure a life without a happy ending.

Lin Xi, if you don't save him, he will die a tragic death in this life.

There is no antidote for the sea-dry stone insect, and it will slowly turn to stone until it dies.


"You're talking nonsense!" I said, "I have found the antidote and Yun Ling's poison has been cured!"

"Really? If he really detoxified, why did he become so weak? Lin Xi, you know that there is something wrong with his body, you just don't dare to admit it because of guilt.

"Bai Qi said, "Of course, you can still sit back and ignore him now. Anyway, he is willing to hold on. If he doesn't complain, you just pretend you don't know his suffering.

When in the end he can't hold on any longer and is about to die, you..."

"Stop talking!" I clenched my fists and looked at Bai Qi, "How can I save him?"

This chapter has been completed!
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